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Everything posted by JK2000

  1. You tell me, you're the one who brought it up.
  2. When Bill Clinton was impeached his job approval rating was at his all time high.
  3. I say 2 consecutive games where Randy doesn't have a TD or 100 yards and he'll start mailing it in!
  4. A punch drunk boxer is one election away from a NYS Senate seat.
  5. Did you watch it? I love Benjamin Franklin's flag!
  6. I have no clue who you're supporting. The only thing I know about you is that you are a practicing homosexual.
  7. You don't even know the history of the flag, do you? .
  8. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080908/ap_on_...publicans_obama Since when does Obama have big lips? This kid needs to sit down with a comedy coach.
  9. http://www.taxpolicycenter.org/UploadedPDF...tes_summary.pdf
  10. Here's a comparison between each candidates tax cut plans.
  11. http://www.sun-sentinel.com/sports/footbal...0,6949521.story Good thing we didn't sign this guy!
  12. I try but sometimes I can't stay above the fray!
  13. I wonder if that's accurate. I always thought the Governor appointed replacement Senators.
  14. I see you took time out from scraping the crust off your belly from your all night "John McCain and his buddies" fantasy jack-off session to check out this link. Thanks!
  15. ...in their fantasy football league this week? That's the only reason I'll probably win!
  16. I SAID ONE!!! SECURITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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