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Posts posted by Buffalonian-at-Heart

  1. Here's the whole problem. The Bills are void of talent. And when you're not as talented as the other team it's hard to act like your a tough guy. Take Whitner for instance. He wants so badly to be a trash talking, hard hitting safety, that opponents fear. The problem is that he has just average skills. It's hard to enact toughness, when you don't have the skill set to back it up.


    Every player evolves, at every point in their career. Like Stevie Johnson. If you watch film on him he was a vocal leader, a half time speech kind of guy. Well how the heck is he going to be that for the Bills? His play isn't good enough for anyone to listen. He would look ridiculous.


    High end talent is our issue.

  2. I'll start by saying I've been a Maybin defender up until a couple of weeks ago. I actually thought he was looking better. But I'm now almost convinced he's never going to put together an NFL career. The notion of "draft a project", doesn't even exist anymore, so I don't quite understand that argument. Maybin was a miss on a long list.

  3. If the Bills go the Luck-Mallet route, they have to bring in a more than adequate, probably major upgrade at LT. If it's just the O-Line that gets major upgrades, so be it. But throwing Luck or Mallet to the wolves and the track record of very early QBs drafted and the ones that don't pan out... in the end the Bills cannot screw this up. I'd say 2011 will rank as their most important draft in team history.


    I don't get this. Bell has been at the very least adequate. I think your still stuck on how the o line looked with Trent at the helm. This o line is playing decent. I'm now pleasantly saying their biggest issue is penalties.

  4. As we are debating this, in case anyone forgets, this is our current depth chart at LB.


    SLB Chris Kelsay

    MLB Andra Davis Akin Ayodele

    WLB Paul Posluszny Keith Ellison Arthur Moats

    JLB Reggie Torbor Aaron Maybin Antonio Coleman


    Since this list includes our starters it is awful, but could you imagine adding two real good LB's to this list, how incredible it would look. In my opinion there's some great depth there. It's just not a great starting grid, and void of high end talent. I know I'm stating the obvious, but if we make a couple moves this off season, this could quickly become a position of great strength.

  5. I have mixed feelings about Poz. He's one of our cornerstone players (hold on poz haters). But the question is what does that mean, and is that saying much?


    Does that mean he's the best on a team totally lacking high end talent, but in comparison to other cornerstone LB's, really not very good? Or is he individually more talented than he's able to showcase because of those around him? And therefor just simply needs upgrades around him for his potential to materialize? I'll submit when Poz is out, this team is noticeably worse and misses him sorely on the field. But again I ask, does this mean he's missed because of how good he is, or because the rest of the team is just that bad?


    These are the million dollar questions, and the heart of the debate.


    My personal feelings are;


    My heart tells me Poz can be an impact player if the supporting cast was better. But my brain tells me he just isn't a great talent. If you're great you're great, no matter who's around you. In fact your greatness elevates those around you, and they are the one's that look better because of you. If you can't inspire greatness out of others, how can you yourself be great? So in conclusion, I think Poz is a decent player. He's a good tackler and has a nose for the ball. He lacks the overall speed and strength needed to maximize his instincts. He's a hard working smart football player, that just doesn't have the god given skill set to be an impact Linebacker.

  6. To think that is not Favre is so freaking absurd. Do you guys live in lala land or what? First, if it wasn't him the first thing he would do is scream "Hey that's not my d*** or Hey, that is not my cell phone number or It can't be me I like guys!". I'd say anything so my wife doesn't take half. But what do we hear "I have to focus on the Jets right now, ask me about the football game". Favre does a great interpretation of Mark McGwire. I bet you all think McGwire didn't do steroids until this past April when he finally quasi admitted it. You probably think Lance Armstrong was clean too. Wake the F up. And one more rant, Favre's actions are not an error in judgement, sending naked pics of yourself to anyone that hasn't asked for them is predatory and perverted. He is not as bad as Rapist Ben, who should be in jail and out of football forever, but he is not very far behind. I know, I know Brett is an icon so lets protect him.


    Slow down little boy. The point of the post is not to argue whether its Favre or not. It's you don't know, so the only thing you can do is say I think it is. You need to wake up and learn how to read. How you got Favre's an icon and I'm trying to protect him out of what I wrote, can only be explained by your extreme stupidity. You're stupidity in this whole post is the only thing not an opinion.


    "He is not as bad as Rapist Ben, who should be in jail and out of football forever, but he is not very far behind." This sentence is proof positive of your denseness.

  7. This season has proven to me that, as I suspected, there is very little difference between the 3-4 and the 4-3. You got 7 hulking men either rushing the quarterback or dropping into coverage, trying to tackle people. How they line up is pretty inconsequential. We run the 3-4 (I guess), but most of the time it looks like a 5-2. I love how football know-it-alls try to pretend like there is such a huge difference like they're converting from playing rugby to playing tennis or something. It's all the same. I like the idea of getting Williams and Troup on the field at the same time though.


    M L, I read a lot of your comments and respect your opinions. But I've got to totally disagree with you in this one. How you line up is crucial and there are vast differences between the defenses. Not only from how you line up, but from a responsibilities and player skill set perspective. If I were to name our defense it would be a 4-3, we are definitely NOT a 3-4 defense. Yes, I notice we are in a 5-2 setup which is increasingly further away from the 3-4. This is when we start bringing the safety down to have some of the LB responsibilities (Scott).


    The huge difference beyond philosophy is the type of player needed for the OLB. Could you imagine Bruce Smith trying to play OLB in a 3-4 which entails having the coverage responsibilities? If the skill sets Bruce had were leaned upon to cover the TE etc., it would be easier to compare Tennis and Rugby.

  8. DaGimp said it best in an earlier thread I started....so I fiured this warranted its own thread. If you were GM/coach....who would you NOT CUT??? Heres mine...im interested to hear who you think is worthy of staying!!!


    Levitre, Evans, Jackson, Parrish, Shawn Nelson, David Nelson, Spiller, Fitzpatrick, and Wood.


    Troup, Stroud, K. Williams, Edwards, Moats, Florence, Wlson, McGee, and Scott.


    Moorman and Lindell


    NOTE....just one LB!!!


    This is preposterous. There's way more guys that you keep. Doesn't mean they are great players, but there's way more you don't put on a list of potential guys you move on without.


    How about: Carrington, Wang, Hangartner, Easley, Poz, Davis, Stupar, Stevie Johnson, Howard, Batten, Mcintyre, Urbik, Bell, Torbor, Ellison, and several others.


    You don't get rid of certain veteren's, your best special teams players, your developing players, and your depth. I can't believe you think every other player that's not on your little list is expendable.

  9. Mike Florio comes on the morning sports talk show in Charlotte NC every Wednesday. Guys like Florio take assumptions and try to say they're truths. He was asked to talk about a couple of topics.


    The first was the Favre situation. He interrupted the hosts and said "Lets not pretend that's not his voice on the voice mail, that's him. We've all heard him talk, that's his voice." It might be him, but lets not pretend that someone can't mimic his voice and potentially conspire Favre. What happened to letting the facts come out first?


    The second was the Moss situation, specifically with Brady. They were talking about Brady's involvement in Moss getting traded. The hosts were quoting Brady as he told some radio stations that he wasn't a part of Moss getting traded. Florio said "I don't believe that."He went on to say "There's no way a franchise QB, Super Bowl winning QB, isn't consulted in that decision. He was heavily involved in that decision, and there's no way they trade Moss without Brady's approval." Again, this may be true. But Brady said it isn't. So Florio just disregards what Brady says and concludes he's lying and it is true. Then starts writing articles saying it's fact, instead of that it's his opinion that Brady was consulted.

  10. Plenty of first round QBs far failed. However, when you try to rely on QBs from the later rounds, the failure rate is astronomically higher than in round 1. If you want a guy to be a franchise QB, your best bet is to draft one as early as possible. That doesn't mean just take any QB. But if a guy who you think is a "franchise" QB is available, you take him, no questions asked.


    Perfectly said Ramius. No questions asked, if you get the opportunity to pick from any QB in the draft, and you've convinced yourself as an organization he's a franchise QB, you do it.

  11. I've said this before, but Jauron, Fewell, and co. are looking a lot better now. Those guys could take the pile of dung we have and squeeze out 7 wins.


    Fewell is a talented coach, but I don't think it's fair to associate him with Jauron beyond that they coached in Buffalo together. In other words Jauron was horrible.

  12. I do not wish the man any ill will. The plain fact is he has not the slightest idea whether this rebuilding process will take 3 years, or 30. He simply is awful at building a quality organization with competent people at key positions, AND then leaving those people alone to do their job without his interference. We are nowhere, and it hurts.


    He's a control freak. He has to have his hand in on every little decision. He works around the clock because he can't trust those around him to do their jobs. He's not just worried about being the owner, he's trying to be the GM and Head Coach on the football side of the business, and he's trying to be the CEO to control every single penny spent. He's also telling the scouting department he's not dolling out the cash for a QB, so pick another position for the first round to evaluate. WOW!


    I think you give a 92 year old man, not even living in the State a little too much credit.

  13. It's pretty obvious, isn't it? Lynch would be the example. And where does this proven example suddenly turn into a request for 10 such examples to validate it? :unsure:


    You have one example and that proves how he is going to handle every personnel decision?

  14. I have been a big Fitzpatrick fan since before he was a Bill. Whatever top 5 pick we have next year, be it #1 or something a little lower, we need to take Best Player Available.


    If that is a QB - if there is one that is so cannot missing like a Peyton Manning / Drew Brees type, then fine. But please please do not take a QB because (as some on this board say) "we won't get the #1 pick again". That type of thinking is where picks like Jamarcus Russell and Ryan Leaf are born from.


    QB is far from the most lacking position on this team. We need OT badly, and we need pass rushers and competent D-linemen worse. Right now, I am not terribly convinced of the top QBs coming out being in that category. To me Mallett looks the best, followed by Luck, but neither appears to be top 3 material. Maybe top 5.


    BPA is the way to go and continue to keep going. Fitzpatrick could lead this team if he had a better supporting cast and the defense came then any chance at all.


    Using Ryan Leaf and Jamarcus Russell isn't telling the whole truth. Because there have been several instances where it has turned a franchise completely around. We all know who they are. So while I understand what you're saying, you have to pick one to get one. If you keep trying to get the 4th best QB in the draft and develop him, and that strategy is wrong then you're in the same spot anyway. You might as well just take the opportunity of getting the first one, and finally be able to choose which one you want out of all the choices. And you mock it in your post, but the reality is you might NOT ever get that chance again.

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