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Posts posted by Pozitive51

  1. We have seen Losman, Bledsoe, Collins, Johnson and Flutie leave this team in the past decade. I felt all of these QBs had seen their course with the team and we had seen enough. In summary we knew what they were capable of and it was time to move on.


    I dont feel the same about Edwards. He is better than his production and has been dragged down because of the support system around him. If he leaves the Bills next year there is very little doubt that he will flourish elsewhere. I dont think he is a Pro Bowler but he is better than 1/2 of the QBs in this league. There are many playoff teams that are making it happen with less talented QB's than Edwards. Today's game frames the situation. He sits for four weeks behind a journeyman at best....and gets sacked twice because of a turnstile O-line. If this front office had done NOTHING with last years o-line Edwards would have had a chance to springboard this year.


    Edwards deserves far better than this BS.

  2. and what Pro Bowl LTs have shifted teams in recent years?


    Only are few teams teams are screwed up enought to **** a Pro Bowl LT.. most are moved in the twilight of their career. I do recall more than a few Tackles being moved.

  3. I think teams like Denver, Jacksonville and even Dallas show you don't need great QBs to win. The truth is I don't think Trent Edwards is worse then guys like Orton, Garrard and Romo. The only issue is I don't think we're playing an offense that fits his strengths. As to me Trent would excel in a WCO. Also if he had a guy he could depend on at the TE position this offense might be able to turn the corner. As a lot of people forget how well Trent was playing the first two weeks and oddly enough we started to fall apart once we lost Derek Schouman. I'm not saying Schoman's a Pro Bowler but he was clearly the best TE we had and been hurting since we lost him. Just imagine how much better we could be next year if say get a guy like Owen Daniels at TE?


    I agree with your comments about Trent compared to the other QBs, however I would hate to see the WCO reinstalled in Buffalo. The bottom line is that the jury is still out concerning TE potential to be a bona fide starting QB in this league. Perry Fewell will not be the coach next year.. RW or Brandon need to step up and demand that Edwards start. Its in the best interest in the organization. My feeling is that Edwards is respected around the league and most believe his poor play is a product of coaching and the bad state of the team. I wouldnt be surprised to see the new coach come in and support Edwards as the starter.

  4. Best college game I have seen in a long time. Gerhart should win the Heisman, Harbaugh should be our coach and look out for the Stanford freshman QB Lock.


    I heard Harbaugh described as "special" ... we need to seriosuly consider him. He is a natural... its in his bloodline.

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