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John Cocktosten

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Posts posted by John Cocktosten

  1. We've got plenty of talent on this squad. We have two pro bowl calibre wideouts, a good young QB, a pro bowl calibre RB, a tough OL. On Defense we have a very aggressive squad with a returning pro bowl DE and the 11th pick in the draft ready to roll. Solid LB's, really good DB's, and excellent special teams.


    If we can get a good offensive game plan, we can win 10 games no problem. I don't know if AVP is the guy, but Kelly seems to have faith in him.


    Come on.

    Holy Sh*t! Can you give my eulogy?

  2. I can't speak for Jim Kelly, but I know he loves the game of football and he loves the Buffalo Bills.

    Who knows, maybe the time is better now then it was ten years ago, maybe not, only Jim Kelly can answer that question.

    As you say, he hasn't done so yet and maybe he never will.


    When I listened to Jim Kelly's speech on his induction into the hall of fame and the cameras would spot one of his fellow teammates in the audience, and I would seen them there just as teary eyed as I was, it really hit me. This was the driving force that drove Buffalo to four straight Suberbowls and this was the heart and the soul of the Buffalo Bills standing in front of us and he's going into the HOF forever, and it really made it special.


    Jim Kelly did us all very proud that day and I just wish somehow, someway Jim could sprinkle a little bit of his heart and a little bit of his magic into an organization that really needs some help right now.

    Dude, What the hell are you talking about? He's not an effin Wizard! Put down the Pabst and stop watching your "Thundering Herd" videos. He hasn't played in 15 years and he has never coached anything other than his daughters Soccer teams.

  3. The Chris Kelsay who the scouts laud the high motor and intensity because he's the one who chases down the runner when a #90 falls for a misdirection play, or #90 is 10 yds in the backfield on a draw or a screen pass?


    We need more guys like that.

    I am always amazed at how many times I watch him run himself out of plays. He is the King of creating lanes on a counter play. Most of the time the RT doesn't even shove by because he is so far upfield!

  4. So you are right and the NFL scouts are wrong? Who is Mathis' RDE again? Yeah, the last time Kelsay had a producer on the right side, he had 5.5 sacks.

    Who are these NFL scouts that you are quoting? Is Todd Mcshay always right? And YEAH, they are wrong, they called Kelsay a "solid" pass rusher. Dude has 17 sacks in 7 years! That just over two a year!! If thats "solid" then I'm an "average" pass rusher because he only has 2 more sacks than me a year! Figs, Kelsay is the poster boy for why the Bills suck....and Celino and Barnes.

  5. For the record, I don't have an opinion either way on Kelsay. It is not my job to examine the nuances of the game and evaluate his game to that level. I do not see the players day in and day out. I do not know how they lead in the locker room. I do not know what intangibles they give to the team. The only thing I know is what I see on gameday on the TV.


    I do have an opinion on you jumping all over another person's post that seemed pretty straight forward and sensible. The point of the original post that you jumped on was that Kelsay is an average DE that plays better against the run than against the pass. Any liability that he is against the pass will be mitigated by Maybin taking his spot on obvious passing downs. Thats it. Seems fair enough to me. BobDVA, correct me if I am wrong on this.


    Now, I don't know how Kelsay's current salary compares with other starting LDEs. Since you apparently do know, can you please provide that for me? Otherwise, yes I am perfectly fine with Kelsay playing 2 downs and Maybin playing third. You should too. Its not like you are paying his salary. :wallbash:

    Kelsay's contract averages 6 million a year. Might point is that Cover 2 DE's are not supposed to be one dementional DE's 2 down players. They are supposed to get into the backfield and cause problems on every play. Watch a Colts, Minny or Chicago game. Their DE's are everywhere. Now someone thinks it's a good idea to bring him out on 3rd downs? That would mean he is so scary good against the run that he's justified in making 6 mil a year playing 25 plays a game? He sucks and players like him are the exact reason why this team is a mess.

  6. The fact is that our defense was very good on 3rd down last year. You can't debate that with anything other than non-specific anecdotal evidence. I can present scout's opinions, and stats that show that Kelsay does not "suck. You can keep bitching, but I don't know what world you live in where you expect our LDE to rack up the sacks.

    Mathis had 12 in Indy at LDE but nice try. Plus it's not just about sacks, he never puts pressure on the QB either. You act like he is a vacuum against the run. Dude, this is pointless because you are obviously related to him or you are Celino or Barnes!

  7. :worthy:


    Geez, dude. Ever heard of diazepam?


    And, I believe that the Bills do rotate D lineman (to include the D ends) on obvious passing downs. So, to sub in a pass rushing specialist on a 3rd and 10 for the better run stopping end is an appropriate tactic. I don't see how the cover 2 defense has anything to do with it.

    Rotating players and nickel/dime packages are completely different. Kelsey gets paid at the top of his position and you think it's okay if he is a two down player? What happenes if they throw on 2nd? Maybe he can just play on 1st down. Ridiculous.

  8. Let's see what the scouts have to say about him, shall we?

    "Kelsay is a solid pass rusher but has never been a big producer in this area."


    I'm glad you get your knowledge from Billy Bob's Scouting Service. They lost all credibility when they said the he is a "solid pass rusher"? He has 17 career sacks in 7 years! Then Billy Bob contradicts himself in the same breath by saying, "But he's never been a big producer in that area"?????? I don't know what to make of that statement. Here's a statement that makes sense, Kelsey is a terrible pass rusher totalling 10 sack in the last 3 years. Go back and watch the games bro. He's playing "Dancing with the Stars" with every RT he comes into contact with!

  9. I agree totally, Kelsay is a decent end. He is a good run stopper, and may not get sacks but does get a little pressure on the QB as the average DE in this league. There is more to the position than sacks, Kelsay can now come out on third down with Mabin around.

    There is no such thing as a DE in a Cover 2 defense who comes out on 3rd downs. Know what you are talking about before you open your a##hole!

  10. I actually make a habit of watching the lines, and I have read what many scouts have said about Kelsay. So, yes.

    Well if you know anything about schemes then you would know that a slow DE with horrible agility, no pass rush moves and the complete inability to counter the initial puch of a Tackle does not fit in this defense. you suck at your habit, try smoking. Please tell me why he is good?

  11. Why would you cut a pretty good player for no reason?

    Our sh#tty defensive philosophy is dropping 7 into zones and it is crucial that the front 4 gets pressure. Kelsey is part of the front 4. He gets no pressure. He has 4.5 in his last 2 seasons. He sucks. Now pass your bong.

  12. No Kelly being on the sidelines was related to him still being interested in the organization...which we all know. I get your fixation on 'Letting the 90's Go', you've expressed that multiple times already. My question was pretty simple...has he commented on whether he'd be interested? I've already given you reasons why he might work in this role - if AVP wasn't fit to be the QB coach before, trying to do the same task also as the OC makes it that much more ridiculous.


    Also, you're wrong if you think other teams don't bring back former playesr. Ever heard of Joe Gibbs? How about Dan Marnio? (and they agreed to let him be GM)


    We're talking about the most successful no-huddle QB in history helping out a team that's suddenly stretched a under qualified QB coach into an OC. Could he help? Yeah. Is he interested? Anybody know?

    I'm sure Kelly is fine doing exactly what he is doing. He is the face/spokeman for the Bills, a diplomat who is respected throughout the league and even in the national media. That is all he wants. If he wanted to come back and coach he would've done so already.


    They brought back Gibbs to do what he did before, coach. He never played fotball. How long did Marino last? 3 weeks! He probably didn't know he had to work. Teams don't do it because these guys played, they never coached and there is a huge difference.


    Why do you think no one else adopted the "No Huddle/ K-Gun"? It was certainly very successful right? Because it's an archaic offense! It's the same reason why teams don't strickly run the spread or the single wing. You can't win with ONE Offensive philosiphy. Kelly last game was almost 15 years ago, I doubt he's been breaking down tape! Whenever you see him at games his face is as red as Belichick's ass! I don't think he's charting defenses, he's playing the "3 and out" drinking game" up in his luxury box! COME ON PEOPLE!!!!

  13. Unless your name is Steve Spurrier...


    In 2002, the Washington Redskins brought in Steve Spurrier, whose laid-back approach to coaching was worlds apart from the amped-up style employed by his predecessor Marty Schottenheimer. "If it takes six hours to get a good plan ready, why do you need 26 hours?" asked Spurrier, who saw nothing wrong with golfing on off-days and getting to work at a leisurely 7:30 a.m.


    'Course, Spurrier's the exception, and that's probably why he compiled an undistinguished 12-20 record over his 2 seasons with the 'skins.


    That said, I doubt that 20-hour days would be necessary for Kelly in the role of a QB coach. HCs/OCs/DCs yeah, but not position coaches - and certainly not a QB coach. What's he supposed do when there are no QB's around to coach?

    Never said 20 hour days. 8-8/9 is the norm, not only for the NFL but for college as well. Then there are two a days which are pretty much 24 hours straight for a month. Do you really think the position coaches say, "Alright OC, I think Trent left so I don't think there is anything else that I can do!" That could not be further from the truth. Who do you think is watching film looking for tendancies? Coverages? Blitz packages? Fronts? This stuff is all gathered by the position coaches and filtered down to the OC/DC's and Head coach and that is exactly how it goes.

  14. Yeah, I'm not suggesting the guy comes back as an OC or Head Coach..but isn't QB coach about the level of coaching that he could provide without putting himself through the grind you are describing above? I'd also not think it was plausible if I didn't see Kelly running around the sidelines a few games a year. We're also not talking about taking a great QB and trying to form him into something he wasn't...we're talking about providing coaching for the type of system he happens to have a specific knowledge of.


    Also, this isn't remotely the same as bringing back a guy of Marv's age to the strenuous and pivotal role as GM. We're talking about a QB coach...that is currently occupied by AVP....


    That's why I'm wondering has it been confirmed that he's not interested as you also suggest?

    If you think Kelly running around on the sidelines equates to a full time coaching job then you have no clue what it means to be a coach in the NFL OR college. The hours that these guys put in is ridiculous. 12-15 hour days BEFORE travel! My position coach in college would have meetings with dinner at his house so he could see his family, which is common. There are no days off and there is no way Kelly is going to do that.


    As far as the Marv thing goes, LET THE 90'S GO! Trying to bring back players and systems from the past will do us no good. Again, no one else in the league does this. We need to bring a guy who has called a play or run an organization in the last 10 years! This 90's crap is a marketing tool for suckers. Bills miopia!

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