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Posts posted by LeviF

  1. 4 minutes ago, Joe Ferguson forever said:

    about 25% of the US population is Catholic.  And this is how you defend your statement.  Not buying it.  You're clearly anti Catholic like so many far right extremists and hate groups.  They're real and pervasive in some parts of the country (think deep south and white hooded robes).  Sadly, our faith has its own subset of extremists.  To wit, B man....


    ok lol

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  2. 2 minutes ago, Joe Ferguson forever said:

    maybe it's your writing.  What did you mean by this?  Strike one implies a negative connotation, right?  or did you mean that there aren't many Catholics in the US sharing Mexicans beliefs?  You're right, I'm confused by your statement.  But I have some ideas....

    As I already said, the post was a rebuttal to the statement that Mexico and the USA share a culture. Those characteristics are strikes against that particular thought. 

    I have a lot of respect for medical doctors and the training and education required to obtain that title, but man you guys are literally the opposite of the “jack of all trades” trope. 

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  3. 9 minutes ago, Joe Ferguson forever said:

    The fact you don't like it reassures me that I'm hitting the mark.

    Not sure how you got to YOUR conclusion from what I've said which is that the bible is not a book to be blindly taken literally.  Ya know, the fundamentalist way.

    Re the last sentence, why do you consider Cartholicism bad as a Mexican characteristic?  You keep ducking this.  You said it.  I'm asking why.

    I didn’t say that, your reading comprehension is (again) demonstrably poor. 

  4. 3 minutes ago, Joe Ferguson forever said:

    Untrue.  I'm  a practicing Catholic.  Not ignoring anything.  Maybe you should read some of the New Testament writings on how to treat immigrants and the unfortunate.  Literal interpretation of the bible is what happens when some dummy ignores or is ignorant of the 2000+ year old historical context of the bible and to the writers of it. The informed understand the goals of many of the authors in the dire time period of the middle east at the time.  Context matters.  But admittedly, it's easier to take every word literally.  No study or thought needed.  A trip to the Assyrian portion of the British museum might help your understanding of the old testament era.  

    why do you dislike (hate?) Catholics

    yup.  A large portion of the stupid MAGA base and a threat to all who don't believe what they do...


    So the books of the Kings, the words of the major and minor prophets, all can be cast aside according to Catholic doctrine? I think not.


    I have no beef with Catholics (especially on Fridays during Lent).

    • Haha (+1) 1
  5. Just now, Joe Ferguson forever said:

    well a little concession is better than no concession.  so who among the great fundamentalist theologians decides what is and isn't literal.  What I see is the words that support their extremist agenda are to be taken literally and those that don't are ignored;  like the 10 commandments and the orange false god.


    I'm sure that the Bible has some words on literal idol smashing. 


    What are they ignoring? You're starting to sound like this: 



  6. 3 minutes ago, Joe Ferguson forever said:

    How old was Noah when he died.  Moses?  Was the earth created in 6 days?  Was the Ark story historical?  Were Adam and Eve really the first humans and were living blissfully in the garden  of eden?  C'mon.  Graduate from 1st grade religion class.  Parables by definition are not literal.


    If you can't speak in good faith what's the point of even replying? The vast majority of the Bible calls for a literal reading. Whether Genesis 1-11 does or does not has been debated by people smarter than us.


    Moses is an allegory? Again, what jew would have felt that way in the first century?


    And just stop with the parable *****. Parables are stories told to illustrate the point. But the *literal reading* would be that Jesus literally spoke the parables. Not that someone made them up later to make the teachings of Jesus easier to digest.

    • Haha (+1) 1
  7. Just now, Joe Ferguson forever said:

    Given that allegory was a common form of literature among old testament writers and that parables were extremely important in the new testament, what you say here is just plain ignorant.




    Leaving aside the types of literature found in the text, allegorical interpretations of a text do not preclude literal readings as well. Paul describes Abraham's baby mommas in an allegorical fashion in his letter to the Galatians; do you suppose that a first century jew did not believe that Abraham, Sarah, and Hagar were real people?

  8. 1 hour ago, Roundybout said:

    Replace “God” with “Allah” and see what kind of reaction conservatives would give 


    A bad one, naturally. And rightly so. America is historically a nation founded by deists and Christians, particularly protestant Christians.


    5 minutes ago, Joe Ferguson forever said:

    guessing u haven't been around many fundamentalists and they aren't included in your circle.  do u believe in a literal interpretation of the bible?  Many MAGAs do.


    As someone without much skin in that particular game, there's not much point in half-assed religion, which is what non-literal interpretations of a text that demands a literal reading results in.

    • Disagree 1
  9. Each night I climb the stairs up to my room.
    It seems I hear you whisper in the gloom.
    I miss your picture on the wall
    And your footsteps in the hall
    While I'm crying my heart out over you.

  10. 59 minutes ago, Chicken Boo said:

    "They should all be destroyed." - Robert Muldoon


    They're banned in the county where I live, yet they're all you see.  I take a machete with me whenever I'm outside with my kids, as I won't chance a thing.  


    I don't dislike dogs, but I never worry having my kids around our 3 cats.  


    At first I read "county" as "country" and found the contrast between a country saying "we're going to ban pit bulls" and "you see, around here people just carry machetes" really funny.

    • Haha (+1) 1
  11. 12 minutes ago, muppy said:

    you know gugny I am not disrespecting people who don't like or fear the breed known as pittie.  Hundreds of thousands of owners of mixed


    mutt dogs whom contain that DNA would disagree with you. Ban them too?


    Where do you draw the line. That's one thought for starters.

    Well ideally it’s not a line, it’s a point, and it’s usually somewhere on their leg. 


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  12. 5 minutes ago, Roundybout said:

    Migrants from Mexico and Latin America share an extraordinary amount of culture with the Southwest US. Derp.

    Like what? Pray tell what culture do Venezuelans share with Arizonans?


    Mexicans are overwhelmingly catholic (strike one), often mestizo (strike two),    and don’t share a language (strike three). Spicy food is not a culture. 

    • Disagree 1
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  13. Quote

    On Friday, Clark also said that Jose Ibarra is not a US citizen, but Clark did not know his immigration status at the time. 11Alive reached out to Customs and Border Protection and ICE, seeking clarity. 

    On Sunday, Lindsay Williams, a spokesperson for ICE, stated U.S. Customs and Border Protection had previously arrested Ibarra in September of 2022. She adds that he "was paroled and released for further processing."


    Williams added that nearly a year later, Ibarra was arrested by New York Police and charged with "acting in a manner to injure a child less than 17 and a motor vehicle license violation." However, she noted he was released by police before a detainer could be issued. 


    Over the weekend, Ibarra's wife spoke exclusively with the New York Post about the shocking crime, saying, “We got married so we could join our asylum cases...He was the person I thought I could see through. We’ve known each other our entire lives."

    So not only “paroled” by ICE (which means illegal) but committed a felony with a sham marriage in order to facilitate an easier asylum claim. 


  14. 3 minutes ago, Roundybout said:

    The American Dream is for anyone who wishes to be an American citizen. Simple. 

    You obviously hate this, and therefore you are an enemy of American idealism. Been reading Marx lately?


    American idealism implies some competency and/or lack of malice in our government. One or both of those are currently wanting. 

    And like I said. You think America is, at best, an economic zone or a proposition, rather than an actual nation. 

  15. 1 hour ago, Roundybout said:


    The American Dream lives on, whether you like it or not.

    You offer a lot of leftist platitudes and all the nonsense that comes with it but no actual substance. 

    Who is the American dream for? What is “America?” Your answer to the first question seem to indicate that your answer to the second isn’t anywhere close to an actual nation. Which is why your opinion should be cast aside. 

  16. Just now, Doc said:


    Yes.  But children of legal immigrants should absolutely be citizens. 

    How far does that run? One legal immigrant good? Or it has to be the mother? Employment authorization? Or residence? Or already naturalized?


    See there’s a lot more to this than simple magic dirt. Being born in America makes one an American as much as being born in a barn makes one a cow. 

    • Haha (+1) 1
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