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Posts posted by 12Kachy

  1. This is going to be a tough game even if the Bills were 2-0 at this point. But maybe if they get the offense going, they can balance the Time of Possession. When your defense is on the field 2/3s of the game, they are going to break. At first I thought the 46 is dead. It probably is, but the defense did good during the Jets game. What kept the first two drives going for F$tzmoney was the stupid penalties on 3rd downs. If the team can control their discipline, get the offense rolling to eat up time, then maybe the defense wont be burnt out mid way through the 2nd quarter. Darby and Gilmore can cover if they are not on the field the whole game. I still think the Cards kill the Bills, 28-10. I think we can beat the Pats the next week.

  2. I'm taking an optimistic approach...because, well...I have been pessimistic enough


    Week 1 was our preseason game, we will be playing better starting tonight...with an attitude...with a loud crowd backing them up the whole night


    Two first quarter TDs from Tyrod lights the place up, Bills roll the Jets yet again....30-17


    Ok, it's time for us all to take your approach. I have been pessimistic too much as well. Bills bounce back to last season form. Defense shuts down Ryan F$tzmoney (I'm still angry) and the Jets running game. Bills win 24-10!!! Taylor has two TDs, 1 throwing, 1 running, and McCoy runs one in for his first 100+ yard game of the season.

  3. This guy has a great point. I would be upset if they fire Rex at the end of the year. That is the problem. He just implemented his defense this year and brought some players on board who can play his defense. Firing him will just start the wagon circle the team has been doing for the last 16 years. This is a team who can compete this year and be better next year. I doubt they make the playoffs, but next year they have the pieces to build around to make a huge leap. I hope, as every September, they make it to the playoffs this year somehow. Rex has to get the penalities and suspensions down to compete in September. And when is the team going to dump the people running the health and fitness department? This team has been riddled with injuries for the last decade. You can't say it has nothing to do with the conditioning folks.

  4. J E T S beat the Bufumbled Bills 35-7. Rob and Rex are seen after the game riding a double seated bike to Duffs to eat 100 chicken wings a piece. Doug Whaley is playing Madden 17 trying to figure out his next move and wondering why his attempts to raise Felton's FB ratings in the game are not translating to real life. Russ Brandon is playing sim city, trying to find another catchy saying to get fans in the seats. "Our uniforms were red, the fans were blue, why don't you come watch the team, they'll make you laugh too". The Pegulas forgot they own a football team and are talking to Tim Murray and Dan Blysma about the upcoming hockey season.

  5. The Fins. They'll have a good def and Gase will get the Of rolling in his second year. A lot of you are posting the Bills, but I just don't see how this team is much improved over last year. I like to Billieve but the product on the field doesn't look like they can stop the Pats at this point. Obviously, I think we take the Bradyless game but once Brady gets back, the Pats win the division this year again.

  6. I think the defense will be better. Ryan tried to mix his defense with Schwartz's from the previous year and it didn't work. Most of the guys on the field will be in the system a second year and the other Ryan can teach them Rex's defense. R2 (Rob and Ryan) should have a productive defense this year regardless of Lawson and Ragland. Maybe the Bills take a flyer on Greg Hardy to cover for Lawson but who knows if he is worth the chance. Even though the injuries cannot be blamed on Whaley, both injuries to Lawson and Ragland will have people questioning his GM skills. Let's see who Whaley brings in to help get the Bills to the playoffs.

  7. 4-0 and we win the Conference Preseason title. PRESEASON CHAMPS!!!!!


    The defense is so vanilla in the preseason it won't matter. They play to keep the starters healthy and not tip their hand to what they will do during the season. I really just want to see how Jones and Manuel will work the offense. This is really the first time Manuel will have stability in the Offense and no pressure to produce. He may still drop a turd but it will be interesting to see how he does in the same system from last year knowing his place as the back up. I also want to see who is going to pick up the slack for Lawson2 being out. Manny and Shaq being injured makes letting M.Williams go look foolish. And I can't wait to see how Ryan2 defense will be completely running the Ryan defense.


    We don't want or need those FA who would rather go to LA because it's "more fun".


    I want players who love football We need more Kyles and Richies on this team.

    I think everyone wants those guys you talk about. Remember, Richie didn't take a team discount to stay and wanted to be paid just like the next guy. Williams played well when he got his change but who knows if he makes the team this year. Overall, we all want guys who buy into the system, team, and city; however, those guys won't win you championships. They maybe get you to the playoffs. You need that one guy who has to be double blocked in order to not get to the QB, which frees the guys your talking about up to hit the qb. Until the Bills win and win a lot, the team will over pay to keep and bring in FAs. It's business.

  9. I don't think you see the money thrown around at middling stars like McCoy and Clay if the Bills didn't think they were a few bounces from making a run.

    I think the Bills are always in win now mode. After 15 seasons, the Super Bowl for the Bills is beating the team they play week 17 to knock them out of playoff contention. You don't want to be the losers all the time. Every year they go into the season win now. The problem in Buffalo has to be the quote above. Why do the Bills pay players so much? Is it a friendly front office? Whaley and Ryan smoking crack? No, it's Buffalo. No athlete goes into the Draft hoping for the Buffalo Bills to pick them to play in Buffalo As a native, I love Buffalo. But as a young 20 something or Free Agent, the last place they want to go to is the place known for snow mounds and four superbowl losses. The Bills have to pay Clay, McCoy, M.Williams (I know he gone) and players of that caliber more then a city with other attractions. The Rams will now start to get good free agents going to them because they are in LA. What FA is saying "man I want to go to Buffalo so I can watch the Bisons in the off season."? So are the Bills in win now mode? YES Sir. They are always in win now mode. After train wrecks of coaches brought in over the last 17 seasons, the Bills have to win now in order to attract FA and UDFA who can contribute to the depth of the team at a average cost. If they continue to lose, the team will continue to have to pay huge contracts to players in order to attract them to the team because the lack of winning and western NY Blue Collar work ethic just won't cut it.

  10. That smell is your perfume.

    I just about died laughing. Great response!


    Does anyone know if Lawson signed his rookie deal? One would guess the Bills could put a squeeze on him since he is injured. I don't know if there is a set price for the pick or there is wiggle room. If I was the front office, I would go for the lowest price I could because who knows if he will play this year or not.

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