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Preston Ridlehuber

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Posts posted by Preston Ridlehuber

  1. Was supportive for many years of station.. It was initially a option to listening to Toronto Sports radio for me . Did get turned off over time for many of the same reason many others have sited. The arrogant edge that is present is simply something I do not care for anywhere , anytime, thankfully with radio I have the option of turning it off and have done so. Seems there is no point voicing any contrary opinion, it is not listened to. What is unfortunate is if this is to continue and listeners fall away, it likely will not be to long that a change in format will be effected and Buffalo and area sports minded people will lose this local sports radio option. Don't see how you allow it to continue Andy .


    What all the dissenters here don't seen to get is that when more people want to listen to someone else, they will be replaced. Radio is a business and the reason these guys are on the air is because they make money for the station. When the vocal minority that doesn't enjoy the show offers more buying power then those of us that enjoy the shows, then they will be replaced.

  2. I would like to see a profit/loss for the State as the result of RWS as well. I find it almost impossible to believe it is significant given the small amount of games per season. But I have no facts to back that up any more than anyone else does. There have been studies done but they usually are done by someone with an agenda and show whichever side they are paid to defend. It is my personal belief however that the overall economic impact to WNY is not significant, and the impact to the state negligible at best. The stadium just isn't used enough to generate much revenue for the state. And Bills related salaries generating income tax is overall not significant either. Particular if some of the players and coaches have primary residences outside of NY. Mr Wilson himself is not even a resident of NY, though I'm sure pays some amount of tax to NY every year.


    Even the Bills corporation is not registered in NY according to records on the internet.

    Buffalo Bills, Inc

    99 Kercheval Avenue

    Grosse Pointe, MI 48236-3618


    Buffalo Bills, Inc in Grosse Pointe, MI is a private company categorized under Football Clubs and was established in and incorporated in Michigan.


    Keeping the Bills in Buffalo would be a very good thing for a city that has seen better days. But trying to make a case that is a good thing economically for NYS these days doesn't work in my opinion.


    I am not an accountant, but I'm pretty sure money earned in New York State is taxable in New York State. According to a study in Minnesota, the Vikings generated over $10 million in state income tax per year. I'd be willing to bet that state tax in New York State is at least on par with Minnesota.

  3. Trust me. It's all figured in. This subject has been researched to death by many leading economists who are not necessarily naysayers. They are economists that generally know what they are talking about. Read the *detailed* reports that the article refers to and then come back and say they didn't take certain things into account or are biased. I'm sure they could care less about NY State and the Bills. Numbers are numbers.


    I never said that there are no benefits to having a team. Keep the stadium safe on the taxpayers dime and that's it. Anything else, the owner pays for. Above and beyond a safe building, this is the wrong way to spend tax money. If we dont start with such blatant waste like this, there will never be any real change. In the case of NY State, I think it's probably too late anyway.


    No one can tell me that the City will shrivel up and die without the Bills. The City ( and State) is already a train wreck. The Bills leaving wont make any real difference, except to the Hammer guy that runs the parking lot and the concession guys that make some extra dough hawking beer. If Bills fans had any real balls, they'd lobby the State to call Ralph's bluff. Like I said, the man has nowhere to take the team, and a new owner wont be any better off. The NFL gravy train is slowing down big time. There are no more big (or medium) markets that can afford a team and a new stadium. Regardless of what the media says, the US economy will never recover to past levels. We shipped all of our middle class jobs overseas and they are not coming back.


    At least three other teams are trying to squeeze their cities and states for money with the threat that they will leave. They all cant leave and anyone that thinks that LA or Toronto is a viable market now or in the next five to ten years is not paying attention.




    LA - read the news. LA is no closer to a stadium than it was when the Raiders left


    Toronto - The NFL would require a new stadium. Based on well-documented past events, the Canadian govt will not fund a new stadium and that's the only way new stadiums get built these days


    San Antonio - Probably the best case scenario for an NFL-ready city. I think MIN could end up there as OAK and SD will wait out the LA fiasco.


    Oklahoma City - No stadium-no govt money


    Portland - No stadium-no govt money


    So you basically have MIN, OAK, SD all trying to squeeze govt money for new buildings and they realistically only have one place to go and that's not going to change for many years. This is a farce. The Bills have no where to go and there is no logical reason to give them $100 million+ in upgrades.



    Simple question. Regardless of any other economic benefit or quality of life impact, if spending $100 million results in $120 million of state income tax, sales tax and property tax revenue(player and staff housing), is it worth the investment?

  4. Here's a link to yet another article that clearly demonstrates that public money being put into pro sports buildings does NOT equal jobs, money, prosperity, etc.


    Keep this in mind when RW demands (not asks) the State of NY to pump $100+ million into RWS purely so he can improve profits.





    One thing the naysayers avoid discussing is how much state income tax is generated by the team. I have no doubt that all the cost benefits analysis reports are skewed to reflect whatever point of view that the author wants. The real hard numbers should be easy to document. Now that NFL teams payrolls are approaching $150 million, how much state income tax is paid? $10 million per year? Even the naysyers would have to admit there is some economic benefit to having people making this kind of money in your neighborhood so if the state income tax covers the initial state outlay, isn't the state ahead?

    There are obviously a ton of factors involved and numbers to crunch but if you can get to break even and you acknowledge at least some financial benefit compounded by a quality of life enhancement isn't the answer obvious?

    For the record, I believe in a perfect world the government wouldn't get involved in any of this but unless you can get a new law passed, play the best you can within the rules you have to deal with.

  5. Paul Snyder was always jealous of the Knoxes and the Sabres, who had a much more devoted following and (as Snyder saw it) got preferential treatment in the use of the Aud. That sense of inferiority poisoned the Braves from the start, alas.



    There was no "as he saw it." The Sabres were considered "preferred tenants" and were able to secure all Friday nights, for instance. I still hate Snyder for what he and later Brown did, but the lease was a problem.


    By the way, unlike his son, Joe Bryant did go to College(LaSalle) and Kevin McHale retired long after the Braves left.

  6. Haven't heard if Sunday's game in Toronto is sold out. Hope it is so it will be televised.





    We have this conversation every year. The minute the games were sold to Toronto, the games became sell outs per league by laws. Whether the Toronto group sells all of its allotment or not is akin to whether Stub Hub sells all its tickets. It doesn't matter.

  7. Don't know if any of you local guys would be interested but we are setting up a private Sports viewing club. Looking for between 12 and 20 charter members.


    Club would initially be available Saturday through Monday and is currently set up to view 3 games at a time with more to come depending on response.


    We are looking for people who enjoy watching with friends, like to drink socially and have fun but are there more to watch then get annihilated.


    We are hoping to assemble people who can help fund raise as opposed to pay dues, but all that will be decided by group.


    Initial location will be in Depew/Lancaster area.



    Anyone interested,


    PM me.

  8. My Dad and I have a long standing bet of who got the most votes for the Pro Football Hall of Fame voting between Steve Young and Dan Marino in 2005. I cannot find any info on this and wondered if anyone could possibly help us out. Thanks and Go Bills!



    Its not like baseball, they don't release the votes. All we know is that both players got at least 80% of the selection committee (44 members) to pick them.

  9. Notice in all the stupid drafts they never did a BUFFALO SPORTS FIGURE draft?


    I mean, at least talk all-time Buffalo SPORTS players! Open it up to NFL,NHL, NBA (Braves), even minor league BB....


    I would rather hear then talk about where Ryan Miller and Chris Drury rate on their all-time draft boards vs Thurman, Bruce, etc. than which actor is funnier or which country is better...


    Good lord! They call themselves a SPORTS STATION?


    You want drafts? Do an ALL-TIME Buffalo Bills draft. Or Sabres. Or Buffalo sports in general.


    or even an all-time NFL draft. Or a CURRENT NFL player draft. Do their fantasy team draft on the air LIVE.


    TALK ABOUT SPORTS and the concept of their little drafts actually becomes fun and worth listening to.


    It's like these guys on WGR are boasting about being bored with sports. Then QUIT and I'll do your job.



    They did an all time sports figure during the NCAA's.

  10. Only one of 32 teams in the League thought Brady would be an NFL QB, Same with Romo. Alot of teams thought Ryan Leaf would be a franchise QB. Doesn't mean these guys are always right



    Actually, no GM was sure Brady or Romo would make it. Otherwise, Brady wouldn't have lasted till the 6th round and Romo would have been drafted.

  11. I guess it shouldn't be surprising given the inevitability of an uncapped year (which likely means a permanent end to the salary cap). But it's a sad event nonetheless. As anyone who has followed baseball for the last couple of decades knows, that sport has been completely ruined by a lack of competitive balance. There are 2-3 teams in serious contention every year; everyone else is just a farm team for those hungry sharks. While baseball's overall revenue continued to climb for awhile under this system, it's clearly hemorrhaging fans and is no longer America's favorite sport.


    Now Dan Snyder and Jerry Jones are going to model their franchises around the Yankees and Red Sox, and lots and lots of teams (the Bills included) will be left in the dust. And in my view, unlike baseball, where a small market team can use "Moneyball" tactics to become competitive every once in awhile, in football there is no chance of that happening. In fact, if a few wealthy owners stockpile all of the talent, the result will quickly become unwatchable. Think of college football when premier programs play the soft teams on the schedule early in the year. The NFL won't last long if there are frequent 70-0 games. Yet that's just around the corner. In my view the players and owners are stupid and shortsighted here - they should realize that all they're bargaining for is an increasingly bigger piece of an increasingly shrinking pie. In the long term, it's just unsustainable.


    Someone tell me the sky isn't falling here, but I find this depressing.



    I completely disagree with this assessment. In Football, it will be easier for teams to be competitive without spending like the Joneses and Snyders. Football is the ultimate team game and one player rarely makes the difference, save for a franchise quarterback. The difference in College Football, and this has even changed over the years, is that top programs could sign the top 3 running backs and quarterbacks out of high school and let them compete. Unless Jones and Snyder plane on paying second and third string players starters money, there will be plenty of players to go around.

    The key will continue to be, which front offices are sharp enough to hire the right people.

  12. Only problem with his analysis is that while Lynch and McKelvin haven't yet worked out (I still think McKelvin will), neither one of them were reaches and it could be argued that neither one of them were drafted as need picks at the time either.


    It obviously would have worked out better if they took Revis ahead of Lynch and Clady instead of McKelvin but if I can use 20/20, I would change those 5 or 6 times they passed on Tom Brady in 2000.

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