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Posts posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. I'm having a fun time imagining the conversation between Favre and Romo


    Romo: My pinky hurts, I have to be out for a month


    Favre: Just play, you kitty and stop being such a little prick


    Romo: Let me ask Jessica if it's ok



    I think Romo should play if he wants to prove he's the leader of the team and not just a celebrity who happens to play football (something he seems to be turning into). Imagine the multitude of aches, pains, strains, and sprains Favre has endured during his 258 game streak of consecutive starts. The QB is the general and if he isn't incapacitated to the point that he can't help the team, then he ought to be out there.

  2. If you're worried about convincing the doubters, this game won't do it.


    1. Bolts have (some) injury woes. Bills are coming off a bye.

    2. Bolts are making the cross-country trip for a 1:00 game.

    3. Botls, if they lose, will be only 3-4, and doubted themselves.


    Not saying that I believe, but that's what the doubters would say.


    Agreed. I don't think we have one single game this year that will make the public or the media consider the Bills an elite team. Let's say we beat the Chargers. It's east coast versus west coast and we had the advantage being at home. Let's say we beat the Broncos. Their defense sucks. The Patriots? They don't have Brady. We might get some attention for beating the Jests because ESPN thinks Brett Favre is Christ Risen but that's about it. Unfortunately we'll have to win in the playoffs for anybody to buy us as legit contenders.

  3. Well I meant above the necessities. But show me someone who can't afford food. When was the last time you heard of an American that died because they didn't have access to food.


    Well I don't have any facts, figures, or expertise on the subject but I'd be willing to bet it happens more than you or I would imagine. But if it doesn't happen, then that's the result of programs like welfare and food stamps.


    But here's what I think about the free internet. We've reached the point where the internet is an invaluable, almost necessary, source of information and education for children. There's a viscious cycle out there which prevents the children of poverty from rising above their situation and lacking the tools to compete intellectually with their wealthier peers is one of them. They don't have the internet. If they go to school, they probably have outdated textbooks and cramped classrooms. Of course the internet isn't a "right" but if it provides more equal opportunities and helps impoverished Americans pick themselves up by their bootstraps I'm all for it.

  4. Ok let me be clear about this. When you give $$ to cancer research on behalf of someone, you're doing it with the hopes that your money will do some good. Like saving the !@#$ING LIFE of the person that "persuaded" you to give money.


    When you give money to cancer research, it doesn't help one specific person, it helps thousands and thousands of people. Is it bad that she deceived these people? Yes. But does that cheapen the money and time volunteered by those people? No. There's a flip side to every story. What we read is an article about a woman who lied to her friends and neighbors, but if you read between the lines it's a story about a town that banded together to fight cancer. No matter what the cause is, that's never a bad thing.

  5. So she did this for cancer research and not to create her own massive !@#$ing pity party? I see. See you next tuesday B word!


    Ok let me be clear about what I'm saying. Clearly, SHE didn't do this for good reasons, but did her actions actually do more harm than good? I don't think so. I mean, who (besides for hurt feelings) got hurt by this?

  6. She also taught them about scam artists. :lol:


    Well did she take the money raised for herself? Reading the article, it didn't seem like she profited in any way, but if that's the case then I'm wrong.

  7. No, he has every right to complain about that and I agree with him that the league is getting too pansy-ish. Either that or the league is simply trying to bring in more money by levying more fines for hits that are part of the game.


    But to say these guys "wouldn't have enough money" after paying the fines is a bit ludicrous.


    I think he's exaggerating about the money thing to get his point across, a point which I agree with particularly when it comes to hitting quarterbacks. QBs are football players just like everybody else on the field, but they aren't allowed to get hit like everybody else? Why is it encouraged for a special teams gunner to plant the punt returner into the ground, while a LB who blitzes and hits the QB solidly beneath the chin gets a fine and suspended?


    On a similar note, how many times has Ladainian Tomlinson facemasked the man he's stiff arming without being penalized? Why the double standard when it comes to big name players?

  8. I don't use the "C" word much, but she deserves it.


    I hate to be the devil's advocate, but did she not raise awareness and a lot of money for breast cancer research? Does it really matter if she had cancer? She exposed the gracious and giving hearts of an entire town and probably gave hope to others around her who actually were inflicted.


    I'm not saying what she did isn't morally questionable. But it seems to me that the net effect of her actions was probably a positive rather than a negative, and I'd guess the same goes for her two previous towns.

  9. Once upon a time, in a village, a man appeared and announced to the

    villagers that he would buy monkeys for $10 each.


    The villagers, seeing that there were many monkeys around, went out to

    the forest and started catching them. The man bought thousands at $10

    and, as supply started to diminish, the villagers stopped their effort.

    He further announced that he would now pay $20 for a monkey.


    This renewed the efforts of the villagers and they started catching

    monkeys again. Soon the supply diminished even further and people

    started going back to their farms. The offer increased to $25 each, and

    the supply of monkeys became so small that it was an effort to even find

    a monkey, let alone catch it!


    The man now announced that he would buy monkeys at $50! However, since

    he had to go to the city on some business, his assistant would now buy

    on behalf of him.


    In the absence of the man, the assistant told the villagers. "Look at

    all these monkeys in the big cage that the man has collected.


    I will sell them to you at $35, and when the man returns from the city,

    you can sell them to him for $50 each." The villagers rounded up all their savings and bought all the monkeys.







    They never saw the man nor his assistant again, only monkeys everywhere!


    Now you have a better understanding of how the stock market works."


    Funny you should mention this, I've got a monkey and I'm looking to sell. Any offers?

  10. That is the crazy talk. Trent is solid, but Matt Ryan will be 10x the QB that Edwards will be.


    No, you're wrong. Matt Ryan was taken 3rd overall and Trent Edwards was taken 92nd overall, so Ryan will be approximately 31 times the QB that Edwards will be.


    But seriously, they're both leading young teams to surprisingly good records, can't we call it a wash right now?

  11. i'm not sure i want anyone "teaching" my children "about patriotism"....


    Right on brother, it seems that in this country we don't like to let our children create their own opinions about the positives and negatives of being an American, we tend to force patriotism (though a better word is nationalism) down their throats.


    In grade school, kids learn all about Columbus but not the genocide he committed. They learn all about World War II but not internment camps. They learn all about Manifest Destiny and American expansion, but not the Trail of Tears.


    I know this Patriotic Eagle picture is innocent enough and all, but it also seems to me to have a subversive side. Show kids enough Pro-American symbology and propaganda and they'll buy into the whole "America is the best country in the world" ideaology without ever questioning it.

  12. and...Wow...the game would have been entirely different if, on the defensive series after the losman to evans bomb, either 1. youboty makes a pretty easy interception or 2. ryan denney stops hightower in the backfield (as he easily should have) on a third down play. AZ was really not looking good until hightower made that play. an interception or three and out changes the whole complexion of the game.


    the defense, quite simply, did not give the team a chance to win.


    i know this is several days late, but i usually have to download the games. the advantage is that i have complete control and can watch several plays over and over. one other conclusion: Adrian Wilson deserves a beat down somewhat for edwards, but more so for ripping off lynch's helmet.


    Yeah, I remember that play with Lynch. Adrian Wilson ripped off his helmet while making the tackle and then some other dude kicked Marshawn in the head while he was down (not 100% sure this was on purpose), and not a single personal foul was called. Combine that with the hit on Trent, and I think it's safe to say Wilson played a very dirty game. The refs should have used their flags more on these illegal hits and less on the ridiculous amount of offsides they called on both teams.

  13. I was born in 67. My earliest memories was watching the game that OJ exceeded 2000 yards for the season. I don't recall the specific year or even opponent. I also remember the 'electric company' and 'the Juice' slogans & the OJ commercials.


    The Frank Reich comeback game. I was 4 years old so I don't remember the specifics too well, but I remember my dad going batshit crazy when we won.

  14. I think it has boiled down to this. Schobel has been excellent against the rush and deficient against the pass. Anybody disagree?


    There are two facets to defense and for some reason people only pay attention to the pass rush when it comes to DE's. The opposite, i think, can be said for the way people look at DT's.

  15. It makes it more fun for the rest of us. I've never read so much criticism of a 4-1 first place team in my life -- most of it from fans who haven't seen a Bills' team 3 games over .500 since they were in the crib.


    I completely agree, but I wouldn't stress out too much about it. There are going to be haters on this board whether we finish 4-12 or 15-1. The Bills could beat the Chargers 28-0 week 7 and people would be complaining about our offensive line or whatever else bothered them. Whining feeds this board unfortunately, so I try to not let it get to me.

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