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Posts posted by bigc14120

  1. I think it is a very good point to make, that Buffalo has a track record, perhaps BETTER THAN any other NFL club, of taking virtually undrafted talents, or, at least, players not projected to be great LT's in the NFL, and turning them into good to excellent LT's. That tells me Buffalo KNOWS what they need to have, talent wise, in a player, and they know they can teach that talent to play.


    Now, you add a guy who is physically supposed to be very capable of playing LT - and you let Buffalo work with him... we're going to have a good LT in Glenn. I like Hairston, too, so I think we're now, for the first time in a good number of years, FINALLY SET on the Offensive line! I really like the players and the depth we now have (I just hope Buffalo gets the middle of the line re-signed so we can count on them all playing together for a long time).


    At the very least, I expect Buffalo now has it's Defensive and Offensive lines set for the next 4 to 5 years. They've got most of their secondary and WR corps set, too. They've got depth at the linebacker spot, and they have at least one RB for the next 4 years. If things don't pan out this year due to QB play, or lack of overall talent and readiness, I think they'll be able to go into next year's offseason and finish this roster, get the final pieces, and be ready to be a contender for the next half decade. It was a good draft. I can't wait to see these guys play together.

    Finally set? Well, lets see, Wood , Urbek and reinhart (I know, not a starter, except he started 12 games last year) all have their contracts up in 2013, Need to resign all three to be all set.....

  2. I am very happy with this draft, and think they have taken care of some key problems.


    Now that the draft is over, what do you all feel are the weakest links on this team? I'm thinking Tight-End, Outside LB, Back-up QB, and still WR.


    For a team that talked about how much they liked their O-line, they sure spent some picks on it. I am still concerned that they might not have really upgraded at WR.

    Urbek and Reinhart both get to be URA's , I think, next year, and retention might be an issue...so so backfilling has been done in advance, I think. Same with Cb, where McKelvins contract is up after 2012. He will be a free agent, and despite the several opinions on this board, he will get a substantial contract somewhere in the league.


    Let me make the droll case for the obvious.


    General Manager

    Head Coach

    Coaching Staff




    Lack of National respect

    Lack of MNF @ The Ralph

    Negative Local Media Coverage

    Negative National Media Coverage


    Other than that, we're SuperBow Champs in 2013, hands down.

    You must not be a fan who attends games. MNF is a bummer for the stadium goer..........have done that a number of times, and other than getting home at 3 am with frostbite, it was a ball. I still remember the night that KC was in for MNF, and the guy crawled out on the wire that holds up the net behind the goal posts. I thought we were seeing a suicide....but he crawled back to be arrested!

  3. The Bills picked McKelvin as he was their BPA on their draft board and look where it got them..Drafting is a crap shoot.

    I think a Cornerback is a likely pick...I don't have a favorite to mention. But, the Bills have a long history of drafting a CB #1 whenever one of the CB's is a departure candidate . In this case, McKelvin's contract is up after this year, and he is the only corner on the roster with jets to run with the receivers in this league. Despite his bad press on this board, Bleacher rated McKelvin about #40 in the league, and I think thats right. I think the Bills will get a corner because, unless McKelvin has a breakout year, he will garner much more money than the Bills are willing to pay for him based on his current performance level. So, drafting McKelvin's replacement seems logical to me. McKelvin is a disappointment...he is close, just not there yet. But, he is young, and may yet be a pro bowl corner...just not likely for the Bills.

  4. The fact that Spiller started some games at WR last year make the pick excellent. The guy is versatile in a scheme where players with versatility are needed. I am happy with the Spiller pick and I think that with him and Fred, we will have an excellent rushing attack again this season.

    Spiller was not excellant at WR. Smith did a much better job filling in there. There were things that Spiller had to learn, and he couldn't do all the moves for sure. Non the less, he did play there ,and I think that experience will make him a better back this year. It was OJT in an emergency and he was a C- wide out. I think, however he is an A- Rb, he just isn't that power back to get you the tough third and one done.

  5. I'm sure the show's producers required one of those clowns to include the Bills.


    Kiper mentioned Tampa Bay and Carolina.


    Trent Dilfer said the Seattle Seahawks.


    I also found Dilfer to be the guy with the highest credibility and a pretty polished style, too.

    Yes, Dilfer was a only fair QB, but seems to be a better announcer. Good for him!!!

  6. I like your line of thought with the one exception, I think McKelvin has been a bust. If the 10th overall pick ended up like McKelvin that would most certainly not be good.

    In the Bleacher report ratings of corners in the NFL, McKelvin was in the 40's league wide, our other two contributors last year at CB (not McGee) were rated in the 60's. So, a more objective source has McKelvin as belonging in the league. Way to much bashing of McKelvin on this board. Yes, he needs to make plays on the ball, but he is the ONLY CB we have that has the jets to stay with the top receivers and cover.(Florence is all heart and too slow) If McKelvin doesn't breakout this year, the Bills will not resign him, I am hoping for the best. He is a young man, and hopefully good coaching and a good line will make him the SStar we were hoping. He is the only one in the CB stable that can ball hawk. (And hopefully Byrd can also reestablish is bonafides in ball hawking again)

  7. This proposal from the same folks that want to move the ECCC to downtown. Lots of reasons not to go downtown....many discussed here. Refurb on the the Ralph makes the most sense, its not as nice as modern stadiums, but its still pretty good overall. I remember War Memorial Stadium, of course, so my standards are lower than you younger fans.

  8. Could be 8-8, but 9-7 if things go right. 10-6 is pretty optimistic. Then, there have been some huge turnarounds in the NFL, as well as huge falls recently. although Chan's offense will be in year 3, Stach's defense will be in year one with new guys everywhere, not sure that will jell quickly, despite the massive influx of talent. Sometimes the systems win and loose, not the individuals. I want to be optimistic, but have been crushed to many times to drink that cool-aid anymore. Most I can do these days is hope for the best....and expect, well, who knows what. Buffalo has certainly changed the mix, and the new administration is moving, we can see.

  9. I watched Hairston last year, he is no sort of answer at LT. He was beat regularily, recall, when he got on the field, the fast start disappeared. I am not yet sure he is an NFL tackle...the situation is now worst than portrayed by those who think Hairston is OK. I am not there at all based on what I saw last year. (season ticket holder for 40 years)

  10. I agree with many here....Tannehill looked great in his bowl game, and has a lot of tools. But, he has not played a lot of QB...and would need development. REcalling that AAron Rogers sat for 3 years (yeh, three) behind Farve before he got the starting job at GB, I think that Tannehill as a second round pick makes a lot of sense. Got to get a stud rusher with the first pick...another Bryce Paup would be fine with me..Paup got 16 sacks for the Bills one season from the OLB spot in the 3/4 back in the day.

  11. Wood is on contact. If he comes back healthy we should extend him. He has Pro Bowl potential.


    Bell should be retained if possible. With his injuries he may be easier to retain. They should not give the job to Hairston, they should keep Bell and let them compete for it.

    Bell is another Jonas Jennings...at least in terms of being an effective but often injured LT. Now, the history on Jennings....good to very good here, but often injured. SF signed him for about $75 mil for a number of years...4 or 5 anyhow, and he played very few games in all those years....I think 12 or something. SF did not resign him...and he is not in football now to my knowledge. So, if the bills let Bell walk, even though he is capable, that might be the right decision. Only way to keep him, I think, is a one year good contract to see if he can come close to lasting a full season. Hasn't shown that yet. Really good players haveto be durible also to justify BIG bucks.

  12. Actually, based on what I saw in the games Raynor played, he wasn't all bad. HE has a reputation for a big leg...and we saw that early. Long kickoffs and a couple of FG's over 50 yards. But, his performance did suffer, and he was not the same kicker. KO's not getting to the endzone, and the misses last week. Anyhaow, if Lindell goes elsewhere, he is at least some sort of an alternative, that when healthy, is at least a journeyman. Not as good as Lindell I think in terms of consistency, but you won't see Lindell even try any shots over 50....they just punt so he avoids the embarassment and the good opposition field position that also results from a miss.

  13. 1) Is anybody looking for good news? Look no further than Marcel Dareus. Today, he was the lone good player on the front 7, and he was a monster. He is a potential star people.


    2) OK, now for some bad news: Kelsay is bad beyond description. He is a bad DE and a bad OLB. Imo he is barely a second string player.


    3) I want to talk about Hairston. Yes, he had a rough outing but I actually saw him make some plays. I was watching closely. The kid could be a good, perhaps VERY good RT. I like him a lot, but he is NOT an option at LT. Backup LT? Absolutely. That's about it. Long story short? We need an offensive left tackle folks, and there in no getting around this fact. Bell is a small, brittle 7th round pick. Yes, we need an offensive left tackle. Hairston was terrible, got beat cleanly several times. But, why does that make him a right tackle? Looks like a washout to me. Bell is brittle, and a soon as we get a replacement, we don't need to resign him.


    4) Time for Moorman to part ways with the Buffalo Bills. Seriously. He is a horror show at this point, and btw, I hope he is in good health. He looks like he lost 30 or more pounds and lives in Biafra. Yes folks, he is totally shot, like it or not. Moorman is punting well man, how he looks is not a relevant concern.


    5) OK, it's time to talk about Spiller. He doesn't hit holes fast enough. If he did, if he could get through lanes, it would more than likely atone for the fact that he goes down upon any contact. CJ does not look like a pro running back. He is good in the open field, but lacks the instinct to stick his nose in there and get 3 tough yards...always going for the long one, and getting -1 doing it. I don't know what to do with him...he isn't a receiver either. And with the game now deemphazing return skills, I think he is a marginal player in the NFL.





    6) I am not defending Fitz. To be clear, he was God awful. But, it looked to me as if he was hurt. Did anyone else think this?


    7) Same old story, and I know it's been told

    Some like jelly jelly, some like gold

    Many a man's done a terrible thing

    Just to get baby,

    A shiny diamond ring.


    8) No flag for pass interference just before the 1st half? Is that what happened? It is time to question the integrity of the NFL. Sorry, but it is. There is only one reason to overturn a call so obvious. Yes, I am making a direct allegation of corruption. Btw, there was an equally flagrant non-call at the end of the Vikes/Lions game. Economic times are tough, and I am directly accusing the league of corruption. I doubt corruption, I believe playing to the home crowd.


    9) OK, more good news: Stevie Johnson made 2 spectacular catches today. I am talking about really great plays. We HAVE to keep him. Johnson has talent, but is not the deep threat that is needed at #1. Bob Chandler wasn't fast either ,but was a great Bill. Stevie can be that kind of guy. (I am revealing my age when I mention that I watched the Chandler years, he was a USC teammate of OJ)


    10) I have seen scads of bad Bufflo Bills football teams. This year, cameras are showing opponents laughing on the sidelines, and yes it does hurt. YEP! No respect yet, it has not been earned.


    11) Hang tough people. Maybe we will draft a QB. Or Courtney Upshaw. Or Donta Hightower. In any event, count me as one who thinks that we will improve next season.


    12) GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. I don't know if Fitz looks hurt. Didn't seem that way to me really. What makes you think so? Anything you can point to and say there, right there, see, he's hurt?


    My theory is that without a run game, without a defense, and without decent WRs who can catch the football, he's trying to do it all himself and trying too hard to make something happen. He needs help.


    That picked up flag on the PI was a horrendous no call.


    No one has mentioned this, but I though Hagan looked decent today. I hope he gets more balls thrown to him next week.

    As a receiver, he looked OK. Of course, he was playing defensive end on the fake punt the Chargers ran, and they ran around him. So, if we can keep him away from playing on the defensive line, he might be a contributor. And, WHY was he playing defensive end?

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