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Posts posted by Hossage

  1. We need to figure out a way to get him the ball because he is so dangerous. He cannot be covered one on one. He is a polished receiver, but a small target.


    We should be able to put roscoe out in the slot and have him draw personnel toward him to defend quick passes like new england does with whelker to improve the running game.


    In other words, I agree with everything everyone else said.

  2. Marshawn has improved this year and over this season. He dances less. He seems to be able to run off tackle and cutback better now, whereas before he just didnt get that concept. He is a little stronger than last year, and he runs harder now. It is like he has learned to do all the things that Jackson does well.


    Lynch is slow. It takes him four strides to cover five yards. Some games he plays noticeably harder than others. Whereas last year I thought he was slightly below average for a starter, now I would call him average. I have waxed eloquently in the past about lynch. We could use a better every down power type of back, and use jackson like philadelphia uses westbrook

  3. Adoptees to homosexual families suffer many, many times the rate of abuse of other children, and their relationships are likely to last an even shorter amount of time than normal couples.


    An easier argument to understand is that kids should have parents of both genders to learn from.


    If gay marriage is passed and I were to marry my straight best friend for his excellent health care and then pay him 2000 dollars to make it worth his while, then can I adopt a teenage daughter too? Hopefully a blonde one.


    Im not gay or a pervert, but you can see the problem here. Of course it isnt constitutional. Marriage meant straight people back then too.


    That is not to say that i do not like gay people or wish them ill will in any way. Society has to be able to make these kind of judgments or else things fall apart (worse than now).

  4. These guys are pretty good against the run, and hard to throw over. Thats the most you can say about them. Schobel will not be back this year, so we just have to start liking it. Or put an extra DT in there and play a 5-2 that can turn into a 3-4 like the ravens on short yardage. Our guys would be well suited for that.


    I am shocked to see that ellis only benched 350. That is totally inexcusable for someone of his size. At six two, 210 with a sprinter physique I put up that much. He looked like a boy among men out there.

  5. The guy who sits next to me has to be 6'4" and 330+, and im not small, but we still fit in our seats if i push in on his fat so it bulges out somewhere else instead. He eats at least one variety pack of candy bars during a game. He accidentally left 15 mini hershey bars and 10 peanut butter cups behind last game because he couldnt find them under all the other candy wrappers.

  6. Bankruptcy is not necessarily bad for the auto companies or the buffalo area. They will continue to operate, and it will give them a chance to reform much more than otherwise. The big three and the UAW made a deal with the devil last year when they signed a deal that they both knew would take them into bankruptcy in months. They are technically in bankruptcy now; the companies are insolvent, meaning they cannot cover their debts. The debt they now hold can be converted to stock at a discount after bankruptcy restructuring.


    Protection of industry does not work, and this isnt the first time the auto industry has been bailed out. Ideally, the government would offer to bail out the retiree costs, which account for 3000 dollars of a stripped down pickup, and dissolve the UAW. Free of the thousands of pages of the labor contract and with 30% cheaper labor, our auto industry would make the best cars in the world.

  7. This team isnt fired up enough to run the table. The offense saunters off the field and high pinkys their gatorade on the bench. Jackson is the only member of the offense who seems consistently pumped up. The special teams are good, but they sure dont have the swagger of when coy wire and sam aiken played. Maybe john corto does. This is football; the guys should have the body english of professional wrestlers, not a baby shower.


    I feel like jauron has been able to drill our players well in the fundamentals and we do avoid a lot of stupid mistakes, but he sure doesnt have this team fired up.

  8. The bills are responsible for a dangerous situation. There were three ticket takers for hundreds of people and they were being lightly worked. Six policemen stood behind the ticket takers and not pat people down when there was clearly a need to defuse the situation and get the crowd moving.


    Security guards let only a trickle of people through to be searched. They absolutely were being slow on purpose, and were smug about it. The police were much slower and more thorough in their searches than at any other game.


    The crowd was relatively well behaved, but any fool could see it was an explosive mob scene. Ranks of people in the crowd leaning forward and jockeying for position pushed fans in front over the portable metal bar barriers from behind. They tipped over and people tripped over them and became entangled in their bars. One person in front of me had his foot caught and was screaming for his life so he did not get trampled by the crowd or break his leg. I nimbly avoided the barrier as I was pushed over it. The gates were then closed and locked in front of us, causing people to be pressed up against them.


    I turned around and very slowly made my way out of the crowd, telling people that they had locked the gate. It was dark and the crowd was so thick that people could not see. There was no communication from the security to the crowd.


    I should have complained about this before now, because the situation was absolutely inexcusable.

  9. When the ball is in the air, evans has an outstanding ability to adjust to it and always seems to come down with it. Nobody here questions his skills, but doesnt it feel like something is missing about him? I will suggest he does not always run sharp routes at full speed, does not seem to understand the situation and defenses and get open. He and edwards are not on the same page. Compare him to Eric Moulds, who just seemed to make it easy for his quarterbacks. Like the rest of the players on the team,(losman was the worst) his body english is not that of someone with his head in the game.

  10. I had that distinct feeling too. Everyone was oddly quiet, dreading to be let down. Correcting the problem starts with admitting it. This is a loser city. Were the bills tonight as businesslike and professional as when the cowboys ripped my heart out and stomped on it during our last monday night game?


    Although we finally did play with some fire tonight, especially on the offensive line. I havent seen peters run block like that in a year. Lynch was awesome. Freddy would not go down. Our defense was superb, despite the efforts of the refs.

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