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Posts posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. I don't think any of us knows him well enough to say he is a nice guy.

    And he is not an above average QB, at least not in the NFL he isn't.


    He's devoted to the city of Buffalo, said he wanted to clean up the streets, and he interacts with the fans at training camp perhaps more than any other player.


    And I'd be interested in your opinion on all these backup QB's that are so much better than JP. Let's look to the AFC east. Kellen Clemons? Cleo Lemon? Matt Gutierrez?


    Or would you rather see Kyle Boller in there? Maybe Jared Lorenzen? How about Charlie Frye?


    Who are these NFL backup QB's that are better than JP?

  2. The first fumble.


    The Bills were in a hole to start.




    The false start penalty and delay of game penalty... And numerous barely got it off plays.


    JPL does NOT bring stability to the game. He is like a broken metronome.


    Holy sh*t, you're actually going to blame that fumble on JP? It was Melvin Fowler's fault, JP was being tackled before he could even hand the ball off to Marshawn. This is ridiculous. I guess we have our official scapegoat, and it's unfortunate because JP is a nice guy and, more importantly, an above average backup QB.

  3. There is something being missed in all the analysis of why the Bills lost yesterday. Some are blaming the defense and some JP.


    Before someone starts in, I don't think you can blame Trent. A lot more than 73.4% of porcelain dolls would have been knocked out by that hit.


    If you were objective and only looking at the surface, you would have to blame the defense. They NEVER got off the field on 3rd down until the 2nd half and rarely then. But if you did that you'd be failing to understand the strange strategy they employed once Edwards went down.


    The defense had a great third down rate all year and yesterday they can't even make ONE stop? It may not be obvious, but that was on purpose. The Bills went into "bend but not break" mode to try and shorten the game. By letting the Cards stay on the field, they kept JP off. They would not have done this to Trent. The part that is really the defenses fault is that when they had to stop the score, they could not. You can't give them 100% of the blame for that, because they had put their own backs to the wall on purpose. Most of the fault has to go on JP's shoulders.


    In summary, I would blame the time of possession stat 100% on JP. I would split the overall blame for the loss 85% JP, 15% defense.


    Ok wait, are you being sarcastic, or are you actually suggesting the Bills purposely allowed the Cardinals to drive down field all day? That makes literally zero sense and if you're being serious (which i sort of doubt) then you are an idiot.

  4. The last four Wall of Fame honorees:

    2008: Bruce Smith - likely first-ballot Hall of Famer, Class of 2009

    2007: Steve Tasker - Hall of Fame semifinalist

    2006: Andre Reed - Hall of Fame semifinalist

    2005: Thurman Thomas - Hall of Fame, Class of 2007


    They look worthy to me ...


    Well put, the wall is our version of number retiring, what's wrong with it?

  5. Great to hear that enthusiasm. :thumbsup:


    [Can you imagine if the Jets were 4-0? They would have to plant new forests, for the news print, and install more pipes in the Internet, to accommodate all the ass kissing.]


    Actually, they did a new study and it turns out the internet IS a big dump truck, and not a series of tubes as Senator Stevens thought.

  6. I think its freaking awesome :lol: Cubs Suck. Cubs < RJ


    I'm not a Cubs fan by any stretch, but as Bills fans shouldn't we empathize with their misery?


    Besides, I like Lou Piniella.

  7. Yeah he sure looked bad on the Evans TD pass against the Rams :lol:


    Seriously, there was an article in the Buff News 2-3 weeks ago about their strategy on throwing deep balls. Schonert wanted the QB's to "drop the ball down a chimney" (I remember that phrase) and let the WR's be able to make a play on it. So he wanted the high deep throws



    Found the story, Here It Is


    Good article.

  8. By the way, we have a live stream if anybody's interested




    the links in the upper left of the screen...not to be pushy, but we're encouraged to advertise the station and the website anywhere and everywhere


    Also, I co host a couple sports talk shows (Saturday 8-9 AM and Sunday 7-8 PM) where theres a good deal of Bills talk if anybodys interested in something other than Schopp and the Bulldog haha. Except of course I don't do the Sunday show when the Bills have late afternoon games :worthy:

  9. Thanks for all the input, everybody...unfortunately the station is an all rock format, so no techno


    Another one I'd like to add is anything by Andrew W.K, it's perfect intimidation music...hes got a song called Ready To Die that pumps me up

  10. give him some chances, he may step in as the relief #2 due to injury. anyone else think he has serious potential, i think he is going to be the spark plug like ahmad bradshaw was with ward & jacobs


    I can't think of two less similar running backs than xavier omon and ahmad bradshaw.


    In any case, if it ain't broke don't fix it. Lynch and Jackson are rolling along just fine for the moment. Besides, Omon has been inactive thus far I believe along with most of our rookies.

  11. By the way, there's a point to this thread. I'm DJing tomorrow from 7-11 on WVBR 93.5 Ithaca, and at 10 o clock we do a thing called the Top 10 at 10 where it's an hour of songs about a specific theme.


    This week I'm doing the Top 10 Songs That Pump You Up For The Bills, and I was hoping for some input

  12. Just curious, what music does everybody play to get themselves (more) pumped up on Sunday mornings before the Bills are on?


    Saturday night, I sleep in my Poz jersey following a Nittany Lions win, get up on Sunday morning and listen to AC/DC's Thunderstruck and Guns N Roses' Welcome to the Jungle on repeat.

  13. Poz definitely deserves the nod at this point. His statistics aren't exactly ridiculous (26 tackles, 0 sacks, 1 fumble recovery), but anybody who's been watching knows what a good field general he is and how many incomplete passes he's caused both with his pass rushing and coverage skills.

  14. I coach my 9-year-old son's football team. Since the first day of practice in pads, my entire coaching staff has stressed staying away from the collar, neck and helmet when tackling. It is true that horse-collar tackling is among the most efficient ways to bring a runner down, but the dangers are too severe to allow anyone to use the technique.


    Well, this past Saturday, our opponent used it throughout the game. On a number of occasions, at least nine times by my count, our ball carriers were brought down by horse-collar tackles. Each and every running back on my roster left the game injured from this type of tackle at least once during the game. We have not had any problem like this in our previous games or scrimmages.


    I spoke with the officials after the first occurrence of this type of tackle Saturday. I was told that this type of tackle is legal in our league; although, one official noted he feels it should be illegal.


    I am shocked that this type of tackle is not yet banned everywhere. The NFL outlawed it during the 2005 offseason and the NCAA did the same before this season began. But I have just been informed that the NFHS rules don't address it, so it is legal still.


    I am shocked and pissed. So my question to you guys, and I know I will get varying responses, do I have a right to be pissed or am I overreacting. I mean, I know there has been a whole lot of injury-free football played without that type of tackle being banned, but I think certainly is new and increased culpability for the county now that the dangers are so apparent and well publicized; especially, when it has been brought to the league's attention that a team used this technique numerous times in one game.


    What do you guys/gals think?


    Scribo, you are absolutely 100% right, and for two reasons.


    1. Somebody could get seriously hurt. The NFL didn't ban horse collars because it causes discomfort for the players, they banned horse collars because it's been proven that they can cause severely broken collar bones and even spinal cord injuries if performed a certain way. To me, it is ridiculous that the NFHS hasn't put a stop to horse collar tackles. It's bad enough that a 30 year old professional who gets paid millions has to deal with horse collars. Its 100 times worse that adolescents with their whole lives ahead of them who just want to play some ball have to run the risk of being tackled that way.


    2. It just isn't the right way to tackle. Pop Warner football and high school football are supposed to prepare kids for the college game and (in some cases) the professional leagues. One of the biggest trends I've noticed in defenses over the recent past is the inability to perform good, solid, fundamental, wrap-em-up-bring-em-down tackles. Kids want to perform horse collars because they see their heroes doing that kind of thing on SportsCenter and feel like copying them. They should be learning the correct way to tackle. Embrace the ball carrier and throw him to the ground when he's within your reach. Push him out of bounds or trip him up by the lower body if he's gotten past you. None of this horse collar stuff.


    Unfortunately, a high school or Pop Warner player is probably going to get seriously hurt (somebody probably already has) before we see a rule change. It's really a shame.

  15. In today's NFL, I don't think it is the BIG 3 anymore, I think it is the Big 4... possibly Big 5. The backup runningback is becoming critically important and makes the 4th (we got a winner in Jackson). The argument for the fifth of the Big 5 is the TIGHT END! That's one thing I think the Bills will need to think about getting... unless they have him already, who knows


    You're trying to talk about the 5 most important offensive positions and you don't include the offensive tackle on the QB's blindside? Peters' success this season will be waaay more important than Fred Jackson's.

  16. I met a very nice couple here in CT that are good friends with Blake. They told me what a great kid Blake was and had some very nice things to say about him. He is the kind of player I love to root for-


    and he kicks ass on special teams!


    Blake Costanzo = new Josh Stamer

  17. If he keeps playing like this he'll be one of the top FA CB's.


    Unfortunately, I think Jabari will be too expensive to keep. Even though most casual fans haven't heard of him around the league, you can bet your bottom dollar that scouts and GM's have. However, we do have Youboty, McKelvin, and Reggie Corner (looked real good in preseason) waiting in the wings, so we shouldn't be in too much trouble.

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