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Posts posted by Hossage

  1. Considering the pressure is completely off and the bills are now seen as an easy game to the mistake prone jets, I think it is possible that the bills play very well. We are good enough to beat the jets even with losman. I dont think we will because I felt our offensive approach last game did not give our guys a chance to win, and our coaching staff does nto made adjustments.


    When we line up in about half of our offensive formations, i can guess the play 70% of the time. When I do film study after the games, the defenses do a better job than I do at guessing the play. Miami was especially well prepared.

  2. I just cant stand to see this city made a laughingstock for one more reason. I think thats what its about for half of the fans too. I grew up a cleveland fan and played a decade of football in the gridiron paradise that is northwestern Ohio, and I just couldn't believe what they did to to that city when they moved their team.


    We have a great thing here in buffalo, and I think were all getting the feeling our team and the league dont really get that. If you ask the average fan in america what they think of the bills, they will say they are a classy team and maybe their second or third favorite team. The No Fun League will look ridiculous if we lose our team.

  3. Ill defend schobel. He racks up tackles and gets to plays quickly. He stays free and for his size and quickness is remarkably good at not giving up ground against the run. I think he has improved tremendously against the run since two years ago. He attempted to play without having the ability to flexion his foot upward and the results were just as good as his backup. Schobel never bites on fakes or finds himself out of position. He is one of the smartest players on the team.

  4. Indeed, and that guy michael gaines is a pretty good blocker with surprising speed for a complete unknown. Maybe we could pick him up cheap. We dont use the talent we have at tight end very well. I honestly would have made peters our blocking tight end years ago. Remember when he was 50 lbs skinnier and fast?

  5. Slow motion or not I think we saw a lot of players looking at each other and turning up their hands as if to say, well we tried to stop miami in wildcat when they had an extra tackle, two tight ends and a fullback in front of our base 4-3, but whitner just wasnt going to get by that tackle and make the play in the backfield. It does not take lip reading or crayon eating to deduce that our players are frustrated because they are not being put into position to make plays.


    Last year the giants ran 13 times in a row to win against us at home. They ran five times inside our 15 with two extra linemen and three tight ends against our base 4-3 defense. Whether or not I could see their frustration is a moot point. Our guys arent being given a fair chance to win. "Who could argue with that?", you ask. Feel free to.

  6. I havent heard them trash the bills like this since right after Kevin Gilbride walked out the the door one afternoon after saying "Larry Centers isnt playing much for us because he is too small to block." The barbers were classy enough not to say anything bad about Gilbride or the Bills. When the locals start sounding like Jerry Sullivan you know things are getting bad. I am suggesting half price beer at the patriots game, which we all know will be painful.

  7. We have a big offensive line, yet we make them move laterally when we run block with our zone blocking things. We have a versatile back in jackson, but we do not let him run patterns or motion into the slot or line up outside of the tackle box like the eagles use westbrook. We have two h-back type of tight ends in Schouman and Fine, yet we do not line them up in the tight slot in a versatile formation. We went out and got a fullback, but we do not use him on lead blocks. We have an elusive and agile receiver in parish, but we do not get him the ball in short patterns or pitch outs. Josh reed is an excellent blocker, but he does not contribute to running plays like whelker does for new england because he is not lined up close enough to the offensive line. Lynch is a physically talented and agile runner who has mediocre vision, but our coaching staff asks him to pick a hole in a zone blocking scheme. In short, I agree that one of the main reasons our offensive coaching is so remarkably poor is because they cannot use the talent we have.

  8. Unbalanced formations arent new. But they do work against a raven style defense which tends to attack gaps and play a 3-4 down style where their olbs creep up. More linemen mean the defense will have less depth to pursue plays. Like running against a goal-line or a 5-2 defense.

  9. I absolutely disagree with you. After careful film study I am convinced that posluzny is not only our best linebacker but a very good one for the NFL as well. He takes on blocks and keeps himself free very well. I saw him take on Polite's lead bloks head on several times. That is the hardest thing a linebacker can do He reads plays and does not bite on fakes or get caught looking in the backfield. He has better range in coverage than the other linebackers and reacts quickly when he sees pass. We all know he is a good tackler.

  10. I just watched the miami game in slow motion, and despite repeated mental errors and unbelievably bad coaching, our players usually beat the guy in front of them. Miami had at least two tight ends and a fullback in against our base 4-3 all day long and we usually stopped the run. There isnt any doubt in my mind that man for man we are a vastly superior team. except for pennington, who is awesome.


    Our players are frustrated by the ridiculous coaching. Slow motion reveals a lot. Miami had all the answers and our coaches just never adjust.

  11. I was a big leonhard fan because he was smart in coverage. That is more than can be said for simpson.


    Bannan plays the role of the penetrating defensive tackle. That has almost become a cliche here in buffalo. We did him a disservice by leaving him to stop the run while schobel ran up the sidelines to maybe sneak up on the qb from behind. I dont really remember, but how much do you want to bet that sullivan called them both chumps?

  12. Dearest k-9:


    It has been my experience and first hand observation that playing well in cold temperatures requires acclimation to them. Especially in a contact sport like football that features passing and kicking. Getting used to throwing and receiving in different wind conditions and with slippery balls takes practice. Simply getting used to the added sting of hitting in the cold takes time. Science will tell us there are physical adaptations to exposure to cold weather that i am too lazy to enumerate. Those are sensible reasons to practice in the cold.


    You have stated that most NFL teams do not practice in the cold. A reason for that may be that they do not practice in cold parts of the country.


    Reasonable people may certainly disagree on this issue, but what I said did not make "NO SENSE".


    I think the reason is that NFL teams are so wussy that a coach would face near mutiny if they asked their players to play outside in that scary weather.


    Warm weather teams dont play well in the cold. http://www.advancednflstats.com/2007/11/nf...by-climate.html Perhaps you would be in favor of air conditioning their practice facilities a little?

  13. Maybe, bubbles, if you had more playing and coaching experience you would be qualified to speculate on how I performed in my football career. In the mean time, you should hire a football expert and trust his judgment.


    By your logic since Jason Peters played more than one position in college, I think it is safe to say that he was not a very good player. Ditto for Josh Reed.


    Even if I was much less physically gifted than I am, that would still not determine whether I understand the NFL.


    Why am I bothering to debate with some government conspiracy theorist at quarter till one in the morning about whether or not i should be allowed to post in a discussion forum? See in real life you can hit people, so situations like these dont usually occur.

  14. Why do I feel like you are trying to prick me into divulging more information than I really want to instead of being really interested in my football career?


    I played tailback and safety for a division 3 school in Ohio. And ran track.


    I didnt really want to know your history with females. I think you saw what I was getting at, though.

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