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Posts posted by BillsZubaz

  1. Amen to the Eric Wood getting healthy and mobile again. That injury was devastating. Load bearing injuries on big men can ruin them for mobility even if they have the grit. Here's to this young guy. :wallbash:


    Agreed. I don't know why but I am hesitantly optimistic about his return. But this is probably just wishful thinking.

  2. :wallbash:


    Wendling is a freak on special teams. He is athletic freak in general. The guy will never be an every down player, but I think he very much so fits this criteria. He lead or was in the top of Bobby Aprils "rating" system on special teams every year...


    I would also add Eric Wood to this list (if he is healed). Geoff Hangarter (sp) too.

  3. OK, folks, who did Bill Cowher suggest to the Rooney family to succeed him as Steelers HC?


    Chan Gailey.


    If you believe that there was never a chance in hell the Cowher would coach the Bills, who would be the next best guy to hire? Hmmmm, how about Cowher's choice?


    Ummm, Chan Gailey.


    I'm pretty happy with the hire of Gailey.


    An offensive minded guy.


    Winning record as HC of Dallas, with 1 playoff game in 2 years.


    And probably cost effective enough to give Chuck Lester a nice raise.


    What? Chuck is gone?!? Oh well.


    2 Playoff games in 2 years. They were 1 and done both seasons. BUT that Dallas team was a dying star. They had a 5-11 record the following year. I think its telling that Jerry Jones has gone on record saying that he regrets firing Chan after the second year.

  4. Kyle Williams would make a better 3-4 NT than Stroud at this point.

    Here is what I would do with the starting lineup. I am only going to work with players that are currently signed. I realize personnel will change, but I won't speculate on that in this projection.


    CB 1 - McGee

    CB 2 - McKelvin

    Nickel - Florence

    Dime - Corner


    FS - Byrd

    SS - Whitner


    OLB - Maybin

    ILB - Poz

    ILB - Mitchell

    OLB - Scott, Ellison, or Draft (Needs to be addressed big time)


    DE - Stroud

    NT - Williams

    DE - Schobel

  5. And your point is with him being there for 6 years when that article was published?




    Go through my post history, if anything Woody stole that quote of mine. Then again the connection is pretty easy to make... Also Around the Horn doesn't get here untill tomorrow (ESPN America, i'm european, so i havent been able to even see around the horn had i wanted to).



    It very well may not be broadcast until tomorrow, but I have read a similar quote on this website and ESPN several times already. If he stole that from you I say kudos for creativity. I still find it to be an in accurate statement, however.


    Jauron has had 1 winning record in the NFL. Chan Gailey conversely has seen success (sometimes moderate) everywhere he has been.

  6. Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chan_Gailey


    However, he never defeated Tech's biggest rival, the University of Georgia, never won the ACC, never went to a BCS bowl, never won more than 9 games, and never finished in the top 25. The 2006 season was his most successful at Georgia Tech winning the ACC Coastal Division, but losing his last 3 games to rival UGA, Wake Forest in the ACC championship game and West Virginia in the Gator Bowl.


    Conclusion: propaganda by the FO


    Source: http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/recap?gameId=263360059

    Georgia Tech (9-4) had a chance to tie the game or take the lead, but punted when coach Chan Gailey opted not to go for it on fourth-and-13 from his 18 yard-line.


    Georgia Tech (9-4) had a chance to tie the game or take the lead, but punted when coach Chan Gailey opted not to go for it on fourth-and-13 from his 18 yard-line.


    It was one of several questionable calls for Gailey, who went for it on fourth-and-1 from Wake's 13-yard line in the third quarter. Ball failed to pick up the first down on a quarterback sneak.


    Gailey also ordered a field goal early in the fourth quarter instead of attempting a fourth-and-1 play on Wake's 17 with the game tied at 3. Tech also called a reverse in the first quarter on third-and-1. The play resulted in a 9-yard loss.


    "Obviously, it's my responsibility to get this football team ready to play and we didn't do well enough today to win the game," Gailey said.


    Conclusion: OC version of Jauron hired as HC


    Woody Paige from around the Horn Much??


    Seriously, I am not ecstatic about the hire, but this guy is not Dick Jauron.

  7. Anyone who thinks Jamon Meredith is an up and coming talent should remember this:


    GB surrendered 50 sacks this season and he wasn't good enough to make their active roster.


    The Packers were particularly bad at OT, with two thirty somethings Chad Clifton and Mark Tauscher.



    Fred Jackson spent years in the Arena league, NFL Europe and our PS before getting a chance and making an impact...


    I hear what you are saying, and you have a good point. But the guy played decently all things considered and while we shouldn't bank on him for next year, we shouldn't write him off either.

  8. Okay, so we're supoose to stick with a defense that ranks almost dead last against the run? Even Buddy Nix said smaller faster linemen work in a dome like with Indy, but you need Big, physical linemen which is why SD was able to have a winning record over the last few years over the Colts.


    What about in Chicago? They run the Cover 2...are they dead last against the run? What about Minnesota?


    THE COVER 2 does not mean smaller players and poor run play like the Bills and the Colts. This is just how the scheme was adapted to fit the philosophies of these programs....


    Yes, the Bills SUCKED against the run. That is because of the personnel that was brought in and the coaching. Not the scheme. (And for the record I want to switch from the Cover 2 as well) I just don't like the misconceptions people have about it.

  9. With Perry Fewell taking the Giants DC position and Buddy Nix stating he like big physical linemen, will the 3-4 return to Buffalo? I hope so, our best defenses have been the 3-4. I'm glad that the Tampon 2 will be done away with.



    Don't make assumptions that the Tampa 2 will go away. This will depend entirely on who Buddy Nix hires as a head coach.


    BTW I fail to understand why people associate the Tampa 2 with small players. This was a preference and philosophy of the old regime. Many teams, such as the Vikings and Bears run the Cover 2 with larger defenders. Pat Williams, Kevin Williams and Jared Allen are all larger linemen. In Chicago Urlacher and Briggs are good sized LBs. (These are just quick examples of names).

  10. Why do we need to draft a CB?


    I think our depth at DB is exceptional (one of the few things Jauron left us with).

    1. McGee

    2. McKelvin

    3. Florence

    4. Corner

    5. Youboty

    6. Lankster

    7. Harris


    I think this is one of our few areas of strength. I say pick up another LB or Lineman instead.

  11. No good corporation is the owner..it is also the sum of all those who work there and those who buy what they are selling. I do give RW credit for keeping the team here. But that doesn't mean he is or was a good owner, unless all you care about is having a team. To me a good owner wants to give the customer a good product and a good shopping experience in the process.


    I disagree with you completely. First of all, the Bills are not a corporation, they are a privately owned entity, owned by one individual.



      /ˌkɔrpəˈreɪʃən/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [kawr-puh-rey-shuhn] Show IPA

    Use corporation in a Sentence

    See images of corporation

    Search corporation on the Web


    1. an association of individuals, created by law or under authority of law, having a continuous existence independent of the existences of its members, and powers and liabilities distinct from those of its members.

    2. (initial capital letter) the group of principal officials of a borough or other municipal division in England.

    3. any group of persons united or regarded as united in one body.

    4. Informal. a paunch; potbelly.


    Regardless, I will give you 3 examples of why you were wrong.

    1. New York Yankees - For decades George Steinbrenner was the iron fist of this organization. He was the bottom line and made ALL of the decisions. They have 27 World Series Titles. (I AM NOT A YANKEE FAN - DISCLAIMER)

    2. Oakland Raiders - OK, they are a joke now. But Al Davis was this entire organization for decades. He was this team. He made personnel decisions, staff decisions etc etc... They have been to 5 Superbowls, winning 3.

    3. Apple - This was a company that for all intensive purposes was dead in the water. Their recent success is directly attributed to Steve Jobs. SO much so that it was being debated in the legal community whether Apple stock holders should be provided with Steve Job's private medical information (because this could so greatly affect the company.)

  12. maybe because you haven't been to one of the new stadiums? our stadium cries 1970 while there are some realllyy nice ones out there. not only that, but nice facilities attract coaches and players too



    Fair enough, but a new stadium is also going to demand significantly higher ticket prices. How long until we start to complain about that?


    I just view it as unnecessary, but to each their own...

  13. I really am not usually this pessimistic, but this is seriously bad.


    NOBODY wants this job!


    I understand the Bills taking their time - to an extent, but when half of the candidates that you want to

    talk to turn down the opportunity to even interview for what would be a promotion and big pay increase,

    you have to figure that SOMETHING is very BROKEN.


    At this point, whomever they hire will have no credibility from day 1 since he will obviously be a desperation

    hire. How will this desperation hire even put together a staff of assistants. Who will want to come work for

    the 15th or 16th choice of an organization?


    Three people that I can recall (Marty Schottenheimer, Brian Schottenheimer, Mike Shannahan) have stated that they aren't interested. Marty doesn't want to coach, or I feel as though he would take the position. Brian is happy where he is (so he says) and Mike was a package deal with Bruce Allen. The Redskins won Bruce Allen and hence signed Shannahan.


    I agree that I'm not feeling good about the lack of positive response regarding the Bills HC opening. But the sky is not falling..not yet. There are plenty of quality candidates out there still...

  14. Long live Ralph Wilson.


    It amazes me how an old man is continually bashed on this website. At the end of the day, what does he owe any of us? We choose to be fans of this team. We act as though he doesn't want a winner, but neglect to recall the Millions of dollars he shells out for players like Dockery, Spikes, Bledsoe, etc. He may not make the right decisions, but ultimately it is his money his decisions to make.


    Like it or not, Ralph Wilson is and always has been the Buffalo Bills. He is the reason they remain here for you all to complain about. If you cannot accept this then go route for the Dallas Cowboys or the Washington Redskins...THOSE owners are doing wonderful things for parity in the NFL.


    In closing stop bashing an old man for providing you a football team.

  15. So Shotty Jr. nixes (no pun intended) the Bills. Big deal Jr., get over yourself. You aint a HC anyway.


    HC's sones haven't exactly done to well


    Mora Jr. - Nuff said

    Shula Jr. - nuff said

    Nolan Jr. - Nuff said

    Phillips Jr. - you get to coach teams with a lot of talent but no SB rings (5 HC stints)

    Ryan Jr. - we know you have a big mouth and got Jets to playoffs this year...Now what?


    In general, former HC kids aint done well.... Bobby Bowden's two kids ain't anywhere on his level.


    Ray Meyer, former BB coach at Depaul... his kid sucked when he took over the program.


    The moral of the story is don't be too disapointed that an ex HC's kid spurns the Bills. That is good news.



    It snowed out yesterday... does that mean will it snow today?


    Past trends or coincidences do not necessarily dictate the future. Just saying...

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