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Posts posted by bigc14120

  1. Without risk, there is no chance for reward. I see JP Losman a lot like Alex Smith. Both started out on bad teams. The difference is AS was kept around until the team was able to get all the right pieces in place including the right coaches, while we cut ties with JP.

    I would to see what Chan & company could do with JPs arm & mobility.

    I was a great JP supporter, but I concluded after 5 years that JP lacked the head to be a pro QB/ thats genetic and you can't coach it to get better. So, I don't think Chan could do anything with JP that wasn't already tried. JP was a nice guy, had a great arm, had some wheels, but absolutely no head for the game.
  2. Well, I also was at the game. I agree with many above that this hit was clean, and should not have been a fine. BUUUT, there was an ealier hit where he used the forearm on a KC receiver that I thought deserved the flag. But, the guy got up, so no fine on that play.

  3. Are you a Good Fitz... or a Bad Fitz?

    Based on the first two games, we don't know what to expect and anything can happen.

    On paper, it seems like the Bills should be able to do as well as they did against KC.

    It's a road game, which seems to be a problem for this team.

    Bold Prediction: Bills 34, Browns 24.

    I was at the game, Fitz numbers were good, but......he was still the bad Fitz, he missed some throws in horrendous fashion. Notably the first throw of the game.
  4. I went to the game also. REasonable summary above with a few differences of view. Cordy Glenn was an incredible #2 pick, and seeing him as LT 20 yards downfield leading the way into the end zone is a big deal....been a long time since we had a LT doing that! Not upset about trying other things than running Spiller more......need to get the passing game going, its only so so at best right now. And, we need to save Spiller for another day. Choise did OK also, but he is not FREDEX as the change out back. D was good, but the young CB's were beaten again, and made a number of mental mistakes. Gilmore gets a 12th man on the field penality as he stands there having just retied his shoe...he needed to get off. Williams (Aaron) got beat again a few times. Bowe got 12 catches, that shows a problem area. Crennel was not agressive...we were lucky there. This was a good recovery game to get back to where they are. But, a lot further to go, not sayin they won't do that. And, Fitz was a little erratic, but can still play the game!!! What a great run in the first half!!!! and, finally, responding above...Dilfer did not have a great passing arm/skill either. Fitz IS like Dilfer.....

  5. I have to agree with the sentiment on their customer service. Not once, but twice,I had appointments to have them come and do work and had them not only be late, but simply fail to show up at all that day despite in one case having an 8-12 appointment and in both cases me calling their dispatcher every 30 mins after they were an hour late. Inexcusable in my book, especially when they require someone to be home at the time (ie., take a day off). I'm only there for the Ticket (although when we moved two years ago my last installer was pretty competent and timely....

    yes, but these are subcontractors, not DirectV employees....non the less, they can be difficult. I found that I have to watch them work to get exactly what I want....mount the dsi 9 inches to high (on the deck), I make them move it down! But, I have found they are technically competant, and that covers a lot of sins.
  6. I am 67 this year. A Bills fan from 1960. Went to my first game at the old rockpile (Civic Stadium) when my dad's company let him have the tickets. Attended the famous snow game with the Bengals...maybe 68 or 69. when I got out of grad school, I had season tickets at the Rockpile in the cheap seats...couldn't afford better. The bottle used to get passed up and down the row in that territory. I saw Chuck Forman get hit in the head with a beer can at the Rockpile, causing visiting teams to wear their headgear on the sidelines from that point on. I had initial season tickets at Orchard Park (what was the stadium called then?), also the cheaper seats. But, life intruded after a while...and I resumed season tickets when I got the opportunity to take over my employers tickets in the mid 80's, they dropped them. Have used those seats since then, original senority since 1960 priority...we are behind the visiting bench on the 45 yard line about 30 rows up. I still parking in a pirate lot, and party before the game. maybe I'll stop when I'm 90!

  7. Not only does TJ have to learn it, he has to know it to the point of quick recall, a much more rigorous standard than just being able to remember what the play's are. That is he needs to recall and quickly act on 1 2 3 reads in sequence. Not just learning the playbook, but knowing it line by line, player by player. A LOT to absorb. I don't think Fitz would get pulled until game 10 or 12 if the season is a total bust. Just sayin....

  8. Plax has the same height as Nelson and is a good red zone target. Why not sign him for a year?

    He won't come here, Erie County won't give him a pistol permit!


    Where is Roosevelt?
  9. If they are the best duo in the nfl there aren't many good corners in the NFL. They both got burned so many times yesterday it was sickening. Now, they are young and may develop into a good tandem, but one is in his second season and maybe 8-9 starts under his belt and the other in his first NFL game ever, so way to early to say they are the best. So far they are closer to the worst then the best, but hopefully that will change.

    I agree with this thinking. I think Williams will be a safety ultimately, does not have CB speed. And, McKelvin also had a bad day. But, like last year, the line did nothing. It will be interesting if Mario's threat to take caer of illegal tactics himself if the replacement refs don't do it (hands to the face)
  10. Maybe Rossevelt, maybe Easley or Aiken. Not Clowney for sure, imo, he did not show anything in preseason. Makes me wonder why Hagen is not still around, but he is now a Raider again. Parrish is brittle to say the least, and released by the Chargers and Raiders...he is done. The old guard, Owens, Johnson, Burress are nothing but trouble. And, if Graham isn't ready after a full training camp, they will not pickup the offense quick either. (CJ likely never learn it, that was his problem at NE) Brad Smith....yes, but I wasn't convince last year. WE need a big target over the middle, someone who can catch and take a hit.....I guess that does sound like Rossevelt.

  11. The fan problem at away games is not limited to the JEts home games. In Buffalo, everything is good natured with visiting fans. BUT, my son was in Pittsburg for two years (grad school), and we know to NEVER go to a Steelers game with a Bills logo anything on. Sad, lots of crazy people in this world. I wonder if Roger Godell will ever come down on that type of behaviour at NFL games.

  12. The Bills do need to work on signing Levitre or Byrd. You can franchise tag the one you choose not to sign but get one of those deals done so it puts less pressure on the beginning of next off-season. I remember seeing a story about the Bills opening up negotiations with Levitre don't know if that's 100% true. But them cutting D.Edwards, Merriman, and Florence should leave more than enough cap space for this team.

    Actually, Urbik as well, I think. Also a very good performer, especially since he can be the center as well.
  13. Good teams win on the road, we will find out if this team is any good quick, Jets are better than their preseason record by far. And they beat the Bills the last two years on the line of scrimage on both sides of the ball. We may have reversed that on the D, where our studs (old and new) are healthy, and the OL is also healthy (although I have my doubt about Woods ability to go a full game, I think we will see Colin Brown some) Anyhow, this will be a tough physical game, and we need to play our best to win.

  14. Many flyovers in past years, always a highlight. Sometimes fighters in formation....incredible noise. Sometimes cargo planees from the Falls air base....when its those guys, they sometimes come in for the second half after they land...they are then introduced to the crowd. I always liked them.....EXACTLY at the end of the national anthem....within a second or two. definitely a military timing exercise. I always thought I was glad I wasn't on the business end of a visit from those fighters!!!

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