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Posts posted by Hossage

  1. I played in college and for a nationally ranked high school. But I dont think it takes a knowledge of football nomenclature and in depth theory on exotic coverages to speculate as to whether the bills should run the ball more or less or whatever.


    We agree that beyonce could upgrade us both. However, what is your background on being upgraded by females? Are you qualified to have that opinion?

  2. I disagree with the point of this topic entirely. I think it is possible for fans to analyze what went wrong in our games and I think that the fans on this site have done a good job of it. I like to talk about the Xs and Os of football and I do know enough to criticize the bills. I do not think I am alone.


    I also disagree with your asking of Dean to reveal his level of football experience. It is fun for posters to converse about football no matter what their experience level, and is is impolite to attempt to pull rank on others who may disagree by claiming their football experience makes them right.

  3. Man I love singletary. "We come out and hit people in the mouf. We are not a charity, we dont give games away." He could get even our offense fired up.


    Let us retain jauron as a figurehead because he handles the media well and has instilled discipline and taught our guys the fundamentals well. I will give the defense to singletary and pay him any amount of money. I dont care if the Jills have to work glory holes to pay for him. And then find an offensive coordinator who is a male.

  4. When i watch other NFL teams, I see the logic behind the plays they run. For instance, If they expect cover 2, they send the tight end on a seam as safety bait, let the receiver run a wheel and have someone run a down and out underneath. if everything goes right, someone has to be open.


    But when I see half of the bills plays i just dont get that they were going for. Edwards goes through his progression, but doesnt seem to have a place where he wants to throw the ball. Often it is because there isnt one that makes sense.

  5. We dont even attempt a power running game. Has anyone ever seen us bring in an extra lineman and a fullback on third and one? We dont even have goal line plays in our playbook. We effing zone block on third and s hort. Nobody does that. A high school coach could fix this.


    There is a whole world of running plays that we are unaware of. There are trap plays, counters, dives, guard pulls, tosses, shovel passes, screens, wing t plays, wildcat options, flexible formations using h backs and tight ends, and different types of blocks that have proven to be successful at all levels, and we dont even attempt them. We are the easiest team to scout in the NFL.



    Maybe we should be looking to hire some of the staff from orchard park high school. The truth is that those boys play with fundamentals that are as good as the bills, and the bills are better than most.

  6. When the last monday night game started, I was fired up. Everyone around me was. I though there was so much energy that night that we were going to steamroll cleveland. But when I saw our players warming up, they looked sluggish and nonchalant. When we took the field our special teams tried hard and most of our defense looked ok, but some members of our team were clearly just not excited.


    Our coaches and management have failed to motivate this team. We can talk about why, but there is no denying it. We are soft.



    I will never forget last year when the giants ran the ball with two extra tackles in the game against us 13 times in a row, 12 of them against our base defense. On the last three runs, they had eight linemen in the game. I would have fired someone that day.


    Just last week on the first drive of the game the niners had three tight ends and a fullback in the game and we had our base 4-3 out there. Astonishingly inept coaching frustrates an already soft team.

  7. For me, the biggest factor has been lack on intensity all year long. Our offensive players look sullen and bored. Only jackson shows consistent effort and positive body english. Lynch is a little streaky, but he has tried hard too.


    I blame not one of our players. Our coaches and management bear the entirety of the responsibility. If they cannot motivate our players then they have failed.


    Peters holding out was a disaster. We should have the type of management were peters would understand that behavior will not be rewarded. Crowells actions were deplorable. The failure of the bills to motivate or eliminate players alone cost us our season, before we even begin to discuss personnel and scheme.


    This would not have been tolerated in Pittsburgh.

  8. That is indefensible. To play well in the cold you have to be used to it. To me, its just shocking really. Edwards clearly does poorly in the cold weather. We gave up against cleveland last year in that snowstorm. Its like the players, most of whom are not from snowy places, thought it was a fluke and a joke.


    The poster above me says levy agrees with jauron. I have never heard anyone else who feels that way. Anyone from a cold place knows you have to get used to performing in cold weather.

  9. Yup, and now players and coaches all want to go there. We would have to sell our jills to get a lot of nfl players to come to buffalo. That might actually be a good decision for everyone...


    It makes you wonder how well edwards could be doing. Although from the limited time cassel got in college, it was apparent that he was a top talent.

  10. Yeah jim, but for every 400 posts you get about what scum you are, there are 40,000 people thinking the same thing you just said. besides, fag isnt really a hate word anymore. Gay guys call themselves fags, whatever. Just because the gold rush was in '46 and not 69, do not see what relevance 20 years has to the 49 ers being homosexual. History isnt everyones strong suit.

  11. Stroud is tremendous. He covers three gaps for the rest of the defense. He pursues with speed, and always stays free without giving up ground. Remember what happened to our defensive line the last time we went down to pittsburgh? Thank your lucky stroud it doesnt look like that again. If we had four strouds, the opposition would have negative 300 yards rushing by now.

  12. I dont think too many of our openly homosexual players were offended by him. I believe they understood the nuance between hating gays and hating limp-wristedness in general. That was sarcasm. This was an old school type of catholic school. There was no such thing as homosexuality. Just ask the gay priests we had in class.


    When I say old school, I mean it. We still had a boxing program at that time. The priest headmaster of the school would beat the hell out of students. The dean of students was a naval captain. And the nuns did not know the meaning of sympathy. When a female teacher was inadvertently hit with a snowball, the next morning the headmaster announced that he would break the arm of any student who so much as let a flake touch their hand. He absolutely meant it, and he had the muscle to do it.


    The coach in question once rode through the hallways on a harley in leather with his collar popped and the female principle holding onto him.

  13. I am shocked you fellow posters dont consider this to be all in good fun. Obviously, in a football locker room there is a lot of pants dropping. Big deal. I really think it is a good analogy to the way they played. Sometimes a coach with an interesting persona takes the pressure off his team and lightens the mood.


    The niners have played noticeably harder since singletary took over.


    I remember my first day at freshman football camp. I was a skinny awkward kid. We take a knee and my six foot five, medallion rocking, gangster looking badass greek coach says "welcome to Cathedral Prep football camp- hey, what the fuk is that? Im gonna rip that earring out of your ear and take the rest of your ear with it (he limps like a zombie toward the player since he was in a car accident) If i see one more piece of fag jewelry on my effing football field.... "


    He then stopped and looked around as if he didnt know where he was and asked what he was talking about before that. It was half acting, but it made it clear that we were here to be tough. He scared the hell out of referees. He would have done anything for us, and he spray painted his expensive car our colors. We sold out for him like navy seals.

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