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John Cocktosten

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Posts posted by John Cocktosten

  1. I have always thought Jim Kelly would make a very good coach, what Kelly may lack in other areas he more than makes up for as a leader and motivator. When Jim Kelly speaks, players will listen and they will play hard for him.

    Good, then bring him in as a motivator. The reason why great players don't go onto coaching is because they will have to work to hard for a lot less money. These guys have great lives and tons of money. I'm sorry but I don't see Jimbo sleepin at the stadium 5 nights a week. Plus, we did the whole "Bring back the 90's" thing and it failed miserably when we tapped Marv to set this franchise back another 5 years. Look around the league, no one else does this crap.

  2. Dick Jauron will be fired follwing an 0-4 start. Bobby April takes over as HC for his play trickery and way of rallying his players together...


    Marshawn Lynch comes back.


    Bills use AVP's downfield passing attack. Owens and Evans each 1,000 yards.


    Bills use Studesville power running game, Roscoe in Wildcat...Lynch and Jackson each 1,000 yards.


    Bills use different variations on Defense to throw off the opposition and create turnovers.


    Bills rally to finish 12-4. Win division. Make playoffs.


    AFC Champs.


    Buffalo Bills Win Super Bowl...Best sports story EVER!

    cocaines a hell of a drug

  3. It probably wasn't the guy calling the plays, but the QB executing the plays. Hamdan was in. I'm not sure about Turk. I know he was calling plays with open receivers downfield that Trent was not throwing to. I know it's hard to tell on TV, but I was at the Clowns game last year and there were plenty of open receivers down field that were ignored by our QB. Maybe if we had a QB that didn't ignore these guys, Turk would be an offensive genius?

    Well if you at the Browns game then you would remember the brilliant play call of spreading the formation and throwing the ball from our 9 on 3 and 1. Turk was horrible.

  4. I find it funny how this has turned into a gang bang on Ralph.


    Ralph has stood by for the last 10+ years. Letting Donahoe hire Gregg, letting Gregg hire Gilbride, letting

    Donahoe fire Gregg, letting Donahoe hire Mullarkey, hiring Marv, letting Marv keep Mullarkey, letting Mullarkey quit, letting Marv hire Jauron, letting Jauron & Co. run their own show for the last 3 years....


    I am thrilled that Ralph wached that POS game and decided to do something. The status quo sucks. Hopefully Ralph continues with this zero tolerance policy.

    yeah but DJ is still the HC

  5. Do you really think it's true that just because AVP never called a single play means that he just stood on the sidelines waiting to chat with Trent? I would think (at minimum, hope) that AVP had input on the plays and would be completely aware of what's happening. If I was him, I'd be thinking about what I'd call in each spot - if not, then looking over it during the week between games.


    I honestly believe a lot of this has to do with sucky play-calling, not necessarily a sucky offense. I just couldn't understand some of the calls coming in from an old NFL QB (albeit a backup for many years) who was supposed to have a good understanding of his offense.

    QB coaches don't have time to do that on the sidelines. I'm sure he disagrees with him on certain play calls but they are analyzing/charting coverages on every play and when the QB is off the field they are talking about what they are seeing and looking at the balck and whites.

  6. So he's going to run the same sucky offense, without fixing any of the suckiness...and compound that with never having called a single play in it.


    And people think that's improvement?

    An offense can't be reinstalled! He can tinker with it, but that is about it. They are called coodinators for a reason. On paper, it can be learned, functionally, it would be a nightmare!

  7. Remember....this echoes the sentiments of many posters on this board, too.

    To think that it is a good idea to fire your OC and replace him with someone with ZERO experience a week before the opener is flat wrong no matter who thinks it. Turk sucks, but it's his sh*tty offense that he is turning over. So a unimaginative offense combined with an OC who has no experience is better?

  8. Typical behind the curve Bills. Hey, everyone else is doing it so it's okay for us to do it! What an effin joke of a team. Did they just realize yesterday that Turk was unoriginal and inept? Now we're handing the keys over to someone with ZERO play calling experience and because he backed up Jim Kelly, he's gonna be great? While I think the move should have been made, the timing is awful. What an absolute embarrassment of an organization.

  9. Schoebel was ready to quit last year during the Seahawks game. Last year on TBD, a video was posted of him bitching to Mitchell on the sidelines about how "he can't do it any more" and it was the first game of the season! The guy obviously doesn't want to carry weight anymore since he is around 240lbs. He is done in my opinion and I don't see the difference between him or Bryan, Maybin or Ellis being on the field. Cut him loose!

  10. For months now I've predicted a 3-13 season and the majority have called me a non Bills fan. I love my Bills but I honestly think Jauron is the WORST coach they ever had, and that's saying alot! Just before the kick-off, The Steelers head head coach was roaming the sidelines screaming, hollering, being a cheer leader. And jauron was adjusting his headphones. Teams can do what they want with us. If they want to run, we can't stop it . If they want to pass, no problem because we can't reach the QB.


    On offense, Edwards has lost confidence. He looks like a deer in the headlights. Already it's obvious that Walker is not an left-side OT and Levitre is not ready to start.


    Oh yeah, McGee will be gone after 09 also. I will adjust my prediction to 2-14 and maybe a top pick . We will draft a QB and get a new coach and start over.. AGAIN!

    Let's see, same horrible head coach and staff, same slow defense and an offense that is inept and you said we were going to suck? I think we know what screen name Nostradamus is posting under!

  11. Evans is the most overrated player in the league. I'd take Justin Jenkins over him.

    Moss sucked in Oakland. Ocho Doucho sucked last year when a backup was throwin the ball. Lee is not the best in the league but put him in NE or Indy and he is a perrenial Pro Bowler too.

  12. We are loyal and give big money to the wrong guys. We should stay loyal to guys like Peters and let guys like Evans walk. Then you sign Housh and Owens and move on. Just because guys are nice and don't complain publicly about their contracts, doesn't mean those are the guys you sign. Then you end up with huge contracts to guys like Schobel, Kelsay, Evans, etc. But they will let Peters, Clements, and soon Lynch walk.

    You can't be taken serious if you are going to put Lee Evans in the same class as Kelsay. Trent-ative refuses to throw to anyone not wearing a jersey in the 20's.

  13. That was hilarious. I completely understand where he's coming from. If you've got legitimate serious injuries, that's one thing, but the majority of the time these guys have "strains" because they don't want to play. I saw it when I played in high school and I saw it in college. It's really annoying when you're out there working your ass off and some guy trots off the field with an "injury", and we all know he's not really hurt, he just doesn't feel like running anymore.

    There is always two sides to an injury. Notice they weren't saying anything to Carson Palmer about his "sprain"?

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