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Preston Ridlehuber

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Posts posted by Preston Ridlehuber

  1. You have clearly never played football and dont know much about it outside stuff you read in the paper based on how much stock you put into combine numbers...


    Lets play a game...name this player...


    Worst ever at his position at the combine in vertical jump, 40, lifting, agility drills etc...


    Give up...Tom Brady...


    Same guy now known as one of the most (if not the most) mobile QB in the NFL...not based on srambling, but based on manuevering in the pocket, in fact, Jaws did a whole piece on him about that very thing...


    I wipe my under regions with the combine numbers...I will take a player who has instincts and knows how to play the game any day over a work out wonder.



    Does that mean that Mike Mamula won't be inducted into the Hall of Fame?

  2. A few things;


    1) If you can't spell the guys name, is he really that famous?

    2) Bobby Moore? And people tell me I try to prove how smart I am

    3) A few nominees I would think need being included

    a) Ron McDole - significant member of the over the hill gang

    b) Bubba Thornton - unfortunately made a name for himself as USA track coach

    c) Lou Saban - NFL films put him on the map with the Whitey, your're killing me


    That being said, in a country were less then 50% of the people know who their vice president is, I'd be surprised if more then 10% know anyone other then OJ and Jack Kemp Edit; forgot TO, but he still hasn't played for them.

  3. Do you always make arguments based on facts you assume to be true without actually knowing, or is it just in this thread?


    Don't pretend you know how many people like Schopp vs. don't. And don't say because he's still on the air or that he gets ratings, because we all just finished discussing how jerks make people tune in. You have no idea how many people that tune in actually like Schopp and how many are listening because they hate him.

    You are right, I don't know for sure that a majority of people listening to him actually like him.

    For my own mental well being, however, I hope that there are not that many miserable people that actually tune in regularly to something they hate.

  4. That's the point - wasn't that part of Stern's movie. People who hated him listened longer than people who liked him!


    As for not talking much about mini-camp, Thank God. Who wants to hear that.......And, don't think that Brad is going to talk all about mini-camp either. He's too entertaining for that.


    Here's my assessment lately. I know I'm in the minority here, but I really like S&B, but when it's just one or the other, then it's a no brainer - I'll listen to Brad. His show is way better now in the afternoon, where he's not going alone on it. Otherwise, it's a close call between the two shows for me.


    Another oddity about me, I hated Bob Gaughan on GR, but I love when he's on with Brad. His other regulars - Tim Graham, etc. are really good, too.


    Don't assume you are in the minority.

  5. Exactly.


    A show with a rude, condescending host and and his stammering co-host who agrees with everything the host says is not controversial- it's just boring- and annoying.


    And when your view is the majority opinion, the show will be changed. It continues to amaze me how some still can't grasp the realities of business. Everything is about money and to think that there is any other reason for a show's longevity is just naive. There is never going to be a host that is universally accepted as the best. Its no different then picking a favorite pizza or chicken wing eatery.

    I respect that you hate the show in general and Mike specifically.

    Fortunately, there are plenty of alternatives.

    Unfortunately for you, whether you want to admit it or not, more people that their sponsors target like the show and its hosts as opposed to don't like it.

  6. I'm very concerned with the Patriots. Shouldn't I be?




    Wow! I got to believe that you're pulling my leg at this point.




    Just what are you disputing or discrediting?



    Look, I don't want to belabor something that happened 17 year's ago. But,


    1) No one considers Wikipedia a reliable source. Anyone can go in and enter what they want.

    2) The hall of fame does not "enshrine" anything but human beings

    3) Things such as balls, spikes, etc, may be in the hall as part of the history of the game but I have found nothing that shows that the Hall of Fame has bestowed any special significance to the game plan.

  7. Can we get away from this diamond in the rough thing? I never said that, I said that it "Looks like the Patriots found themselves a diamond in 2nd rd pick Safety Patrick Chung". I did also mentioned LB Jerod Mayo in the post and referred to him as a diamond also and he is.




    The only two facts that you stated were about allowing Thurman the TD (and it was a 31 yder, not 38) and the Bills being allowed to get into a makeable FG.


    Look, I'm not trying to argue about Super Bowl XXV but if we are to debate it then one of us has to change our point. I'm talking facts and you are debating hypothetically. The rest of what you are saying is conjecture.




    Here's the quote from Wikipedia about the gameplan. "The Defensive game plan for the Giants, written by defensive coordinator Bill Belichick, has been included in the Pro Football Hall of Fame." It sure looks like it's been enshrined to me.


    Wikipedia? I could make that entry. Find another source.

  8. I'm with you on informed which is why I hate all the attempts(with attempts being the key word) at being funny on WGR.



    With all the information available via the internet, I am surprised that anyone looks to talk radio for information. No one ever says anything of consequence while being interviewed anyway and none of the hosts hold themselves to be any more informed then a well read fan so I am not sure what people are really looking for.

    Personally, I look to be entertained and sometimes I am, and other times I look elsewhere.

  9. No, I believe that it firmly belongs on a Bills' board.




    I should have just said a diamond and a successor to Rodney Harrison, that would be really more accurate to what I meant.



    Thanks, you make my point for me. The Giants just plain out muscled the Bills, offensively and defensively. Jumbo Elliott did a nice job handling Bruce when he needed to and when Smith did get to Hostetler he didn't knock the ball loose for a TD but instead had to settle for a safety. I'm still in shock that he was able to hang on to that ball.


    The Giants' DBs hammered Reed and he sure didn't look like he wanted the ball too much as the game wore on. The Giants' defensive gameplan was Belichick's, it was even sent to the HOF. It was rather simple, employ 6 DBs and keep everything in front of them and just let the Bills run. offensively the Giants kept the ball on the ground and made key throws to move the chains. They didn't care if OJ Andersen was tackled for a loss, it kept the clock running.



    See the above response. Shredded the defense??! Although Thurman is a special player a lot of that yardage was allowed. The Giants were not going to let Kelly beat them. Earlier that year Kelly was ready to destroy them in the Meadowlands but he got hurt. The Bills still landed winning that game but in hindsight we paid the price for that victory, the Giants got a good look at the no huddle and were more prepared to play against it in the Super Bowl. If it wasn't Belichick's best moment, then why did his defensive gameplan get ENSHRINED IN THE HALL OF FAME?

    Look, the Bills played one heck of a game, played good enough to where they could have won it but so did the Giants, they were more physical and wore us down as the game went on.


    They didn't enshrine it in the Hall. It may be in there as part of the Super Bowl story. If the Bills defense gets the ball back and the point per minute ratio holds, the bills score 28 to 30 points. Did they allow Thurman that 38 yard TD? Did they allo the Bills to get into makeable, albeit difficult, field goal range? If the Bills run Thurman more, the DB's would have had to come up and play the run and Kelly would have went over the top. Unfortunately, Levy and Kelly were stubborn and the defense sucked.

  10. They have changed the rules. You have to allow defenses time to substitute.


    To me, one of the drawbacks would be that it's hard to imagine the 360 pound Langston Walker handling the pace of the no-huddle. The guy already has questionable foot speed for LT. If he gets tired, his speed is only going to degrade. And 360 pounders don't handle a fast pace well. Tim notes in the article that our OLs were a bit small back in the day, and that helped them handle the pace. You couldn't really call Langston small. I live in Japan, and even in the world of sumo, Langston would not be small.


    Also, Kelly had a lot more experience than Trent does right now when he was calling the plays for the K-Gun. Same with Peyton Manning. Trent is smart enough, but not experienced enough to be calling plays, IMHO. I think the coaches would maintain that kind of control, though that should be much easier with the helmet mikes.


    I believe the only time you have to let the defense substitute is if you substitute. Ohterwise you don't have to wait for anything.

  11. Ok, this is going to take some time.


    It started back in Super Bowl XXV. I have always felt that that Super Bowl was won because of the Giants' secondary. I never saw Andre Reed have alligator arms until that game. I give much more credit to Belichick than Parcels for winning that game. Belichick is not only a defensive guru but a secondary specialist. That's why he is able to shuffle in and out so many DBs but he always has a guy that he can count on and that brings the wood. That guy for the last several years has been Rodney Harrison but due to age and injuries he hasn't been as effective as in years past. Say what you want about Belichick but this guy knows football. He eats, sleeps and drinks football. It's in his genes.


    Back to Chung. This player appears to be the perfect type of player for Belichick's system. Sure, he could be a bust but I don't think so. The Patriots have a habit of finding true blue football players. It's their mentality that separates them from other players/teams, not their skills. I believe that Buffalo for the first in years has found a couple of players that will bring that mindset to our roster and for that you can thank Russ Brandon for. I'll say it again, I think Brandon has shades of Polian. He strikes me as a fiery GM and is ready and willing to kick this franchise in the seat of their pants.


    Last year it was Mayo. Want to hear something funny? The guy admitted that he didn't have all that big of a grasp of what was going on last year. That's scarey. You can bash me or say that I'm a closet Patriot fan or whatever else but I respect football and the Patriots are a great franchise, like it or not. Matter of fact I'm more concern with what is going on with them currently than I have been the last few years. In the last few years we were all waiting for them to run the gamut and be done. Well, they're not done yet, not by a longshot. These are the type of players that will carry the torch for them and I think that the torch might even burn brighter than before. Oh, by the way, did anyone notice that they quietly, at least to me, took DT Ron Brace with their second of four 2nd rd pick? C'mon, they are relentless! I know that I am going to hear a lot of sh-- about all this but I did last year too when I posted about being wary of the Dolphins. How'd that work out? Whatever.


    Look, feel good about what we did in this draft but make no mistake about it, we still got a ton of ground to make up in terms of catching up to these bastards. Hey, I guess that you got to take one step at a time, right? I do love the strategy of moving Brad Butler over to ROT and then drafting a couple of blue chip interior OL. THAT was ingenious! I'm shooting for us to make it as a wildcard this year and these pricks get knocked off in the play-offs either by us in a one game elimination or by someone else, I really don't care which.


    Chung could probably make this team just on STs but he's not, he's going to make this team because he's good, real good and he brings the serious lumber, especially on RBs. Speaking of STs, I was listening to Sirius radio a few weeks back, just before we traded Jason Peters, and Bobby April was on, matter of fact I think that it was his birthday, well anyways he went on and on about the Patriots' new ST coach Scott O'Brien. I guess that this guy and April know each other well and have gone toe to toe with each other in the past and the impression that I got from April is that this guy is as every bit as good as he is. I check out his bio and he looks it. When we play the Patriots don't count on our STs as being a big advantage. This O'Brien guy might very well be able to counter it.


    I'm not being an alarmist, I'm just evaluating. I'm evaluating our team, our division rivals and their players. This Chung, keep an eye on him. I just got one question, Rodney who?


    This continues to be one of the single biggest mis-conception among football fans. The Bills had the ball 20 minutes and scored 19 points. They shredded that defense and if Kelly and Levy had run Thurman more that game would have been a blow out. Belichick is a great coach but that wasn't his best moment.

  12. Agreed to a certain extent. But if your boy Edwards is as smart and mobile as we think, the ball is supposed to be away before the line really becomes a liability in a hurry-up, right?


    Also, tiring out a fat azz NT and the rest of a 3-4 defense by snapping the ball every 20 seconds, has to be a good thing. Whether it's public or not, fat azz still has to line up and play. Making the 4 LBs chase TEs and Rbs around is always a good plan. Think 49ers vs. Bills in 1992(3?). They were trying to cover Thomas w/ a LB and got beat severely on multiple plays, 1 for a TD.


    In fact, I think a hurry-up basically destroys the 3-4 concept on the whole. You can't leave your LBs in there the whole game. You have to play a large part of the game with nickel or dime. This puts the big talent assets of a 3-4 team, the LBs, on the bench and makes them play their 3rd and 4th CBs.


    But your points are well taken. As I said, a lot depends on the smarts/blocking skills of the TEs and RBs. You add in the new O lineman and it may simply be too much to do this year.



    On the other hand, putting in a system that eliminates some of the time that they may use to over think their assignments might be the best way to minimize mistakes. You throw in a QB whose strength is supposed to be recognition of coverages and a couple of RB who are equally effective running and reveiving and you should be able to find the missed assignments and exploit it. Three things to remember about the K-gun.

    1) It was named after Keith McKeller because they thought his speed would be the keep to creating mis-matches.

    2) A lot of the big plays were simple crossing patterns that took advantage of missed assignments.

    3) Thurman's ability to run, block and catch turned into the ultimate advantage of the no huddle attack

  13. I just went to the team's official site expecting to see an article about her and couldn't find one. Since she was a longtime scout for this team, the only women scout in the NFL, and the owners daughter, I wanted to hear about some of her talent finds and other Bills related stories throughout the years. I'm not angry or upset, just find it odd. Maybe it's too soon for that.


    This might help.



  14. Maybe they don't think the players you named are actually that much of an upgrade or one at all. Jackson has shown signs (4 td passes against the SB runner up Cards on the road) and Sage R is a pretty solid when he doesn't try to go head first over the pile.

    I won't be surprised at all to see the Vikes make a deep playoff run.


    I know its off topic but the end to that game has to rank right up there with the top regular season collapses of all time.

  15. I'm not sure that Cassells, Sanchez or Freeman is a huge upgrade over Sage Rosenfels whom they brought in this off season. The guy they should have targeted was Cutler but after giving up a bunch of picks for Jared Allen last year, I don't think they wanted to move a number one again.

  16. Ask Preston. :)


    October 28, 2009 will mark the 50th anniversary of the day Ralph Wilson was officially awarded the franchise, but the anniversary of the first game won't take place until Sept. 11, 2010. So -- 50th season is good, 50th-anniversary season not so much.



    Again, thanks. I guess I'm just not good at playing with others.

  17. That's because Johnson looks like a steal, and we still don't know if Hardy will adjust to the pro game. I am optimistic about both guys. The best scenario for me is if TO's work ethic and competitiveness, and not his me-ness, rub off on them. I wonder if the coaches can convince him that he will be seen as "even greater" :rolleyes: if he can pass on his knowledge.


    Why would you think he needs convincing? Seems that other then two or three quarterbacks and Jason Whitten, he gets full marks from most of his former teammates.


    As for Johnson and Hardy, its way too early to pass judgement on either player but I too am optimistic on both fronts.

  18. I really think in about 4 or 5 years when the Bills get back to being a good team, people will look back at this draft specifically and talk about how it really laid the foundation for their success... I really think this might have been their best draft in a long, long, long time....perhaps going back more than 20 years...


    You really think it is going to be 4 or 5 years before they become a good team? While I have high hopes for this draft, I suspect that the 2007 draft will go down as the draft that turned this franchise around and hopefully the trio of drafts from 2007 through this year will make them better sooner then 4 or 5 years from now.

  19. Jim Kelly wasn't a 300 yard guy. He had the occasional but not too often. We were (and should be striving to be) a balanced football team geared towards our own weather conditions. If you want to go with stats look at Yards per attempt. If it's over 7 you're productive in the passing game.


    Wish this would have been what I said. Perfect.

  20. As I look at our offensive weapons, it's hard to not get excited about the explosive possibilities. With TO and Evans on both sides of the field, Reed/Johnson/Parrish should see great open zones. With Nelson, Derek Fine becomes immediately better just by now having the worst coverman on the other team put on him.


    I admit that I am concerned about out OT situation. But I also agree that, with such a solid interior, the Tackle position becomes less important. Jason Peters was usually left out on an island by himself. This won't be the case with our new O-line. I also believe that our power run game will be much improved which will only open up the passing game more.


    From that, I have two concerns. Our Offensive Scheme and Trent Edwards.


    For the Offensive Scheme, there really isn't much we can do about that. Especially if DJ trys to play the game close to the vest and hope for a 4th quarter win. That basically screws us.


    However, I also have to wonder how much different we all would feel with a Cutler, Favre, Manning's, McNabb. I know that I am listing Pro Bowler's here, but there are all guys who consistently find their way to 300 yard games. I think it's something that some QB's "have" and other don't. I don't have the stats in front of me, but I don't think Trent has even broken this barrier. Between that, and his health issues, my question is, how sold on him are you to lead this offense to it's potential?


    I am pretty sure he now has the experience and weapons to surpass 300 yards on occassion, but I am sure you realize that in the last two years only 2 guys have averaged over 300 yards and Brady just barely passed it in 2007.

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