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Everything posted by BuffaloBill

  1. Sanders had an other worldly combination of power, speed and balance. Maybe the only other player to have anything similar was Bo Jackson.
  2. Do you think that the majority of women involved in such lifestyles or “trades” are doing so because of free choice?
  3. Eli Ankou NFL 360 documentary about his work with indigenous people Eli’s Foundation Website Good work on Eli’s part. It’s tremendous that he is using his NFL platform to raise awareness.
  4. https://www.drive.com.au/news/2018-2021-bentley-continental-gt-and-flying-spur-recalled/ Wow, that is a simple potential explanation for the crazy acceleration and speed in a spot designed to make it difficult for people to rapidly navigate barriers.
  5. Shows every Eagles “tush push” this season. They really have perfected the play. Hurts makes it work as Minshew was not as effective.
  6. Thanks for the info. The trick with all of these subscriptions is to remember to cancel before auto renewal. That’s the game they all want you in. They hit your credit card because you lose sight of it.
  7. Some things are better left in private. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!!
  8. Not a tesla, ‘eh’…. See, we can speak their language….. You’re blowing a hole into my peameal bacon and beer demands. Has to be from Canada to the US…
  9. Someone trying to relive 1812 all over again? It started then with the Canucks burning a bar down in Buffalo. What drinking establishment was this crazed Tesla driver after this time? I vote that we not have a repeat of the war again. We can just call it even if the Canucks will just send us all of their beer and peameal bacon. They can throw in a few truckloads of poutine and butter tarts for good measure. Oh, and let’s just say Rush is an American band for good measure. Agree to these terms and the Americans will not retaliate with any northbound Teslas.
  10. They will all hunt you down, including the cyber B word who will support her kind.
  11. Stats from Bills The Bills show him with 6. PFF says seven PFF claims he has seven Buff News says he already has $250,000 Yes, I know there is another Ed Oliver thread but this specific clause in his contract is worthy of paying attention to. Additionally, it points out another example of where PFF is a questionable source of information. The bottom line is that 2 more sacks on the season gets Ed another payday of an additional $250,000. Ed has also said he hopes a 1/2 sack comes from an assist with Von. It would be really cool if the final 1/2 needed is exactly that.
  12. This is a regular quarrel between the wife and me. I was taught to do this back in the stone ages when you learned to type on an ancient manual typewriter. It’s sadly muscle memory for me. Sadly, I have to admit I am wrong.
  13. If you can’t toss your cookies, what’s left in life?
  14. Our starting TE for the next decade. I look forward to big games between JA and Kincaid. They’ve only begun to scratch the surface…..DOOT!!!!!!
  15. Wives seem not to understand our blind loyalty and stupidity when it comes to fandom.
  16. I have to admit that in all of my wasted years here reading and writing one inane post after another, yours is at the top of the heap. Well done. I remain truly baffled at how you processed the thoughts to come up with this.
  17. What a great play when you end up on the right side of it. Hail Mary’s hardly ever work but they are a blast when they work out in your favor.
  18. 99 problems on the wall…. 99 problems on the wall… take one down, pass it around ….. 98 problems on the wall….
  19. One dimensional team. It would be tough in any era for the RB to carry the team load alone in the playoffs. His QB’s were: Rodney Peete, Bob Gagliano, Andre Ware, Erik Kramer, Dave Krieg, Scott Mitchell and Charlie Batch.
  20. https://www.amazon.com/Bye-Barry-Sanders/dp/B0CGP3QJYH?nodl=1&dplnkId=1c2ba690-009a-431f-9f51-b14972e47f1c I have not watched it yet but Prime has just released a documentary on Barry Sanders. In my book he is the best pure running back to play the game. I could watch his highlight clips all day. It’s so sad that his career was wasted in a bad to middling Detroit franchise.
  21. Yep, been to Tony Packo’s and sadly it seemed to be more of a tourist trap than a for real place to eat.
  22. Well he does spend time around here with all of the lunatics…….
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