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What bills Make PRO Bowl and who sould get a vote?

Ball Coach

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Do you even know if Byrd can cover anyone?? On those two picks Sunday the recievers were wide open. Palamalu, Sanders, and Reed will all make it before anyone on the Bills on reputation alone.


Stroud has a chance with injuries to the Jets and Charger's NT's(Jenkins and Williams). H. Ngata in Baltimore is probably a lock to make it.


I can't see Wood making it over other veteran guards.


If Schobel gets 10 sacks he probably goes especially with that highlight reel INT and TD against the Pats on national TV.



Players who've been there before have a tendency to continue being picked. Ruben Brown went for years to Hawaii as the incumbent, even when there were better performing guards.



Byrd won't make it for the same reason. There are other safties who'll get there on reputation alone. Besides that, he's only noteable for having been in the right place at the right time....so far. Time will tell if it's just luck or not. I'd be surprised if he kept up this pace of interceptions. Watch, a couple of weeks from now, when he hasn't intercepted another pass, everyone will be asking, "what ever happend to Byrd?". On the other hand, he might be the ball hawk he's been reputed to be, and get probowl recognition on INT numbers. Henry Jones had a great sophomore season for interceptions (8), and made the probowl based on those numbers.


Byrd still has a ways to go before being considered as a well-rounded probowl caliber safety. But since INTs are one of the few metrics on that side of the ball, you never know. He could get the nod.


Realistically, Moorman is the most likely probowl player on the Bills squad.

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