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Posts posted by 12Kachy

  1. Damn, I thought I was the only one piling dung onto the Darues train. This guy is very talented. He can play most of the Defensive snaps when he is healthy. But there is the issue. This guy was suspended for the first four games, comes into play out of shape, and is just a liability now. He can't get on the field to help and I would really rather have someone else sitting in there then this guy. Now the issue becomes his great contract signed off by good ol Doug Whaley. Whaley just screws up the contracts to much. He hits on the players, but then makes dumb financial dealings which cause issues for years to come. Darues is the highest paid bench warmer on the Bills for the next couple of seasons.


    Now lets hunt the good stuff. He looks great modeling the sweat gear on the sideline and during practice. Will help sell bills gear to potential fans.

  2. Sherman was the victim! Put aside his dirty plays, Robert Woods had 10 catches for 162 yards, Goodwin had 4 for 43 and Taylor was accurate throwing for 27 of 38 for 289 yards. The Bills are a run first team who just passed all over the Legion of Gloom. I know we lost and a win would have been better, but Sherman got victimized by Woods.



  3. Tyrod Taylor is going to be great the rest of the season. :nana: He needs to work on being more accurate, but I think he has the team behind him. I really have not seen any QB on this team get the support Taylor has had since Bledsoe. Harvin, Hunter, Woods and Goodwin will help him going forward and we better win on Monday night because that Jets game Thursday "Color Throw Up" Rush was straight garbage from Rexy and the rest. We all knew the Pats were going to beat us down. We totally embarrassed them at home.

  4. I have been on the Taylor wagen the whole time.... Today should me why my logic is all screwed up. He just cannot throw an accurate pass. He is either throwing hi, low, or leading receivers into big hits (Tate). He is not a NFL Passer. But what the Bills are doing wrong is trying to use him as such. He is a RB who can throw when needed. Use him as such. Over the last two weeks, the Bills have just plain been horrible. The defense is terrible. I was also on the side of keeping Whaley and Rex around; but that's over now too. To many players Whaley has brought in are just not worth the money. Clay has shown us nothing. He cannot even catch half the time. McCoy is great, but he is getting paid way to much for the position. Keeping J Williams over K Williams is working out, HAHAHAHA. Drafting a broken DE/LB in the first round has worked out as well. Lawson has been invisible the last two weeks other then his sack today. Gilmore does not care anymore; he is focused on staying healthy for Free Agency next year.

  5. This game shows why Whaley and Rex are hot steaming piles of doo doo. I thought in the beginning of the year they needed to keep both, but it looks like a house clearing is in order. Shaq Lawson had been absent since Rex claimed him to be ready, Darues is a dud because he cannot even be on the field, Gilmore doesnt care because he is preparing for FA next year, and Rex and Rob are likely looking to see who needs DCs next year already. Rex may be able to take Jax or Cle HC jobs.

  6. Will be a tough game this week.

    We're missing our 3 best players (McCoy, Dareus and Sammy). We're also likely going to have Woods and Shaq out.


    Will be all guts on Sunday... and if they can pull off a win, I'm a believer!

    Dareus has to actually be on the field to be good. I do not think his off field issues are worth his price tag anymore. The Bills are not getting any return on thier investment. He has turned a 4 game suspension into 7 games. Trade him, so he can ride a bike on someone else's practice field.

  7. The Bills need Hunter to get caught up fast. TT was able to hit him while scrambling the other day. The guy has size and speed so hopefully as the weeks progress, he starts to she more snaps. Woods does well, but Powell looks shoddy as he dropped the one pass right in his hands. Goodwin is the speed guy who stretches the field. TT just didnt have the time to throw one deep to him last week. Hopefully playing the 9ers they have a chance to go deep.

  8. Tyrod has been less accurate this year. He missed Woods wide open, but I guess you are going to see that. After throwing that route to Watkins since camp, he is probably use to Watkins speed and size. That pass would have been a TD with Watkins. I think we all need to relax. Tyrod has something we haven't seen in Buffalo since Edwards' first 5 games the year the Bills went 5-0. He has presence in the huddle and can get guys to rally around him. His passes to Clay were good and the last TD Goodwin was perfect. I think he will get better in the next couple of weeks. And with Shady, hell I wouldn't throw unless I had too.

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