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All this negativity….


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Don't get mad. It is a game and our team stinks. I used to get mad but have come to accept RW for what he is - a bad owner that somehow made the Hall of Fame. A Bills loss used to linger with me for a few days after the game. Now, after 9 plus years of losing, a loss lingers for maybe an hour if that. I have adopted a second team but the Bills are still first.


DCbillsfan, Why would anyone expect a soon to be 91 yr old owner change from what he has been doing for over half a century? The owner has created his own operating system which he is very comfortable with. It has proved very profitable for him. If the owner is willing to stand at the podium in Toronto and ridicule the market he has been achored in for half a century, why should anyone expect him to care what the fans think about his dismal franchise? The system works for him.


Your attitude is very healthy. You either adjust to the situation or get a way from the situation. What irritates me, however, are the TRUE BELIEVERS who don't see the owner for what he is. They have bought into his shyster act and are anxiously waiting for the turnaround. As the psychiatrist has said: One definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and believe there will be a different outcome. :unsure:

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Don't get mad. It is a game and our team stinks. I used to get mad but have come to accept RW for what he is - a bad owner that somehow made the Hall of Fame. A Bills loss used to linger with me for a few days after the game. Now, after 9 plus years of losing, a loss lingers for maybe an hour if that. I have adopted a second team but the Bills are still first.

Did you adopt the Redskins?

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The team, management and coaching as a whole has sucked for years.

Aren't QBs part of the team?


Short list on what makes up a successful football team:


* A football and business wise GM (in that order) - we have a marketing guy.


* Player Personnel/scouting - we have been below average on talent evaluation based on numerous high round busts and the inability to retain good players (Pat Williams, Antoine Winfield, Jim Leonard etc. but every team looses good players to free agency) and to obtain good players.


* Coaching - playing not to loose, bad preparation and management (everyone knows the broken record here)


* Owner - willing to make sure that the list above is above average


* Great fans - this is the only thing the Bills have consistently have had over the years

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