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Posts posted by StupidNation

  1. Every time somebody bangs this "Evans isn't a true #1 WR" drum, I am forced to point out that Evans' numbers through 5 seasons are on par with those posted by Andre Reed through 5 seasons. See for yourself:







    Evans: 296 rec--4,744 yds--32 TDs

    Reed: 317 rec--4,408 yds--31 TDs


    Now unless anyone is going to try to sell me the idea that Andre Reed--twice a semi-finalist for the Pro Football HOF--wasn't a #1 WR, this argument about Evans is foolishness.




    You cannot compare stat guys from the 80's and 90's to now. Reed wouldn't make it to Pro Bowls based strictly on #s. Look at Kelly's numbers to guys today. People used to run the ball more.


    Reed is not Evans, Reed was a #1 who wasn't one dimensional. Could Evans develop that? Sure he could, the question is will he?

  2. Ridge claims in his book he was pressured by Bush administration to raise terror alert for re-election purposes. No surprise there from the worst administration in our lifetimes. What's galling is why he didn't make this known when he was HS director?





    I think the "worst" is being redefined in our own midst, and I didn't think it was possible with our last moron in chief, but this guy? Makes Bush look like a conservative, which I didn't think was possible.

  3. The insurance industry exists in its present for because of regulatory imbalance that favors employer/union funded health plans. The individual buyer is at a major disadvantage. You can eliminate that imbalance with very quick legislation that either removes the tax break for one side, or adds the tax break to the other side. Either option would be the right thing to do.


    Hillary care never attempted to fix this imbalance, either.


    So, please spare me the histrionics about the evil insurance companies, when government policies are largely responsible for their current stature.


    I agree with everything said above, except I would go further. Allow other insurance companies to compete state by state, allow massive tort reform like Texas, allow doctors to write off charity work as income, give tax incentives to individuals as the big corps do, restore the tax incentives and stop killing off charity hospitals with regulation and lawsuits, and finally make lawyers who don't produce subservient to doctors who produce health and productivity.


    Prices would go way down massively overnight.


    Why is it the only things that are not subsidized like Lasik and liposuction are going down in price? It's not a coincidence. I even think another solution could be the Brazilian model where they have public health care that is "free" which is if you really need help, and yet they have private hospitals with private insurance. I still don't like that, but it's better than what we have now.


    Lastly, I find liberals to be humorous when say health care is a right and it's a moral question, even the president has said so, when he supports infanticide of abortions gone wrong. The liberals, the one who exclaim there is no right and wrong and you can't impose your beliefs on others, are now decrying moral hazard. They should go abort themselves and save the system a lot of money for us knuckle-dragging producers of income.

  4. You are a jackass. My statement was that private insurers will need to find ways to cut costs to compete with the supposedly cheaper public option. Am I wrong or do you think the private insurance companies are as efficient as they can be right now?


    Incidentally, way to grab on to a talking point and ride it into the ground. Rush/Hannity/Beck would be proud.


    Of course they aren't efficient, they are regulated. Allow insurance companies to compete over state lines, allow them to offer different plans in every state for cater to the customer's needs (e.g. look at NJ insurance), and enact tort reform so that doctor's aren't under the sword of Damocles, and allow doctors to act freely in their care without the threat of lawsuit.


    If you think people go to see the doctor and need 10 different tests you know who you can blame for that right? My wife, 25, had 10 tests just for a regular visit. They knew she was healthy, but the "just in case I get my ass sued" testing was needed. They tried that on me and I told the doc that I didn't need the tests.


    Get rid of the lawyers except for egregious errors, allow insurances over state lines, allow true competition that is not regulated insanely, and reward people for paying cash.


    Will it solve all the issues? Nope, but it protects our freedoms and lowers the cost overnight.

  5. Are you suggesting he's breaking his routes?? Do you have an inside source?? How do you know he was asked to run a 7-in and instead took it 25 yds. downfield???


    Please.... <_<


    Have you ever seen Reggie "I'll run it to the outside every play" Bush play? If you think players don't play to their own tune to a certain degree and get plays called they feel comfortable with personally you are insane.


    I never suggested any of your strawmen arguments. My point is he never has a play drawn up for him to run across the middle. Now I know I might be reading into this, but I've watched him play now for several years.


    Lastly, the last time I saw him play to the middle of the field it was when Losman was QB against the Rams several years back. He short armed the play, stopped his route when he heard footsteps, and the ball was INTed. The DB did nothing special except stop when Evans stopped running his route.


    Next time show me where I'm wrong instead of proving your ignorance.


    Has anyone, at any time, seen him catch a ball in the middle of the field within 15 yards of the LOS? I've seen him run to the middle with some bombs.


    If you want to watch a real WR watch Owens and realize why he's consistently open, namely, because he covers more than 1/3 of the width of the field. Players have to watch him in 3 directions, not 2.

  6. Yes, it is usually the receiver's fault when the QB doesn't get him the ball.




    Great WRs do it no matter who the QB is and make the QB look better. When your "best" WR only covers 1/3 of the field then you have a problem.


    The reason why Owens gets open all the time is his willingness to run over the middle, and not after 30 yards only like Evans. I like Evans as a person, but he's too 1 dimensional to ever be that great without a great WR and a great QB.

  7. They are too lazy to actually read the legislation, their wingut leaders tell them any time the government does anything it's bad, so they rend their garments instead of engaging in discussion.


    So the United States becomes a power-house because of it's lack of regulation and innovation, and we have to thank government for staying out of the way?




    Do we thank gov't for pillaging and siphoning the wealth of this country with programs that are unsustainable perpetually, and which will end the strength of the dollar and concurrently destroy the programs they hoped to continue?


    Maybe what needed to be rationed was all the social security benefits, cut taxes, allow freedom, and allow people to succeed.



    But in looking at what you are saying, and why you are wrong (again), the people who are really debating the issue is based on the bill itself. All of the lapdogs who support it are just going on what they are told.

  8. The biggest amount of waste/spending in the medical industry is doing unnecessary tests to avoid malpractice lawsuits according to the study by PricewaterhouseCoopers' Health Research Institute.




    I still want to end all contingency attorneys, and those that do work without getting paid must post a bond for the defendant to stop frivolous suits. Also, I think a board or panel of doctors who will agree something is malpractice before the lawyer gets his man to say whatever for payment would also be a big help.


    Look at Texas after they started tort reform when doctors were leaving in droves to coming back and now is a haven from unscrupulous attorneys.

  9. We end this week on a high note, with Sonya Sotomayor being sworn in as a Supreme Court justice.

    Low note... don't like racists. Maybe my wisdom as a white male tells me this hispanic can't make good decisions. Sound racist? It is, so is she... the difference is I don't mean it.


    In addition:

    - The release of the Americans from North Korea through the diplomatic work of Bill Clinton and the behind the scenes work of the Obama administration with other countries


    To the credit of liberals, they have been better on diplomacy.


    - The victory for our military, who finally have the resources to go on the offense in Afghanistan and Pakistan, who killed the Taliban leader Mehsud


    Should I find quotes by you and others on how this war has gone on too long?


    - The continued funding of the Cash for Clunkers program which is jump starting car sales

    Creating the same repo rate for cars as there were for houses. You cannot inflate a market without repercussions. Shocking I know... Maybe you think bloating the housing market was a good idea too? Didn't think so hypocrite.


    - The drop in the unemployment numbers, the first since April 2008, and compared to January, when 741,000 jobs disappeared, the most in any month since 1949

    Should I stick this in my signature when this blows up in the economy's face? The recession is going strong.


    - The steady rise in the stock market as investors show increased confidence in the economy


    Let's see... I don't buy it. I also find the stock market in value in absolute terms to inflation not to be impressive at all.

  10. How's this for irony-the guy doesn't even have health insurance.






    Looks like he has an interesting alternative to Obama's plan-begging!



    You know idiots like you are the reason why there is no hope for this country. You cannot fathom a man would prefer liberty to slavery to the gov't. In your mind he should enjoy being enslaved to the gov't no matter how they want to help him.


    Funny how liberals blasted Bush for the attack on personal liberties, but when their monster does it we should smile and accept it in any form.

  11. You need to change your username to 'Crazy Eileen' or some such - in honor of the movement.


    Yes, because your refutations are so amazing.


    Maybe you should rename yourself Gay Gene because the faggot scientists have been looking for it for a long time. Maybe they just found it when you looked in the mirror.


    See? Wasn't that constructive?

  12. So now you're advocating violence? And even though the current administration was voted in by a majority of Americans in a multi-party election, because you disagree with it's policies you call it tyranny? The founding fathers came from a history of monarchies. They set up our republic to allow for civil debate and discourse with our ELECTED government.


    I'm not advocating violence at all genius. I'm advocating reading, thinking, and education in debate. You drew from the founders of the country about why violence isn't necessary, and the only way was civil. Here's what you said,


    "And this country was founded by people who knew that civil discourse and debate was the only way we could survive together given the varied opinions of our citizens."


    My point was you were wrong, I did not advocate anything. But just as you think I was inciting violence, you do not know what the founders of this country thought. All I said was you were wrong and your reply was equally as stupid.


    Personally I'm against the American Revolution overthrowing the English, let alone violence now. Oh, and tyranny is defined by someone (guess who?) as when the people fear the government, and freedom and liberty is when the government fears the people.


    Go do some homework on the quote...


    Here's a hint: http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/t...jeff169586.html

  13. In a new Pew Research poll, 39% of Republicans think there should be more media coverage of the Birthers, and 66% of them think the coverage of them is just about right or there should be more. No, it's just the fringe wackos who want to keep this thing going.




    Fringe wackos because the media doesn't do their job and relied on ridicule, as well as yourself, to legitimate concerns and questions?


    He doth protesth too much!


    Here's the solution, provide answers to the concerns. Did he have dual-citizenship? Yes... Did he use a student visa? I don't know on that one, but if it's true why isn't it a legitimate question.


    I just watched the MSNBC interview from Schuster on Orly Taitz. Schuster asks decent questions, but insinuates race because of the driver's name and his side-kick journalist asks about Ann Coulter's view of people like herself. That's journalism? It's the left insinuating race, ad hominems, and ridicule. Whenever she brought something up they never addressed it but went back to ridicule.

  14. And this country was founded by people who knew that civil discourse and debate was the only way we could survive together given the varied opinions of our citizens. Citizens are allowed to question, debate, and discuss issues with their representatives, and vote them out if a majority disagree with their representation. Your support of anarchy over the Constitution and civil law is disappointing.


    Funny, I remember reading several of the founding fathers that said the violence was NECESSARY every so many years to stop tyranny.


    Maybe you failed to read the fathers before you came to your own conclusion?

  15. They are now having the problem the Left had.....now that the Right has taken the title for having wacky activists.


    Seriously though, now that shouting down your congressman in youtube tactics is in vogue, where does dialogue start ?---


    I think we know the answer.


    You can't compare the wackiness of the left to the right. If the right did 1/100th the left did the media would obliterate them. Where was all the reporting of the wacko things the left did? There was very little. Now we have 3 media stations pretending the right won't dialogue with the left.


    Did it ever occur to you the congressman won't dialogue with us, and the fake dialogue of listening to their districts while not caring how they vote is the polar opposite of dialogue?


    Let me re-ask the question since this might seem too abstract for you... do you think the Congress really dialogued with the public about the bailouts? Could it be the people realize they have no voice the majority of the time even if they vote their guy in with either a R or D next to their name.

  16. We all know what Birthers can't deal with a black man as president. That's really what this is all about.




    If that's not satire you are a moron. Many of the birthers want the rule of law to be enforce and many of them know that Biden would replace Fearless Leader so they know there is no upside.


    You are the one who injected race which would make you a rac.... you'll never understand...

  17. I would never have guessed that you were a birther. Keep fighting the good fight, you're doing god's work.


    No, I want concerns addressed. I believe Obama was born in Hawaii. Like I said ridicule trumps asking questions. My questions were did he use a student visa? I don't know, did he? Did he really have citizenships other than the U.S that required him to renounce his U.S one? I don't know. The very fact the media has played this into crazy-land instead of investigating makes me believe it more, not less.


    Yet the mere question is driving idiots like you insane. It's like someone asking if the gov't actions after 9/11 were done to foist perpetual war in the Middle East and it was prepared. Well it looks like those people may have been right. I only ask for clarification.


    But pretend I'm saying things I'm not if it makes you feel smarter.

  18. I can't believe the lack of vision about what's happening. People are turning in cars that are paid for and paid off with cars they can't afford. It worked really good for the housing market didn't it? The gov't did the same thing for Fannie and Freddie guaranteeing the debt. Sure the market did good, for a few years.


    Instead of the U.S address the real issue, which is manufacturing products people want better and the world will want more of, we increase consumption with money we don't have to increase the deficit, help destroy the dollar, and pretend we saved jobs.


    If all these ideas worked so good why doesn't the gov't do it on everything we sell that has a "win-win" to it? Why stop on cars? We already give rebates on housing.


    This is madness, soon it will end.

  19. While Taitz is insane, the questions raised by others aren't so crazy. They are using her a lightning rod for insanity, when in fact there are questions that need answers, and they aren't being answered and the media has stayed away from these questions.


    Did Our Glorious Leader use a student visa? If so that shows he didn't have citzenship at the time which would voice natural born citizenship.

    Did he have citizenship in other countries? If so the "natural born citizen" requirement can be argued to be void.


    I think the people who argue he wasn't born in Hawaii are a distraction from questions that need answers. Taitz on the other hand has thrown so much fake crap on the wall it makes the questions seem insane.


    Asking questions and wanting evidence is normal. Now the mere questioning is being considered insane, and ridicule over evidence is now the solution.

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