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Mularkey will reveal a lot about himself


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next week.


If it's Drew, then clearly the organization judges him differently than any other player. If any other player performed at his level, they'd be benched. No question.


But watch. They won't do it. Drew will start. And he'll make a few plays and maybe we might even win the game. And they'll use that as an argument that he can still do it, that he gives us the best chance to win.


If Drew was even remotely self-aware, he'd admit to himself that he can't do this at a high level anymore.


I was furious when i read the details of Drew's reworked contract because it locks him into us. Who's gonna take him in a trade? Who's gonna be insane enough to believe he's worth 5 million per season?


Drew Bledsoe is Belichick's Trojan horse. I believe the Bills would have won more games with a Dilfer type in his span from 2002 to present. I can't stand watching him play anymore.


I've long been a defender of Donahoe. I just can't do it anymore. There's too much data that tells a different story. I can't fend it off anymore.


I've also been optimistic about Mularkey. He just got schooled. An NFL offense hasn't looked worse since...I'm not sure when, but I know it was a Bledsoe-led Bills team.


Lump in gut.

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I thought Drew's comments after the 2003 season finale where he said he'd sit down with Donahoe to discuss Gregg Williams's future were telling. There is some special treatment. He got it with the Pats as well until his injury.


Donahoe's best hope to retain his position is to convince the fandom that the Evans/McGahee/Losman troika is a future powerhouse. I think that at this time this will be best served by Losman sitting. If he plays when he is this green, Wilson et al might conclude once and for all that TD is incompetent and send him on his way. Losman has to be big time considering th ehuge price that was paid to acquire him.

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I agree, if Mularkey wants to get this team on the right track then he has to make some moves soon. I say start Vincent at FS, who knows if he will be a contributer at FS but clearly that is his future if he even has one with this team. Bench Lawrence Smith, this guy is clearly a liability in the rinning game. Start including Lee Evans in the offense. Just get him the ball, Hines Ward led the freaking universe in screen passes-throw him a screen at least. Get Time Euhus the ball also. If he doesn't develope then a top rd pick needs to be spent at this position. I feel like I could go on and on, but I'm not an NFL coach so I'm not so sure if you are helping your team or "killing the teams emotion" as some say. I figure if some players can start contributing including Losman, it can only help.

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next week.


If it's Drew, then clearly the organization judges him differently than any other player. If any other player performed at his level, they'd be benched. No question.


But watch. They won't do it. Drew will start. And he'll make a few plays and maybe we might even win the game. And they'll use that as an argument that he can still do it, that he gives us the best chance to win.


If Drew was even remotely self-aware, he'd admit to himself that he can't do this at a high level anymore.


I was furious when i read the details of Drew's reworked contract because it locks him into us. Who's gonna take him in a trade? Who's gonna be insane enough to believe he's worth 5 million per season?


Drew Bledsoe is Belichick's Trojan horse. I believe the Bills would have won more games with a Dilfer type in his span from 2002 to present. I can't stand watching him play anymore.


I've long been a defender of Donahoe. I just can't do it anymore. There's too much data that tells a different story. I can't fend it off anymore.


I've also been optimistic about Mularkey. He just got schooled. An NFL offense hasn't looked worse since...I'm not sure when, but I know it was a Bledsoe-led Bills team.


Lump in gut.


Unfortunately, I have no doubt that DB will start next week. MM will have to tout the party line that "DB gives us the best chance to win" Clearly, MM's hands are tied by TDs edict to play DB. He agreed to get the job. Remember Fassel? he told TD that if hired, he'd want to go in another direction at QB. It eliminated Fassel from consideration!


DB will start until we lose our 8th or 9th game. Then JP will get his shot.

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Reports said that Fassel not backing DB in the interview were his undoing. Not that hard to believe is it?


Bull-stevestojan. I'll believe that when you provide a link from any reputable source not named Jerry Sullivan.

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