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Posts posted by santoro770

  1. Just a question for the more seasoned posters or really anyone for that matter. Felt like I should add something since I always stalk the site. With the additions of Merriman, Barnett, Dareus, Edwards (I know, not new), (not Kelsay), and return of Florence....do you guys sense a shift in the entire attitude of the defense? For better or worse, which shall be determined on game day, is it not different? Think about the absence of the "Donte Whitner guarantee". I can't help but think of the change in attitude, in a thought kind of what took place when Bryce Paup entered the Bills linebacking crew. Was my old avatar...one of my favorite Bills players. Any thoughts on the change in chemistry in general?

  2. True, but the rookies have had no mini-camp, no OTA's, and now, possibly missing the start of training camp. Not good for teams such as the Bills who will look to many of these rookies to contribute this year.


    Free agent signees, rookie draft picks and rookie undrafted signees can't practice with the team at training camp until August 4th (or until the CBA is ratified by the NFLPA Union), so even if they get signed by Saturday they still can't participate in camp until next Thursday.

  3. is it possible he ends up in the game if they have a winning record? yes. but he is certainly behind brady, manning, rivers, and rothlisberger without any questions. that means it would take two of those 4 having off years, fitz and the bills playing better than expected, and none of the other qbs like schuab, sanchez, flacco, or cassell for example also having big seasons. odds are the only way fitz ends up in the probowl is with a handful of guys pulling out of the game.


    The only thing to remember is that pro bowl voting is prior to the end of the season so he will have to really light it up the first half of the season. With our schedule if he wins 5 or 6 games the first half then you can talk about him in the pro bowl. A lot of people will stop and consider him if Buffalo has that many wins.


    Love the beginning of the season because there's always hope, I'd like that to last a bit longer this year!

  4. Call me optimistic, but can't we just take solace in the fact that Nix does have a plan? I mean yeah he is turning over the roster but I see so many posts about how they need to get rid of dead weight...patience my friends...we've waited 11 years for a playoff team, what's 2 more? I mean granted it could just be another turn of the wheel, but if Nix and Gailey do start to show improvement (which won't be this year and honestly it's a fantasy for anyone to think they would show promise in the 1ST YEAR of the new front office regime) will those that are critical start to recognize what is going on?


    I'm workin on my PhD in Organizational Leadership right now and doing a dissertation on Organizational Leadership structure in the NFL and what I can tell you is that the current structure that is in place (leadership talent not taken into account) is one that is historically successful in the NFL both in win/loss record and fan devotion.


    Patience is a word we have heard for way too long...but these are different people (I know I know, Modrak is still there among others) but should we not be more patient then less than half a season?


    I love this board! Please go easy on me guys, just sayin...it's been a long time, but I'm hopeful. Silly me!!!

  5. stevie had arms fully extended on that play. it's on tape. what he did was start to stop the route for whatever reason, then pick it back up when he saw the ball thrown ahead of him. probably a mistake nonetheless on his part, but he makes most of his catches on similar routes... i doubt on this one for some reason he got scared when the LB was like 50 feet away.


    I saw that too, he definitely stopped his route. If he keeps going then he's got the ball and a run towards the sideline for probably 15 yards. I'm guess (guessing being the key word) that it wasn't just that the ball was tipped and intercepted but the way the route was run and his inability to execute.

  6. Don't yell at me. Yell at the Hall of Fame if you think they didn't do their homework. My guess is that it will be you with egg on your face. The Hall has a large staff and I'm sure they check this stuff out.


    So you're saying that Bell is not Malone's son and he didn't bail on him and his family? My guess is that the hall of fame doesn't care about how bad of a parent he is, doesn't make him an ethical human being - just a good basketball player. Personally if being a man means I have to personify someone like Malone, I'll pass. He can say anything he wants in his speech, it doesn't mean that he ever has or ever will live up to it.

  7. Nice theory but the Hall of Fame is an above board organization and I doubt they would allow a false speech.



    I mean I'm pretty sure no one is saying that he necessarily "lied", the things he says about team work are true, that's how it goes. The statements about him disowning his child...yeah that's true, regardless of what Malone said in his induction speech he walked away from his family. There's just no opinion there.


    The hall of fame I'm sure gives the inductees the parameters of what can and can't be talked about as well as a length that the speech should be within. You think they double check every single speech? Is someone that is getting inducted into the Hall of Fame really gonna mess with the requirements and soil his induction? Come on, really? Karl Malone is in the Hall of Fame because he was a great basketball player, not because of the quality of his character, his ethics or morals.

  8. What year was it that he got hurt, and just happened to be one of Trent's go to guys? The offense went deeper into the toilet when Reed was out.


    I think that's a really good point, it was two years ago...same year Trent had his concussion. Great point.

  9. I am happy about all the 1pm starts, I am in Bangkok andonly have to stay up 1/2 the night to watch those ones.


    ok...you win...ha. That's awesome. I guess for me it means that Saturday night has to be a little more low key for 16 weeks, 1pm comes early sometimes. Hope the good luck Buffalo Bills Mardi Gras beads my friend got me are good luck this year.....



    I don't post a lot but love the board. Good stuff.

  10. Ler me guess, you have a Collins jersey in your closet, dont you?


    No Collins jersey, but I do have a #80 Billy Brooks jersey...that didn't get much use.


    Obviously he was horrible while he was here but he's become a pretty serviceable backup, he's been around the league a while. I'd rather have him than Fitzpatrick.

  11. I personally kind of like him. I especially liked when he addressed the media and basically told them he didn't care if they didn't like his choice of HC and that he will do whatever he can to make the media's job easy but that he didn't care if they didn't like his choice and that he was doing it to win games not a popularity contest.


    Also - the piece he said about how all head coaching positions can get filled, even if you are bad - he then said something like, look at the Raiders, they get head coaches....then he back tracked and said, oh wait wish I wouldn't have said that, please don't print that....haha helarious.


    I can tell you one thing, I wouldn't want to be in Nix or Gailey's shoes right now; a very passionate and almost rabid fan base all over you because they want something flashy or sexy - holy expectations.


    I wouldn't say he's a bumbling fool - I like the passion he's shown in his first stint as GM. Just an opinion but we shall see - although I did want a flashy head coach as well I'll still reserve judgement until at least the end of next year...or maybe after the first game..haha.

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