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Posts posted by bigc14120

  1. Jeeeeeeeeeeeeez was I right. :wallbash:



    When I started this post last week it was to try to put the possibility of Losman starting on the table because we needed to try something to save this season. I can tell you now that I didn't even believe 100% in what I wrote. I felt that Trent, like his head coach, needed a swift kick in the pants and a reminder that this job is not yours forever.


    The sad thing is that if Jauron had started JP Losman (yes it was a pipe dream), the Bills would have blown out the Browns last night. They'd be 6-4 and the season would still have a pulse. I just can't believe that game. What did the Buffalo Bills ever do to the football gods to deserve this?


    I can now say with 100% conviction that Losman should be starting next week. Trent is literally a quivering ball of fear in the pocket and Jauron has no business even thinking about starting Trent the rest of the season.

    I agree...JP should get a shot to revive the season, which is otherwise down the drain. Although he will be gone next year...(Trent is Ralph's guy) JP might win a couple , and can't be as brain damaged as Edwards is right now. And JP's arm will allow opening up downfield occasionally....Yes, Trent can go 30 yard downfield....but JP can go 50plus. And, if JP can't get the season revived, then lets see if Hamden can play. We need to see the relief pitching in the game now. JP earns 1.9, and kept because they need a backup....well, now is the time if there ever will be one.

  2. As much as I like Trent, I was surprised that he was still in the game after the third pick.

    [ I agree....we needed a relief pitcher in this circumstance...pehaps at half time. I also agree with the comment Trent ought to get a few games off. This season is gone without a BIG change. What is there to lose at this point. Although JP will be gone next year...(Ralph thinks JP has leporacy, and Trent in Ralph's guy) I think there is nothing to lose giving JP as shot to win a couple of games. Why not try the QB with the ARM. It is now clear that Trent does not have a better HEAD than JP...they appear equivalent in that area based on the last 4 games. Anyhow, with JP earning 1.9 mil this year, let him earn a little of that trying the relief role...at least until he fails. If they go to far under 500...then lets see Hamden for a couple of trys. Later folks!)

  3. Trent has ruined this season with his brilliant consecutive trifecta of losing to the Dolphins, Jets and Patriots. Sorry and no offense pal, but you suck. He's clueless and needs to sit and watch Losman being given his final chance to resurrect his career as a Buffalo Bill.


    These last three losses are so historically bad for this franchise that I don't think we here at TSW are even fully aware of the magnitude.


    I know LABillsfan is going to give me flack and plenty of others here, but drastic times call for drastic measures. I think Trent has tossed every last bit of 5-1 cache he had with these last three abysmal games against the AFC East division. It's time to shake things up and put a QB in there that can actually get the ball to #83. If Losman fails, then give the ball to Hamden. I'm done with Edwards. You and your head coach can take a hike


    Actually, I think that Ralph has no intention of signing Losman again.....he doesn't believe...so Edwards will get the rest of the season....but that should be all. He was terrible against the Pats......stats lie...even the completions were in many cases bad throws. (I was there, actually) That is with a capital T. And he lacks the long ball arm....JP has it, but not the head. JP will still learn and succeed, but in not Buffalo, unfortunately.


    My hope, the Bills smell the coffee and get a new QB next year. I personally hope this guy Anderson from Cleveland is available...as he won big last year...and is a scapegoat there now.

  4. Does anyone know the reason reason for Barnes' release

    I don't know, if they are doing this kind of swapping, I wish they would take a look at the guy from Clymer who is on the Jets practice squad...he played at Mich state...and is a big fullback who can also run. Whatever happen to the Jamie Mueller types?

  5. I'm sorry, but I have a hard time believing you or the other people claiming this have actually watched Jets games recently. Pennington is fine if the game is in hand - if he doesn't need to stray outside his comfort zone of 8 - 15 yard passes. But if the team falls behind and he needs to get them downfield in a hurry, he can't do it. When he first came into the league, while his arm wasn't strong, he could make the throws he needed to, but everything I've seen from him the last few years says his arm is shot. Lori's example of the INT he floated to McGee is a great one. I was really not worried going into the final drive of the Jets in that game because I knew he would serve up an opportunity like that.


    Look at the bight side....Edwards arm would look a lot better in warmups with Pennington next to him. He looks stinko next to JP's arm!!!

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