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Posts posted by DwightSchrute

  1. It's actually part of a package deal in a recruiting effort to get Jimmy Buffett to buy a share in the Fins. The new Fins owner is trying to make the stadium more of an entertainment venue than simply football.


    This is such a weird naming for a stadium. Land Shark is a beer made out of the Margaritaville brewery owned by Jimmy Buffett, and it is distributed by Anheuser-Busch-In-Bev. It's just a small beer company. I have no idea how they got the naming rights for the whole stadium
  2. I get really excited about our offense every offseason really (probably because we've been so awful). A couple years back John Clayton reported from Bills training camp that Losman looked like the real deal and the O was impressive...I was binging on the Kool-Aid!


    I've tried to maintain realistic expecations since then, but i have to agree with pretty much everything you said. On paper, it looks like we should drastically improve. Depending on how the line gels and how Trent performs, essentially, we certainly have potential to be explosive. I think a lot of it also depends on what Turk draws up and if he is able to leverage our strengths. We shall see!

  3. White throwbacks are currently being developed and are coming out in August. I'm not sure if each team is going to have home and away throwback jersey's but Reebok is producing Bills white jersey's that will launch in August. I've posted this a few times and understandably people are skeptical. I happen to like my job so can't really offer 'proof'. Nonetheless, I'm a sucker and will buy one come August.

  4. Thanks for sharing, that's pretty cool. Definitely a unique perspective. I've liked everything I've seen and read about this kid and really hope he works out.


    AND, you have to love the preacher...."The NFL is about to witness the emergence of one of the greatest rushing end's they have ever seen!"...let's get OBD to play that clip on Sunday's!

  5. So I didn't really get into the Bills until 2002 or so, and consider myself an avid fan now. But, holy crap, who the hell are these people? I knew Flowers was a bust, Morris is still good in a limited roll, but yikes. Draft's like this one set you back YEARS...wait, I guess that makes sense :oops:

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