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Posts posted by StupidNation

  1. The jury awards and settlements are just a drop in the bucket of what these companies are making yearly and as much as I think some of these rewards are ridiculous, they are a red herring for not controlling the cost of healthcare.


    Not a red herring, it's a real problem that the left doesn't think much of. In South TX the doctors left in droves until there was tort reform recently and now they are coming back again and many civil lawyers went to criminal. Nationwide ObGyns are going under for lawsuits. To dismiss what lawsuits have done is comical.


    The argument presented to defend the blood-sucking attorneys is that medical costs are X amount of money and the money won in lawsuits only represents 1%, more or less, of overall costs. What it fails to mention is that the insurance companies have sky-rocketed the premiums to cover their 3% profit (which is actually huge because of the amount of money that it represents).


    Now, what everyone forgets in the equation is quality, which isn't measurable in Xs and Ys. When a doctor is sued his life is changed, his practice suffers, and quality of care goes down. Now if the doctor settles out of court, which is usual, his premium goes up 20% which is passed down to the consumer, or he closes up shop and goes into a hospital to work.


    What gets me is the same argument is not made for attorneys and the courts blessing of attorney to fugg up everyone's life. Law is a practice, just like medicine. Both make mistakes because they do not have all the answers. Yet one is on the hook for every mistake to the tune of destroying their savings, while the other has a free pass with malpractice suits almost impossible to file because the brotherhood of attorneys know it will cause their own demise.


    Here's the solution, if the brotherhood feels that contingency attorneys are needed for clients rights, when they are in fact illegal in most every country, why doesn't the court hold the lawyer accountable for court fees, defendants fees, and time by the defendant lost in the case, and why can't the defendant bill like an attorney making up shi*ty hours when in fact they didn't do anything of the sort.


    Let's see how many of these fuggers would run to file suit.


    Lastly, look up hand surgeons in Florida who won't do surgery past 10pm no matter what. People have lost their hands because they are sick of being sued. If lawyers do nothing wrong, let's make them liable for the suits they lose.

  2. Another fail is that Steve Smith barely eclipsed 1,000 yards in 2007, when Delhomme missed 13 games.


    But he DID eclipse it playing 15 games.


    You failed moron.


    Also, you Evans jock sniffers should realized he barely eclipsed 1,000 this year. He only has 2 1,000 seasons, and I've never seen him cross the field on a route with conviction that leads to a completion.

  3. It's just that if that's their entire spiel, what exactly are they protesting? It's much like tea bagging events protesting higher taxes earlier this year. As you recall, Obama's policies were not yet in place and most of them were protesting what will turn out to be a personal tax decrease. As one not privy to their motives, it looks like they're simply protesting anything they associate with Obama, which is all well and good.


    Do they know what they're protesting against? Do they support any concrete alternative? If not, simply whoopin' and hollerin' is not very constructive.


    Gene, I'm sure you were aware of the true Americans protesting Bush's actions too. They do not care if someone says it's a personal tax decrease (want to go over the true numbers for average Americans, and how they are going up?), what these great Americans know is that they are sick of the lies of both parties.


    Tea Parties started under Bush, and they only gained traction because the media wanted to mock them under this glorious douche bag. They gained traction under this moron because some elements, like Fox, wanted to use them against this idiot as a means of putting this moron down.


    Sadly, the geniuses of this world who think this is an anti-Dem movement don't know their history. But how could they, they think taxes are going down for ordinary citizens, fail to understand this Glorious Moron is spending faster than any president in history even when you factor in inflation, and somehow can't see how dangerous this really is.


    Thank God I'm leaving this mess soon. Oh, but don't worry, your policies cannot even exist in 10 years, but you can dream about them like they do in South America where they want true communism but lack the funds to do it.

  4. Of course blzrul moronically mixes up compassionate conservatism with compassionate Republicanism. True conservatives are the most compassionate of people as they are known to have the highest percentage of people who give to charity personally with time and money, and refuse to steal from others to create programs.


    Unless you forget the uncompassionate left which believes in murdering the unborn, stealing from others, and having draconian laws of raising a family.


    I think it's funny when Republicans act like big gov't leftists you pretend it's conservatism. Do you eat genius bars for breakfast?

  5. I have my own solutions:


    -Major tort reform and cap damages to doctors in lawsuits

    -Mandate the client or the attorney must post a bond for the defendants entire legal cost and time, or they can pay their own retainer (the claim that it only affects pricing by 1% is a lie, look at doctors insurance costs over the last 20 years and why private practices are leaving in many fields)


    Onto the actual health system there are 2 plans that will work long term:

    1st Have a true free market system for health like we did previous to welfarism. People weren't dying in the streets and medical costs were about 8% of people's income roughly according to most stats I've read... which is now over 20% of people's income


    Look at Lasik, it went from being very expensive to affordable under competition. This is true in many other non-insurable fields where the costs are going down despite inflation


    2nd A real socialist model like Uruguay where the doctors are not paid much and the costs are way down. The only way this system works is if the gov't mandates cheap pay for doctors and does not allow an lawyers to sue the system so frequently. A few countries that do it that work to a much better degree than what we have.

  6. Missing my point. I don't think it had to do with having a bad day, although it's possible. I entirely believe that he was pissed a cop was at his door saying he broke into his own house. Whatever the conversation was, and however much Gates was an arrogant prick, Gates thought it was offensive, and it was all because he thought it was racist. If he WASNT black, if Gates was a white guy, that thought wouldnt enter his mind. He's spent his career on this kind of stuff.


    I got your point loud and clear. You are saying he's a racist and saw race as the problem and injected his racism into the equation. Maybe his career would have been better spent trying to look past race instead of insert it at every corner.


    I'm so sick of black racists everywhere I turn get a pass. I admit racism when there it exists, but it also extends to every race that discriminates. This man is the poster-boy for black racism.


    Maybe he should study himself to see what racism looks like.

  7. Yes, only black people are searched and arrested for suspicion of things by police.


    I'm sure that had a lot to do with a white policeman with a hispanic policeman doing a routine follow-up.


    It's the same racism people decry when they are black. Now that the person who is the racist is black we turn a blind-eye to his racism. The very fact this guy makes a buck on crying about black injustice shows what a racist prick he is.


    Only one racism is to be tolerated and embraced, namely, racism against white men.

  8. "The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination."

    -Albert Einstein


    Einstein was a horrible philosopher. The true sign of intelligence is knowing truth, acting in accordance with it with prudence. Perspicacity is a better measure of intelligence than imagination. The imagination is linked to memory and sentience, not ideas.


    But go ahead, quote a scientist on philosophy. Maybe I should quote great philosophers on science.

  9. The real racist, Gates, should be mocked publicly for his racist behavior. He used racism to infer that a white person was acting in a racist fashion without proof of racism. That makes him a racist.


    Racist punks like him don't deserve any protection from the law if they abuse the law to help him. The jackass wasn't polite enough to realize the police was acting to help him. And I don't think the police are a bunch of saints, but that Gates is a racist and should be cited as such for his foul behavior.

  10. Offenses are throwing AT Donte. If you think he's going to be a good FS you are dreaming. He was moved there because he couldn't defend TEs (look at Gates and SD: 2007 game vs 2008 when Scott defends him). He was replaced at SS because he was getting smoked by TEs.


    He has BUST written all over him, and he's going to be more exposed at FS than at SS. At least at SS he made tackles in the running game, rather than getting smoked in the secondary. The guy has never played the ball.

  11. Actually I just followed Mark Schlereth around for 10 minutes. Another laughable note on NFL Live they had two commentators who thought Brett Favre was a top 10 QB currently in the NFL and one went as far as to say he is CURRENTLY a top 5 QB. To me Brett Favre is a mid level QB at Best.


    No, he's still top 10. Not because he's great anymore, but he does change the game. He did so many crafty moves against us to give him free time, his arm before he was hurt was above average, and he manages a good game.

  12. 5-4 is hardly a smack down. Something like 7-2, as in Roe vs Wade, is a smack down.


    Good point, just like those darkies weren't people either by 7-2. (Edit: in case you didn't know Dred Scott lost by 7-2)




    Saying that certain classes of people have no rights by a vote of 7-2.... Nah, you'll never get it.

  13. This will likely be part of Obama's long-term plans to reduce health care costs.


    Did you see the comment at the bottom from the dude in Texas?




    I feel badly for the dude's spouse.


    He is correct though, no matter how you feel about his spouse.

  14. As much as many here would like to deny it, Jesus was a Socialist.


    That's either an malicious lie or as ignorant as you get. By now I know it's the former.


    The pope issued a theological opinion on finances, something no Catholic is bound in conscience to follow as it does not relate to faith and morals on the level of doctrine. This is his theological opinion, and as such Catholics can freely disagree. The history of the Catholic Church was historically pro-monarchy private property.

  15. I don't. I don't think a good interior is going to stop Dwight Freeney, Robert Mathis, Jason Taylor, Joey Porter, John Abraham, Adalius Thomas, Calvin Pace, Mike Vrabel, Quentin Groves, Mario Williams, Kyle Vanden Bosch, Julius Peppers, Kameron Wimbley, and Gaines Adams from running around the outside and abusing an overweight/slow Langston Walker and stiff/lanky Brad Butler.


    The Bills are facing some serious pass rushers this year. I'm worried.


    The no huddle is the only chance we have at surviving.


    I wouldn't feel comfortable with Peters manning that position after this season. I saw in 2 years he busts for Philly and not because of talent, but because of desire.

  16. Can anyone point out to me the oath the presidents take to protect other countries under the law?


    Somehow protecting other countries, and it doesn't matter the name, is our job? Can someone explain how it's worth American lives and money to do so? I would only find your answer worthwhile, if you are pro-war, to explain how you donate to the gov't, more than your forced taxes, to fund wars.


    I've never met a person who gave to the gov't to fund wars out of their own desire that has nothing to do with the welfare of our country, and in this case has done nothing but hurt our relations with the Middle East.

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