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Posts posted by Hossage

  1. This is a loser city. You can see it on the faces of the people here immediately when you have been somewhere else for a while and come back into town. I'm not saying the place doesnt have any redeeming features but...


    Every season feels like the monday night game against dallas last year.

  2. I agree that we are overly litigious. I had the ridiculous experience of being kicked out of school for having aspirin when I was 12.


    The school board actually hired an expensive and flamboyant prosecutor to present the case against me to themselves. He shouted in my face and pointed until they somehow found me guilty of possession of narcotics. They sent me to weekend parole/community service for two months and expelled me from school for three months. My two best friends dads voted against me.


    There have been numerous other noteworthy cases where a large crowd of bystanders watches a brutal murder and does nothing. Samaritans who have revived victims with CPR have been sued for breaking ribs. My other experiences as a juror suggest to me very strongly the legal system should be avoided at almost all costs.


    On a side note, did she touch him first? In which case (sarcasm) they should both be tried for assault.


    I played against Larry Johnson in high school. He wasnt any good and we thought the only reason he started was because his dad was the coach. He sure has improved since.

  3. Im a little slow, but I am much smarter than any of the refs in the nfl. I think the rules should be simple because officiating is not easy.


    If you watch game film, offsides is only called correctly about half the time. I think it is too much to ask the officials to atherosclerose their way over to their to the play reviewer, look at slides of nifty animals, and make the right call on whatever the eff the tuck rule is.

  4. I dunno dudes. Im all about good assistants and player development. Jauron does the vision thing pretty well and says all the right things. Now if we had acceptable coordinators instead of ring tailed lemurs at salad bars we might get somewhere.


    Oh, yeah, and im pretty sure modrak hates himself and is aware that he sucks at his job.

  5. Is zero the amount of teams that fear the buffalo bills too? I suggest that it is, and that a beautiful dogfight of a season it will be!


    I dunno about you guys, but if the bills dont do well, Obama gets elected, and I dont get any smarter I dunno what Im gonna do. I mean, I do, but I was gonna drink anyway.

  6. I understand from my cleveland sources that he hit a curb while riding a girls bike with a banana seat while dealing with a bad case of blueballs. Speaking of the browns, I had the pleasure of being jim browns handler for the day during an event at my college at the time. I have to say he was one of the biggest jerks i have ever met in my life. He was like a real live Mr. T, except angry all of the time instead of being confused, funny, and occasionally inspirational.

  7. I argee strongly with ShipUPride, our running scheme is not a good fit for our team. It requires the biggest line in the nfl to get up and move and then perforn reach and shutoff blocks that frankly they would not be good at if they had the mobility to perform them. Our running game is extremely predictable and is very easy to scout.


    Most of our runs require our offensive linemen to step flat and move down the line of scrimmage. When they are failing to outrun the defense to the point of attack, they also cannot move the defense back because they are running parallel to the line of scrimmage.


    This difficulty is compounded by the type of runner we have in Lynch. He is not a cutback runner with great vision that will make the defense pay for over pursuit by finding a seam and accelerating quickly into the secondary. He is powerful and has excellent leg drive after contact. Lynch does not stretch the field with his speed and suck blockers into the middle with his cutback ability. Instead, he patiently waits for the defense to fill the gaps in front of him and bulls in for three and looks like a hero doing it.


    Lynch therefore is a better runner for a team with a line which attempts to make blocks and hold them to push the line of scrimmage up the field.


    When I heard we were going to bring in a real fullback this year, I was excited. I thought finally we would have an effective scheme. Then I saw Darian Barnes shooting through the line only to be asked to perform finesse blocks downfield and on the backside of plays. I want isos, wham blocks, and doubleteams at the point of attack. I want linebackers cheating up to the line of scrimmage so they dont get knocked out of the play by a crashing guard or a fullback and then getting countered or burned on a short slant. Zone blocking a la buffalo does not intimidate defenses.

  8. My men, it looks like we are going to need to play against brady in the future and farve until he is 64. It is actually my opinion that defensive backs should continue to be our top priority. Mind you, I was not impressed with the Mckelvin pick, but he is as raw as Youboty was, and Ashton has really come a long way.


    Acor has a good point. For some reason free safety seems to be more expendable than strong or cornerback. If we all send Bob Sanders love letters, will he come to buffalo? I know his mom, and I'll work on it guys.

  9. Sullivan cant do his job without offending everyone he comes in contact with or writes about. I could keep a running tab of the ridiculous, contradictory statements he has made over the years. He will say anything.


    Not only would sullivan debase himself for a skittle, but he also lacks football knowledge. I would be surprised if he has ever played a down. He cheats at golf.


    Schobel is having a good year. The lack of sacks so far comes from a number of real football factors. He is not being used as an outside pass rusher as much as in the past. He is lining up in a more inside technique and standing his ground to stop the run. Often he pulls a tackle wide and deep into the quarterback and opens up the rush from the inside. We have not brought a lot of pressure to support him out there.


    Aaron has lost weight since coming to buffalo. You'll notice that he gets more tackles and disrupts plays more like a linebacker.


    And although he has a southern drawl and is a little short in interviews, he is not dumb. He scored a 37 on his wonderlic test, making him one of the smartest players in the NFL. He really is very shy and is a very private person.

  10. As a former tailback I know what every one of marshawns runs look like; I have run them all a hundred times at least. I think marshawn gives away his advantages in many different ways.


    Firstly, he is impatient. He does not stay in position behind his blockers in order to threaten the defense with the cutback and tends to make outside runs very shallow. When he does this he cannot freeze a defender with the threat of getting a full head of steam and running over them, nor can he threaten a cutback. Jackson makes the runs look the way Vince Lombardi ran them.



    He often runs at a defender and then slows down in front of them. He then uses his quick feet and strength to wrestle through the guy and often looks spectacular doing it. If the defender knows you will not run straight at them travis henry style, then they can break down in front of you and defend against a change of direction.


    Marshawn is not fast. Lets say it: he takes four strides to cover five yards at full speed. That is an incredibly, abnormally small stride length. He does not have speed defenders need to be aware of before they fly in in an overly aggressive manner.


    I realize the combine was a year and a half ago for him, but his weightlifting numbers were pathetic. I am four inches taller than he is and the same weight and I can lift as much as he can. I have a little fat roll and dont work out very hard.


    We dont use marshawn correctly. Our zone blocking scheme favors a small, low, cutback style back with good vision like Mojo. Lynch's strength is getting into small holes and getting tough yards in traffic. We should use him like the cowboys used emmit smith. We should not encourage him to run east and west by running 26 zone blocked so much. When he runs plays to the outside he should sprint for the hole instead of pick his way there so the linebackers can catch up. He is great on screens


    Freddy does everything right that lynch does wrong. He looks like a classic style tailback in the mold of curtis martin. He is going to break bigger runs and average more yards per carry. Remember that he is 220 and puts bigger hits on defenders than lynch when he has a full head of steam. He is easier to wrap on inside runs, where we shoud prefer lynch.


    Having said all that, Lynchs positives are big ones. Lynch runs with a very low center of gravity and keeps his feet under him. He is a marvel to watch. His blocking and receiving have improved tremendously as has his strength. This is not an endorsement of Freddy and a complaint against marshawn. I feel that the different look they give the defense with their styles is effective.


    I would like to see freddy offset left in a flexible formation with a fullback or H back to the right and a tight end split two yards out. But i guess we have to hire joe gibbs for that.


    He could also be effective if we use him in the slot like the patriots use welker. They have a different style of offense, but ours is moving toward that style.

  11. He seems like a nice guy and does a good job of explaining the game for beginners. That does not outweigh the fact that his tangled elocution, poor grammer and pronunciation make him undesirable to listen to.


    He is better than dieon sanders, who said the players were going to meet at half court to flip the coin. He described a player as "He a high motor. Thats the thing that a lot of teams desire..."

  12. I cannot believe the ineptitude of nfl referees. In the games I have watched this year they have called offsides or a variation of it incorrectly 40% of the time. How hard is it to look down the line and see which guy moved? The ravens beat the patriots last year if the dead ball foul was called correctly.


    My firmly held opinion is that refs should be much younger than they are because there is overwhelming evidence that most refs do not have all of their faculties working for them. I mean to say it is not possible for a person with reasonable reaction time and vision to make the errors that NFL refs do.

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