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Posts posted by Jdorn

  1. I don't see how anyone here is comparing what Vick did to anyone else. Cows and hunting are you kidding me? This guy had dogs secured to rape racks had them tortured with electricity and even had some of their teeth surgically removed. Mind you this was over an extended period of time not a one time random event. Anyone who thinks what Vick did wasnt totally inhumane really needs to watch the episode of dogtown where they rehabilitated 22 of the dogs rescued from Vicks compound. there is nothing even remotely similar between livestock, hunting and what this scumbag did. For the record yes I am against animal testing/torture and inhumane slaughterhouses as well. And as far as animal fighting being accepted in other parts of the world well lets just say the age of consent in the phillipines is 12 now how would you feel if that was your daughter or son for that matter would it be acceptable because its legal halfway across the world?

  2. SuperBills12, while I agree with you, I'm not sure if this was the right forum to bring the issue up.


    To those who have responded so far, I understand that you think the initial poster is being overly sensitive and making a big deal about nothing, as most of your jokes are not supposed to be taken seriously. However, if you think about it this way, maybe you'll understand where he's coming from. Our culture, for whatever reason (I won't go into it), has created a point to point connection between homosexuality and something being dumb, stupid, or otherwise deficient. Anyone who uses the word gay in this way is propagating this stereotype whether they mean to or not. I don't expect most of you to agree with or seriously consider this assessment nor do I want to dictate how you should and should not act (it's your life). However, try substituting a word that defines your own identity (whether it's your race, class, religion, etc) in place of the word gay and ask yourself if you or someone else in your social group (parents, friends, etc) might be offended if people devalued your identity with such regularity. Unless I've got SuperBills12 wrong, he doesn't mean that you are all homophobic but that you're feeding into this normal vs. homosexual binary by using gay to mean that something is bad, stupid, dumb, etc.


    I agree with this post I work in a medical retail setting with three 20 something year olds and they always call things gay. I told them yall better be careful with that as the wrong person might hear it someday.

    About 6 months ago a regional vp overheard one of them say this and had them written up. It was just a written warning as the vp is a younger guy and understood but none the less deemed it not appropriate.

    Well two months ago a paitient who is homosexual overheard this same person using this term and he wrote a letter to corporate as he was made to feel insulted and uncomfortable. Final warning termination with no chance for unemployment.


    I guess I'm of two thought patterns here. Homosexuals use the term gay pride. If indeed it was homosexuals who coined the term gay in this reference they should take no offense to it. Or if someone who was straight coined the term gay for homosexuals, a word which at its root means happy. Makes you wonder if this person was unhappy and searching eh?

  3. 1. He was a LB that left as a plan B free agent years ago I think. His mother actually played LB on a womens team but I can't recall his name. This doesn't surprise me though as sometime I can't recall my own.

    2. I think Marv

    4. John Madden

    12. "Don't bogart that Joint" Ricky Williams

    20. has got to be Jim Mora Sr.


    I believe you are referring to Marvcus Patton.

  4. Slamming Lynch for starting the lousy head nickname yes, and now I know its true, I'll probably slam him even more.


    Marshawn Lynch is the class clown of the team, when someone else gets attention Lynch doesn't want no part of it.


    Lynch is the type of player that can divide a locker room with a player like TO in it because there's not enough room for both of them. Its just my opinion based on what I've seen from TO and Marshawn , but they may not get along very well.


    Dumb, Da, Dumb, Dumb Biodome needs to stop acting like a three year old and grow up. :devil:



    Note: I'm going to add something just in case folks wonder why I am so upset with Marshawn. Its not because he broke the law, everyone's human, its his attitude afterward, making comments like I have a target on my back and woe is me without even telling everyone he was sorry.


    The very first time I really got to listen to Marshawn express himself as a Rookie, he had a young teenager interviewing him in training camp and the fella was only like 11 or 12 I believe and I remember thinking to myself, wow, does this fella really know how to reach out to the younger generation. Marshawn instantly became one of my favorite players.


    So thanks Marshawn, for not letting me down.


    Thanks for the edit Dog the Marshawn you just mentioned is who I believe he is. I think he needs to realize that playtime is over. I am truly hoping that while there is a bit of a target on his back he will see the crap he is dealing with is the result of his poor decisions not this said target. I think rather I know Marshawn is a good kid making poor decisions however if he continues to make these decisions it is only going to belittle a career that has potential to be something truly great. That would be a true shame and waste as well as a slap to a Bills fanbase that has been slapped around quite a bit lately.

  5. Awwww doggonit http://www.amherstbee.com/news/2007/1212/sports/119.html :devil:



    "I call him head, because he's got the biggest head in the locker room," Lynch said of his counterpart. "I look around the crowd and see a lot of "Action Jackson" signs and that don't sound too bad. But for me, I'm going to stick with head."



    hmmmm, You Big Dummy "the Biodome Lynch" has kind of a catchy sound to it, at least for the first three games anyway.


    Finally I get it you don't really care what we call Fred do you? It would appear that you are more concerned with slamming Lynch. All good but as a Bills fan I truly wonder if Lynch walks the straight and narrow will you still look for reasons to slam him? His dreads, his teeth or maybe his baggy jeans and multicolored jacket.


    As far as the nickname I could truly care less as long as we never have to call him traction Jackson.

    Nicknames are GAH anyway.

  6. Marshawn Lynch thinks he's beyond the law and when he breaks the law and gets caught and punished, its because he has a target on his back. Now his dumbass behavior has cost our team his services at the start of the so season so your damn right I think he has a big head.


    You can speculate all you want about what he meant, its still a lousy nickname and Fred Jackson doesn't deserve it.


    Of course Marshawn has a target on his back all famous people do for various reasons and with various results. Thats the price of fame and fortune. You are correct I speculate what Marshawn meant just as it is your opinion that "Head" is a lousy nickname neither of our points are fact they are opinion. I just think if Fred doesnt have a problem with the nickname why should anyone else?


    Marshawn is young and has made some mistakes true but has anything he has done really been that horrible? Do you not hope he gets his head screwed on right? I do, I believe that if he figures out how to make adult rather than idiotic childish decisions he will be a top back in the league.


    As Bills fans we should all hope for this. I love Fred he is smart and plays his donkey off, many here believe he is a better back than Marshawn. Reality is in my opinion Marshawn has the skill set to be a top running back in the NFL, Fred doesnt. While this is my opinion I promise you every NFL front office would agree with it.


    My opinion on Action Jackson as a nickname cliche and quite cheese filled.

  7. I like action Jackson :devil:


    I'm not sure why someone would come up with head Jackson, it doesn't even sound good.


    head Jackson for what? what does it represent? because Marshawn is the one with an inflated head so maybe he should just keep the nickname himself. :w00t:

    And on what would you base Marshawn having a big head? Without an example you are just spewing meaningless words. I see no reason why you would say Marshawn has an ego that is any more inflated than the majority of NFL players. I think Marshawn coined the nickname Head because look at Fred he isnt the biggest or fastest guy out there but he gets the job done. IMO and it would appear in Marshawns Fred has above average football smarts. I for one would agree with that statement.

  8. I hear alot of people calling this kid slow however I saw nothing in games last year or within the scouting clips that back up this claim. He did run poorly at the combine but many have said that was a fluke that was corrected by the pro day. Can anyone provide me evidence other than opinion on why people are calling him slow?

  9. I like Maybin a lot, but even I thought he should have stayed in school for another year. (Obviously, since he went in the top half of Round 1, he's probably glad he didn't listen to people like me.)


    I like the Maybin pick as well projects well as a olb situational de. He should have returned to Penn very true yet if he had he would have been a top five pick next year. I for one am hoping we arent picking that early thus I will take the gamble that this kid has infinite upside. I am happy with this draft so far.

  10. Good pick, Jairus Byrd should be a starter on openning day...Simpson is gone for sure now . Think about our safety depth .A converted WR , some white kid and who else ? an old guy who has been in the league for 7 yrs. ? We can get our right tackle later . I guess people should listen when the GM, Scouts , Head Coach all say they Like Bell at tackle, just maybe they see something in him like they saw in Peters... you know the undrafted FA pickup .


    Don't try to talk reason here are you crazy? You should be cursing every move we make. This kid is going to develop into one of the top safeties in the league. His toughness and ball skills are that good. I guess I won't let all the negativity here get me down as more than half the people complaining about this kid think we picked him as a corner. Since they didn't even get the fact of which position we picked him for why should we give any credence to what they may think anyway?

  11. Except Peters showed up in shape and had a legitimate pro bowl season, in fact all-pro seaso, the year before and they did not offer him a new deal. Kelsay had never done that ... I am not saying Peters is not to blame, he definitely escalated this thing to the point of a trade ... it didn't have tocome to this. But the Bills are also to blame for not being pro-active and paying him like a Pro Bowl LT instead of a middle-of-the-road right tackle after 2007. They tried to milk a cheap year out of the guy and got burned.


    Good point, however if you will recall Peters tore up his groin pretty bad at the end of 07 an injury which if severe enough can cause a permenent loss of explosivness and core strength. Based on his play in 08 I would say this might have been the case although we won't know for sure untill he shows up in shape for otas and either reverts to all pro level or continues to regress. I for one don't blame the FO for wanting to make sure this was the same all pro as in 07 before the injury before coughing up the loot.

  12. Peters would not have been one of our best players as he didnt want to be here. Kinda like a trophy wife who wont sleep with you looks good in pictures but pretty useless when the time comes to tango. Maybe he will actually let the Eagles utilize his wares however he will have to show that he has the desire if he doesnt the Eagles just got plucked.

  13. Is Freddy holding out at all? I was under the impression that because the bills only gave him a tender offer that he hasn't signed, he's actually still not under contract. To be at workouts, you HAVE to be under contract.


    Can someone clear this up?


    I'm not sure if he is or isnt under contract however he did work out with the team after the signing of Stroud he showed at workouts so I guess it isn't clear if he's holding out or not however I do know staying away isn't the path to being paid by the Bills.

  14. If he and his agent are touting his character, I find it hard to believe they'd renege on a contract. I guess you're being sarcastic.


    I thought Freddie was smarter than this. The Bills couldnt have made any clearer that if you want a new contract come prove it. Does he deserve a raise sure but holding out isnt the way to go about it. I didnt hear him complaining about collecting a check on our practice squad without other teams being interested in him.

  15. TO is a single man and a millionaire at that. Think about it Buffalo is a great city but it is blue collar and quite limited as to the mix of culture and ethnicity that you will see in Toronto. Toronto is the fifth largest city in North America. As far as things to do and opportunity its like comparing little league to the pros. One is a great city with some fun to be had the other is a world class city with a very large selection of entertainment options. And comparing the woman of these two cities well lets just say if I were a single millionaire I would rather spend my time in Toronto as well.

  16. You're damn right I'm Stone Cold. Growin up in Texas, my pappy was always a Bills fan, never quite knew why, he just always respected the way they played. Been a fan all my life. Now that I'm retired, have a little extra time, I'm able to follow my favorite team a little closer and I recently found out about this website. Hopin to go to some games this fall and whoop some ass. Got an Uncle in Upsate NY, I know there's some good hunting up that way. Do people at Bills games like to chug beers and whoop ass?


    Thats awesome that your a bills fan. I've never been much of an Idol worshipper but none the less thats bad Azz that Stone Cold is a Bills fan.


    Being a musician I've met many of the stars whose music I admire and it was almost always just like talking to anyone else except that the common ground of music always made conversation easy.


    The two exceptions to this were when I met Neil Peart and Thurman Thomas I was so in awe of these two men that it was all I could do to muster two words.


    Thank You.


    As far as TE goes I think he's a humble kid who really wants to be the best player he can be. This is why I think he and TO are going to work out well together.

  17. We have to realize that to err is humane and to forgive divine. Look, we know he made a mistake, but we'll need to wait for a court to decide the extent. Thing is, we don't know if the victim didn't jump in front of his car in a suicide mission, or if he had fallen and Dante couldn't see him lying in the road, or if there were extenuating circumstances with the weather, or if he had swerved to avoid the guy but he couldn't because the roads were wet...a lot to consider. As of right now he remains innocent, and there's really nothing more to say.


    Or if perhaps the most likely extenuating circumstance that his reaction time was diminished because he was intoxicated. I wonder if you would be so willing to forgive if it were your family member that was killed.

  18. Look, it's real easy to get preachy about mistakes when we've lucked out and didn't have a tragedy take place when we were stupid. Does that make us better, or simply luckier? Look, he has to have some repercussions, but let's let him have his day in court, find out what the whole story was, before we rush to judgment and ruin his life. Innocent until proven guilty is the 1st step, and if not, I hope he gets another chance to prove he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time to make a mistake. I'm sure he will have learned his lesson after going through such an ordeal.


    I do agree with this and I have certainly made many mistakes in my life some of them I have faced harsh consequences for others I got lucky on, however I never killed anyone. I do agree we need the facts before we crucify this guy and I was basing my statement on the facts being presented in this story being true. I know people take traffic oriented crimes a little less harsh than premeditated crimes and I don't think Donte intended to hurt anyone but poor judgement on his part cost someone their life (assuming he was DWI and indeed hit this person). It is a very slippery slope not to prosecute someone because they didnt mean to do it or grew up underprivilaged. I do know this fact for sure alot of people underestimate that when you are driving a car you are in control of a potentially deadly weapon. I really think his poor judgement and irresponsible decision making had severe consequences and for that he must pay the piper. Like the old song says don't do the crime if you can't do the time.

  19. Look, I know it's a tragedy that someone died, but Dante is still very young and just made a mistake - how many of us have driven over the legal limit before? - so I don't think we need to ruin his life because of one unfortunate incident. He grew up in poverty without many positive role models, and then was handed a ton of money after turning pro and we act surprised something like this happens? Get him some help, maybe take a year off from the game to get some counseling, have him perform some civic duty and raise funds for the family of the victim, and move on. It's not like he intended to kill anyone, plus he's a talented player who has a lot to contribute to the game still.


    You guys are simply bloodthirsty. In a couple years, after he's been rehabilitated, I say let him play. Hell, I'd like to see him in a Bills uniform if he can help the team on the field.


    For real? he broke the law in it looks like two areas DWI and it looks like failure to obey a traffic device and someone is dead. Thats not a mistake its a crime and the consequences for these actions should be dire. Just because alot of people do this it doesnt change a crime to a mistake. I just pray to God that you're not a cop or a judge.

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