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History of the AFL- Full Color Football


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Just finished watching this show on the history of the AFL that was on showtime. It was called Full Color Football: History of the AFL. I got lucky and switched to it while looking for something. They talked quite a bit about the 64 and 65 Bills and talked a lot about Jack Kemp, Cookie Glichrist, Lou Saban, etc. There was tons of footage I'd never seen before and a lot of good interviews with Kemp and Marty Schottenheimer.


For me anyways, it was super cool. Seeing all the footage of the rockpile, hearing the players talk about how crazy the fans were, and just watching them dominate... If this is on again, I'd really recommend catching it if you can, especcially if you're younger like me, or maybe it would even be nice to relive the glory days if you're old enough. It is a running series about the AFL, so the other episodes should be cool too.


I'm glad I have free HBO and showtime right now. :unsure:

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