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Dick is at it again. He just cemented his income. His family will now be provided for yet another year. When Trent goes down, due to inadequate protection and then Fitz drops out as well (soon after), Dick will have all the excuses in the world to keep his job another year. I can hear it now "Well we lost Trent and then we lost Fitz and we are still going to try and compete out there." He will tell Ralph how hard it is in the NFL with a whole new Offensive line at every position, one returning starter and two rookies. He will say they are progressing and they will get better in time.

Just a little more time Dick. Not to worry the Bills fans have it. Right guys? No biggie we will keep spending money on this team. Selling out all the games. Buying Bills gear. I think we need to speak up before this Dick guy takes away anything more from this team. He is just thinking "one more year and I may be able to retire." We need to let them know what we are thinking. We are fed up and sick of years of below average coaching, and need a change now. Right now before the season is lost.

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Nope. Dick can do and say as he pleases. He is a gone. If not after the season, during it.


Ralph ain't giving Jauron another chance to rebuild.




Dick has the excuse generator on full.


Ralph won't eat the 2 years as long as Dick can spin some tale of woe of why it's so hard to win in the


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