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Posts posted by Pozitive51

  1. The most important part of these negotiations for the fans is the next coach needs to make sure he gets a full commitment from RWS to spend during Free agency. Plug in Cowher, Shanny, Holmgren, Parcells or Lombardi and without a commitment to compete for talent and the Bills will never get over the hump.


    If part ownership is being offered, this is a huge move. If correct I am curious to how this changes the transaction of the franchise after Wilson passes. I would assume that a partial owner would have a say....

  2. Marty Shottenhiemer is my top choice also. He has ties to Buffalo and is a proven commodity. He has never had total control and is exactly the FOOTBALL guy that we need to compliment Brandon.


    Does anyone know why he and AJ Smith didn't work out?

  3. I agree -- there is much to read between the lines of Donte's quotes. However, I feel if a player feels the need to speak the truth and point attention towards the performance of another player or the need for a more productive offensive unit for that matter --- he should be much more productive than Donte Whitner! He hasnt even played the last two games and IMO his career is well below expectations. He does a better job getting arrested and making bold predictions/statements than making tackles and sacks for the defense.


    Lee Evans is the only one player that truly has a ground to stand on when talking about bringing in Vick and his quotes were very professional.

  4. A safety drafted at #11 should be game changer, top at his position in the league, and at a minimum respected enough to be a Pro Bowler. Donte Whitner is an adequate starter in the NFL and is nowhere close to playing up to his draft expectations.


    My problem is more with his mouth than his play. If he is trying to be a team leader he is going about it the wrong way.

  5. Donte Whitners comments about bringing Vick to Buffalo really piss me off. Donte Whitner is our biggest underachiever on the team... period. All the guy does is try and lead with his mouth and then can't back it up. He is a #11 overall pick in the draft and should be a perenial Pro Bowler... he can barely keep Bryan Scott and George Wilson from taking his position.


    As if horrible coaching and the worst line in the NFL isnt enough now Edwards has to listen to the supposed leader of the defense talk about welcoming Vick... what a bum.... STFU!

  6. With the amount of money we have already tied up in Kelsay and Schobel; we really should not have needed to be in the market for a DE. That being said, we needed a player that could have an immediate impact. Orapko was clearly the DE that was most prepared to step into the NFL.


    We need a new coach and GM that are building a program or a system. Modrack has been drafting for three different coaches, there is no consistency our continuity. I hope we bring in Marty Shottenheimer and give him full control.... his teams are hardnosed and winners. He is always true to his plan and philosophy... this is what we need!

  7. He could have caught the screeen and he is not playing up to expectations. I see Freddy on the sideline going crazy to get back into the game and ML haning out like its an Oakland block party. We can find another RB in the draft to keep Jackson fresh and pick up a 3 or 4th round draft pick for Lynch. The Bills need to play the better back and pickup draft picks.

  8. He really looked bad today....


    1) Danced instead of turning up field to get a first down on 3rd and short in the first quater.


    2) Missed the screen pass


    3) Was laughing and having a good time on the sideline towards the end of the game.


    Freddy is the better player, Lynch is a bum who is one bad decision away from getting suspended for a year. Get rid of him and get some extra picks for the new coaching staff.

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