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Preston Ridlehuber

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Posts posted by Preston Ridlehuber

  1. That is such B.S. (not you).


    He clearly said that he could care less how the Bills do on Sundays, or if they win or lose. There is no excuse for saying that. If he doesn't want to be there talking about the Bills, then he should leave. But don't sit and B word about it on the air to all the listeners who love the team and want to talk Bills.



    Keep adjusting that wording and keep trying to convince yourself and your minions that now Andy Roth is lying. We will you go away if a tape appears to refute your lies?

  2. in the interest of fairness, here is the reply from the Program Director to my email to WGR, complaining about Schopp. Wish i could listen to the exact broadcast again, because i definitely got a different impression. Oh well, no biggie, i still will not become a regular listener to that show again, while Schopp is on. i'm at about 10 minutes once every two or three weeks.



    "John – I was listening to the same part of the show and he did not say that and was misquoted on a message board as well. He said that it HAS become a job because he feels the Bills have let him down. Trust me, Mike loves his job here and would rather do nothing else. It’s why he has a Saturday morning show specifically dedicated to collecting cards and sports memorabilia."





    -Andy Roth

    Program Director


    WGR – Sports Radio 550


    This can't be true because I was told that everyone heard the same thing word for word even though nobody remembers the exact wording! :blink:

  3. There are 3 parts to what was said:


    1) Caring less about what happens on Sundays or with the Bills


    2) Where Schopp is from


    3) That Schopp talks about the Bills because he is paid to and he doesn't like them at all.


    Funny you chose to ignore points 1 and 3, which are obviously the points the original poster is taking offense to and choose to focus on the completely irrelevant point of 2, which is where Schopp is from. Who cares? The original poster really isn't too concerned with where Schopp is from I am pretty sure...


    One final attempt at an intelligent response.


    This is what OC says he said,


    "I don't care about the Bills that much. But, it's something I have to talk about because I have a job that requires me to talk about sports in Buffalo and a lot of people care about the Bills.


    That is a far cry to what the original poster posted. It has never been a secret that the Bills in specific and the NFL in general ranks about fourth or fifth in his pecking order. Without hearing the show, and no, they don't audio vault the whole show, I am going to guess that he dredded talking draft, especially on a 85 degree day, but I don't know for sure so I'll defer to whatever memory OC has of it.


    It doesn't change my contention that the original post was based on an incorrect assumption that colored the tone of his attempt to paraphrase. That is that instead of representing the tone as not his favorite subject today, the tone was represented as something he hates doing on a daily basis.

  4. How Hillary Clinton of you. So, instead of focusing on what Schopp the retard said, you focus on what a poster incorrectly said? I don't care about what the poster said that was wrong, and that's not the friggin point, or the question at hand.


    The point is: Schopp is complaining about doing his job, whining about "having" to talk about the Bills, and I am saying "Fine, then take your "offers" and go someplace where you don't have to. Period


    Hysterical that I have to disclaim the "taken out of context" thing to keep you from doing it. I thought that would come in handy...


    He was explaining that he liked to talk about baseball and hockey more, or, he was explaining why he liked NFL Network more than ESPN and that led into talking about the draft in general, the NFL in general. (And we all get the Direct TV plug)


    I don't know. Is your retarded brother, the guy who was supposed to answer the questions, in the room there with you or is it activity time? He said that he can't answer my questions because he is wasting too much time denying that Schopp said that the only reason he talks about the Bills is because he has to.


    At one point I actually thought there was potential for an intelligent conversation with you but I guess I was wrong. Sorry to have wasted your time. You can go to bed content that you won. The search goes on for intelligent Bills talk.

  5. Answer my questions already. You keep "wasting all this time" telling us something that we all clearly heard, myself included, didn't happen. If you've got time to keep up this farcical attempt at denying reality, you've got time to answer my simple questions.


    Funny I haven't even begun to start bashing Schopp for his ridiculous comment today. Let's get that going starting now!


    Buddy, Schopp did say: "I don't care about the Bills that much. But, it's something I have to talk about because I have a job that requires me to talk about sports in Buffalo and a lot of people care about the Bills". That's almost a direct quote, short of the maybe the ums and ahhs and/or phrasing and punctuation. Go ahead and tell me I "took it out of context", I dare you.


    You are either:

    1. an idiot

    2. a homer that works for WGR

    if you are trying to deny that this the above is exactly what he said, or extremely close to it, today.


    Hey Mike: If you don't like talking about the Bills, then why don't you take one of those numerous offers you have to leave and go someplace where we don't expect you to talk about, oh I dunno, the N. F. L. team in THIS city?


    Yeah, let's spend all of our time talking about baseball teams in other cities. :rolleyes: Like I said, it's so easy, just take one of the offers you have and go to a city with a baseball team, and then everybody's happy.


    So apparently he didn't say he moved here, correct? Did he say he could care less if hte Bills win? Your quote is quite a bit short of the original post and since you don't want me to take it out of context and you seem to have a clear memory of what he said, why don't you tell me what led up to his statement.

    Speaking of answering questions, any response to the screening question?

  6. So are you now saying that you can't answer questions a third grader could answer? :lol:


    I guarantee they can answer questions a third grader could answer. Why can't you? The questions my guy is struggling with are a little more complicated :lol: than "what mike are you talking about?" or "what to you mean when you say screening phone calls is the same?" or that terrible brain teaser "how do you know what offers Schopp(happy?) has gotten?".


    You have no media affiliation. Really. Then why do you talk about "when the mikes are off" and what screening phone calls is like? Were you an intern? Did you used to have media affiliation? Why would you come off like a "media guy"-->phones, mikes, etc., if you aren't one?


    You can't blame me for asking these questions-->I'm only asking them based on what you chose to post.



    Did I really say something about screening calls? You brought it up twice, but I am pretty sure you are mistaken. Or maybe my wife is right when she says I'm getting old.

  7. Schopp then said something along the lines of, "I could care less what happens on Sundays or how the Bills do, I moved here, this is just a job. The only reason I follow them is because it is my job to talk about them."


    I happened to listen to WGR today, it was about 3:10pm, he ABSOLUTELY said something exactly to that effect. i think they have an audio vault, maybe it is still on there.


    i hardly ever listen to WGR anymore. it is because i dislike Schopp. i do not like the way he interacts with callers. i tuned in today just to get the drift of peoples thoughts on the draft. within 10 minutes i realized why i hardly tune in.


    The guy lived here all his life. There is absolutely know way he said anything like "I moved here, this is just a job." There is no doubt that football is not his favorite subject and he sometimes doesn't like to talk about but lets either listen better or stop making stuff up.

  8. He said that "he didn't grow up here rooting for the Bills" a while back. That is why I thought he never lived anywhere around here.


    My original statement of what he said is.... what he said. Take from it what you will.



    So you made an inaccurate assumption and then made up a whole new fact to fit what you wanted to post about his show? So when you said he said he could care less what happens on Sunday and that he only follows them because its his job, you made that up, correct?

  9. Hysterical. Here I am in this thread and this guy won't answer simple questions...and then one of my people call me up to help them with how to structure insurance data properly, and they won't answer my simple f'ing questions either. Friggin irony. :lol:


    Why do you care if I spell it right or not? I'm not trying to be disrespectful to Mike Schopp(happy), but why do you care if I am?


    No Brandon doesn't say things like "I just answered the question" when he clearly didn't, and, Brandon doesn't keep trying to lamely change the subject by talking about how much time he has spent NOT answering questions.


    And to think, this whole terrible travesty of wasting a 1K of memory on the server could have been avoided if only you would answer my simple questions.




    If this guy is Mike Schopp, it appears that "he is not as smart as he thinks he is" comment is right on target.


    You are asking me questions a third grader could answer. Maybe you can get "your people" to answer them. If you have real questions, fire away but I am not Mike Schopp and have no media affiliation if thats all you are trying to get at.

  10. What? Can you start making sense, please?



    "I could care less what happens on Sundays or how the Bills do, I moved here, this is just a job. The only reason I follow them is because it is my job to talk about them.


    You said Schopp said the above line in your original post.


    In post 34 you said




    He said, "I didn't grow up here rooting for the Bills."


    Which is the truth?

  11. That'll teach me to assume.

    So going back to your earlier post, you do like Parker more now that you've heard a better sampling, but Schopp is beginning to wear on you. Think that's where I'm at, too.


    I will add this, though: all bets are off regarding Bills postgame shows, because you'd have to have the patience of Job -- or a lifetime supply of Valium -- to sit through some of those drunk-and-belligerent calls.


    Preston, Mike also ticked me off when he suggested that if Jim Ritcher was worthy of a spot on the Wall of Fame, guys like Greg Cater and Mark Brammer should also get a shot. (Nice pull from the Bills' 1980 draft list, by the by.)

    If you'd like to handle that one while you're here, too ... :lol:


    Didn't say I always agreed with him. I wouldn't put Ritcher on either but I can understand the argument for his inclusion. Since we are going back and forth and this thread was based on a lie, why don't we change it up.


    Do you think Lofton deserved a spot in the 50 year team?

  12. No, you didn't.


    I'll try this again;

    1. What mike are you talking about?

    2. Who here qualifies phone calls? How can we agree that this is the same as "Whenever anybody qualifies a post or a phone call for that matter" when none of us would know that unless we qualified phone calls?

    3. Why do we care that Schop has gotten offers to leave, and how do you know that he has?

    4. What does "the #1 talk show in the area" have to do with anything, other than being a marketing plug?


    As they say, at least spell the name right.

  13. He said, "I didn't grow up here rooting for the Bills."


    I'm assuming you can understand how I mistook that. It actually is not even the point of what I said. Whether or not he actually grew up here or not has little to do with what he said on the air.


    Don't know what you meant by that last statement, but nice try.


    So are you now saying that he didn't say " I could care less about what happens on Sundays and that wholesentence after that??

  14. To quote Braveheart: Answer the fing question(s). This is a message board, we obviously have the time....


    Edit: and what does the bolded part mean? I don't think we qualify phone calls here. I know we are free to do tech work on this site, but I haven't heard of anybody working on VOIP.


    I did answer the question.

  15. Hmm. Why tell us this? Where's the "mike" here? Where's the "mike" in general? What "mike"? How do you know what is happening when this "mike" is turned off?


    Just asking....


    Edit: Oh, and what does "the number one talk show in the area" have to do with this? Why do we care about offers Schop has had, and how do you know that he has gotten them?


    Again, just asking.....


    Just calling out a ridiculous post. Whenever anybody qualifies a post or a phone call for that matter with "I usually defend this" or "I've always been a fan of but" you know where its heading. We have now spent how much time discussing a statement which obviously never occurred.

  16. Nope. Rule 6.1, last paragraph: "No playing Coach or playing Manager or goalkeeper shall be permitted to act as Captain or Alternate Captain." The Canucks can call Luongo whatever they like, but he cannot wear the C or deal with referees during the games.


    Its semantics. The Canuck players know that Luongo is their captain and leader although he cannot have the same responsibilities as a regular on ice captain. In essence that is all Mike was suggesting Hasek was. Vancouver was just a little more progressive in their thinking then the average NHL team.

    Also, I am pretty sure, but admit I may be wrong, that the NHL does recognize Luongo as the captain.

  17. Why all this talk of an " incentive laden" contract? The smart thing to do is trade a conditional pick for him. You inherit his contract minus the bonus money and if he looks like a stiff in camp you cut him and it doesn't cost you anything but per diem money during camp. Even the smallest "incentive deal" is going to cost you some bonus money.

  18. Wait. I encouraged someone to listen to Schopp? Was I ill that day? :lol:

    Guessing I was responding to someone who was bashing him without listening to him, and I do still have a problem with that, as well as some of the personal attacks I've seen here and elsewhere.


    Morning drive: You've been here long enough to know that Howard is one of my favorite people in the business. Jeremy still goes a little too much for the "edgy" sound IMO, but I don't mind that as much as I used to, and I always make sure I tune him and Sully in on Sunday mornings as I'm driving in to the stadium. That said, I'd just as soon hear Howard go solo (and preferably in the afternoon slot), but I think he likes having someone there to banter with.


    Afternoons: I'll be dead honest -- I don't listen much. I didn't mind Mike on WNSA (although for some reason, his 15-minute rant on why Hasek should be the Sabres' captain, until McManus finally cut him off by reminding him about the rule that says a goalie CAN'T wear the C, still sticks in my mind after all these years). Parker is a vet who plays his "voice of the fan" part well. But for some reason, when the two of them get together, they grate on my nerves. I actually enjoyed Parker's take when Brad would fill in; haven't heard him much with Nick, but I'm guessing I'd have a similar reaction. Wouldn't mind seeing Nick take a bigger role with the station, in fact.


    As for Schopp's current on-air personality ... not my style, and I think I'd best leave it at that.



    Although Vancouver proved that Mike was right and McManus wrong.

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