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Posts posted by DwightSchrute

  1. - compared going to Buffalo to dating a girl that wants you, and you want her

    - still shocked Dallas cut him, as were a lot of the players

    - aside from what media reported, he never had QB problems, doesnt anticipate one with Trent

    - hasn't met Lee Evans, but working alongside Lee will help both of them and ultimately the team. "never have i once counted the balls i catch." great back in Marshawn, and they will compliment each other along with Freddy. O Line will determine a lot, if they block, then Offense will be successful

    - wants to play as long as he is productive, didn't always have most catch able balls which affected his numbers...watch film, goes on to defend himself against drops

    - liked wade phillips and andy reid...

    - haha "if I'm going to start a problem, it's going to be with James Hardy because fans want #81 Owens jersey"...not interested in buying it

    - wants to throw a party/charity in Toronto, "TO in TO"

    - asked him about fighting in hockey, "no place for it, go into boxing"

  2. I will be emailing this writer in a response to this article: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?.../SP1D16CIK8.DTL


    From Chris Brown's Blog "San Fran writer needs to be straightened out"

    By Chris Brown - Posted March 11th, 2009


    Ladies and gentlemen of Bills Nation, I have a humble request if you hold your native hometown and its football franchise sacred. Many times Buffalo, and the Bills for that matter, have been denigrated by an assortment of sports writers over the years. It’s often an easy and convenient way for lazy journalists to fill space in their columns. And S.F. Chronicle writer Bruce Jenkins may be the most misinformed of them all.


    In a T.O. signing spin-off column he proceeds to insult not only the city of Buffalo, but the history of the Bills franchise, claiming O.J. and T.O. are the only flamboyant stars in the team’s history. Sure he lists some names from Bills history in passing, but he dismisses Thurman Thomas and completely forgets Bruce Smith. Yup, Smith was not even mentioned.


    You know, Bruce Smith, the league’s all-time sack leader, the guy that’s going into the Hall of Fame this summer?


    Jenkins also dismisses Buffalo’s history. While the Bills can’t claim the Super Bowl titles of the 49ers in the 80’s, the Bills certainly have a prouder history from the early days.


    From 1950-1980 the 49ers have only 3 division titles and four playoff appearances. Over that same span minus 10 years (Bills first AFL season was 1960) Buffalo had 3 division titles, 6 playoff appearances and a pair of AFL championships.


    So please, please send this Jenkins character an email (bjenkins@sfchronicle.com) and set him straight. Tell him the 49ers history wasn’t worth much prior to Bill Walsh, isn’t any better than the Bills history in this decade right now and that he may want to look at the list for Canton this summer and realize O.J. and T.O. aren’t the only flamboyant stars in Bills franchise history.

  3. haha i saw that...well done.


    Yeaaah. I made the cut! Unfortunately, I couldn't quite figure out that whole "name (city)" concept; so I'm now known as "Dan from Parts Unknown". Excellent! Now I just need to get me a horse with no name. :thumbsup:
  4. Take it easy; to clarify, I "based that" on my interaction with him.


    I've spent a good amount of time with him and worked with him a handful of times, and all the time I've spent with him he has come across as a good guy. That's the only reason I'm skeptical. He's obviously had some relationship issues in the past with the divorce, but that doesn't mean he isn't a good guy.



    I hope you're kidding. A good guy? Based on a carefully cultivated public image? Is he a good guy like Evander Holyfield or Steve Garvey (was)?


    There's a public image and then there's the real person behind it. I don't know if he's a good person or not. None of us do. But this didn't come from the Daily News so it's credible. If it's true, then Mr. Strahan has some issues.

  5. I'll bet your source works for the Colts.


    I've been waiting to get this so that I could share it with TSW. First, I want to make the following points clear regarding this post:


    1.) This is not "inside" information intended to break any news, just some info from a friend that I decided to pass on

    2.) The source of this content holds zero influence on any team's draft strategies/decisions

    3.) The fact that I spoke with this person does not mean anything other than I have an acquaintance that makes his living as an employee for an NFL team


    A very close friend of mine has a brother that is an NFL Junior Scout (I won't say which team out of respect for his position), and I exchanged e-mails with him last night for the first time since he arrived at the Combine. He didn't provide a whole lot of detail, but here's some of his observations from spending the last 6 days in Indianapolis:


    - The general consensus among NFL scouts is that the QB class is a weak one, and that it will take a GM that is very secure in his position to take the first QB off the board come April

    - More than a few teams that select in the top 10 picks spent a considerable amount of time with Boston College DT B.J. Raji over the last 48 hours, and it's starting to look less and less like he'll be around after pick No. 10

    - There's a growing concern around the league that while USC MLB Rey Maualuga has the physical strength and mental make-up for the NFL game, he lacks the athleticism to be an impact player early on in his career

    - Tyson Jackson may have vaulted himself into the top half of round 1 with an excellent workout yesterday; plenty of team's scouts were visibly surprised to see that kind of athleticism from a 295-pound lineman

    - No team scouts as many players in as much detail as the Colts, the place is dripping with Indy scouts (probably due to the fact that the event is on their home field)

    - It's hardly a majority, but there is a growing sentiment that Ohio State LB Marcus Freeman may end up a better pro player than college teammate James Laurinaitis

    - QB Pat White created enough of a buzz with his workout that it wouldn't be a big surprise to see some team take a crack at him within the first 40 picks; one scout's opinion...Tennessee is the kind of team that could take a chance on White at pick No. 30 in the first round

    - And lastly, a lot of scouts express that this DE class is the most difficult to grade in a long time; with so many players being evaluated at 3-4 rush LB and so many "niche" positions in the NFL, determining which DE's have the best long-term viability has been a daunting task. This scouts' personal favorite at DE is Aaron Maybin from Penn State, whom he believes should be kept as a 4-3 end


    I don't know if any of that is useful to you folks, but I thought I'd pass it on...if anybody else has any information from trusted sources that they'd like to share, please do so. I'd be interested to see any different takes out there.

  6. I saw that as well, and was a bit surprised Clayton suggested only 1-2 games (if anything). He certainly knows more than me, but I guess ultimately the facts need to come out and then the Commish will act accordingly. I love the way Lynch plays, but he is an idiot regardless of what happened.

  7. What he said


    bills win, i would take the next few days off work.


    immediately after the game, i would go looting. i could use a few new 50in plamsa tvs.


    then after delivering the hot items to my home, i would go to any local watering hole and party like life was ending the next day.


    i would also make myself available to the buffalo bills organization on the day of the championship parade, to drink and once again party like life was ending the next day.


    then, if i'm not in jail or dead, i'd check with work to make sure i'm still employed.

  8. I've been here since Monday for "work". Last night I went to a couple parties and one of the funnier moments was seeing Jerry O'connel interview Marshawn Lynch and Mat Cassel while wearing a Trent Edwards jersey. Marshawn tried to explain what Beast Mode was, and then just yelled "BEAST MODE!" a couple times. The man is hysterical.


    I've got a bunch of pretty cool things going on prior to the game, and tonight I actually have to have dinner with a certain P*triots player...that could get interesting

  9. I get this Dolphins magazine at work and when Anthony Fasano was asked, "Where is the last place you would ever go on vacation?"


    He replied: "Buffalo. It's the worst City in America."


    He deserves a welcoming gift if the Fish actually play at the Ralph next season. My vote is for a snowball to his ugly mug.

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