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OT: Schools and Parenting...


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Move me if you must, I'm a vent thread.


What on earth is happening to parents? Since when was it okay for parents to condone NOT listening to rules placed on children in schools?


Read this: http://www.cnn.com/2004/EDUCATION/11/11/no...reut/index.html


They told her no gymnastics at lunch. She did it anyways and faced the consequences - suspension. Her idiot father comes to her rescue. When she is 30 and lands a DWI is he coming to her rescue? When her employer tells her not to summersault in the board room, will he come to her rescue?


Furthermore, why is this crap on CNN?


Then... then we have this winner: http://wsbradio.com/news/0923henrypiercing.html.


The school says no piercing. He refuses to oblige. He is suspended due to his refusal to oblige. His idiot mother goes nuts... "he could do it at his old school." Well, welcome to the new school. I could wear sneakers at my old place of business - I can't now. Those are the breaks.


These parents keep condoning irresponsibility. Everyone has to listen to the rules except THEIR children.


In short... what the hell?


Ok. Good. Got that out. Feel free to move me!



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Because the parents are enablers.  If they take responsibility that means it's THEIR fault the way the kid is acting- so, it must be someone else's fault.



I can agree with that. Teachers are probably so afraid of this type of thing that they lack the gonads to discipline as they should in many cases.


These parents need to teach these kids to respect authority, not to whine and cry when they don't get their way. Question the way it is, sure? Completely disregard it because you're better? No way.

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Welcome to the world of public education where parents think that the school is suppose to treat them like customers. If you do not like the polices set forth by public schools, then home school your children. Your tax dollars does not mean you are in charge.


By the way, i am a teacher.... :D

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I can agree with that. Teachers are probably so afraid of this type of thing that they lack the gonads to discipline as they should in many cases.


These parents need to teach these kids to respect authority,


There's your answer, it's the parents, or lack thereof. Cojones have nothing to do wth teacher discipline. Administration backing of that discipline does. The deck is as stacked against the teachers as it is against law enforcement. Case in point- if a student is identified as ESE (Exceptional) that student would have to vitrually plunge a knife into someone before he'she is removed from the classroom. Even then significant discipline is iffy.

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Because the parents are enablers. If they take responsibility that means it's THEIR fault the way the kid is acting- so, it must be someone else's fault.


being a public school teacher, I completly agree with this




Well you've got my respect! I'd last about a week.


If you don't like it, send 'em private or home school 'em.


It seems like I've seen more and more of this crap recently. Parents that know better than school administrations when it comes to school rules. Lots of "my kid didn't do it" syndrome.

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Welcome to the world of public education where parents think that the school is suppose to treat them like customers.  If you do not like the polices set forth by public schools, then home school your children.  Your tax dollars does not mean you are in charge.


By the way, i am a teacher.... :D



Hey Teach, if I pay your salary, which I do, then I should get an input.

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Well you've got my respect!  I'd last about a week. 


If you don't like it, send 'em private or home school 'em.


It seems like I've seen more and more of this crap recently.  Parents that know better than school administrations when it comes to school rules. Lots of "my kid didn't do it" syndrome.


On this board you get slammed for being a public school teacher....i teach special education...none of my kids have to take any responsibility for their actions...its terrible..in my district parents get what they want....we are kinder, gentler....which i don't agree with...parents so enable their children...both good and bad

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School systems today are so flucked up it isn't funny. Most of the problems stem from the schools trying to administer too much control which causes some children, and some parents, to rebel.


Heck, in my nephew's school he isn't allowed to hit another student. No matter the situation or circumstance. Last year a bully was picking on him and so my brother told his son to fight back and stick up for himself. His son said he culdn't because he'd get into trouble. So, my brother talked to the school and asked them to get a handle on this bully because he was worried about the safety of his son. They said he was a known bully and that they'd watch over him at recess and make sure everything was OK. Well, 3 teachers on yard duty isn't enough to properly monitor 600 school kids and the result ..... my nephew gets beat up. My brother, now up in arms, goes and talks to the principal and tells her that if they can't protect his child while under school supervision then he'd ensure that his son would protect himself by fighting back. Long story short, my nephew ended up fighting this bully and got suspended as a result.


What's next ..... no tag football?

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School systems today are so flucked up it isn't funny.  Most of the problems stem from the schools trying to administer too much control which causes some children, and some parents, to rebel.


Heck, in my nephew's school he isn't allowed to hit another student.  No matter the situation or circumstance.  Last year a bully was picking on him and so my brother told his son to fight back and stick up for himself.  His son said he culdn't because he'd get into trouble.  So, my brother talked to the school and asked them to get a handle on this bully because he was worried about the safety of his son. They said he was a known bully and that they'd watch over him at recess and make sure everything was OK.  Well, 3 teachers on yard duty isn't enough to properly monitor 600 school kids and the result ..... my nephew gets beat up.  My brother, now up in arms, goes and talks to the principal and tells her that if they can't protect his child while under school supervision then he'd ensure that his son would protect himself by fighting back.  Long story short, my nephew ended up fighting this bully and got suspended as a result.


What's next ..... no tag football?



There you have it. I agree schools today believe they have the answers for raising kids, which we know they dont. Teachers are there to teach a subject, not life. Stick to the academics teach and youll see kids will respond in the same manner as the rest of society. It may not be what you want, but it is our soceity. Why would you expect kids to act differently than the rest of adults in this society. Unless off course your trying to enforce your own cult followings.

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i think the piercing one is very weak as it is expression of personality and individuality. but as a whole the public school systems are very messed up.


Yes public schools have their problems....but i have students that come to school to escape their drunk mothers or abusive father. Nobody feels that the basic family unit bears any blame. My son was thought to be respectful to adults...got through high school and now is on scholarship in college...his mother and I along with his educators got him where he is...

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Hey Teach, if I pay your salary, which I do, then I should get an input.



If that is the case, I pay my own salary as well. I have just weighed in on your "input" and realized since you have no clue what is happening in schools, I really don't have to listen. It is like me telling you how to do your job, I am not an expert in your area Would you listen to me??

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Yes public schools have their problems....but i have students that come to school to escape their drunk mothers or abusive father.  Nobody feels that the basic family unit bears any blame.  My son was thought to be respectful to adults...got through high school and now is on scholarship in college...his mother and I along with his educators got him where he is...



But - and I mean no insult in this - you've said you work with special needs kids. I don't know what "special needs" entails (and in the interest of honesty, "special needs" is my paraphrasing of what I got from your post), but I would submit that your experience isn't necessarily typical.

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But - and I mean no insult in this - you've said you work with special needs kids.  I don't know what "special needs" entails (and in the interest of honesty, "special needs" is my paraphrasing of what I got from your post), but I would submit that your experience isn't necessarily typical.


My students all have learning disabilities...they attend regular classes...biology, history...algebra....we help them with their areas of weakness...reading, writing...organization...study skills...but you meet these parents...you can tell they don't give a stevestojan about their child's education

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i think the piercing one is very weak as it is expression of personality and individuality. but as a whole the public school systems are very messed up.



Bah, I don't buy that. What if your employer tells you you need to take out the spikes in your face? Do you explain to him that it's your individuality and you cannot take them out? You're fired.


When your school tells you to take them out, if you refuse, you're suspended.


There are consequences.


Do I *agree* with the rule? Not really. Teenagers do that stuff, we all know that. But the way I see it, a rule is a rule. When mommy comes to the rescue in order to save her child, who is trying to express himself and all that, she teaches him that "not all rules are important."


Follow the rules. If you don't like it or don't agree with it, question it - but don't break it because you feel it shouldn't apply to you.


Should it be my child, I would back the school in this case. She needs to respect authority, not find ways around it. More power to her if she wants to try and effect change through proper channels.

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Stupid parents bitching about their stupid kids breaking stupid rules implemented by stupid school systems.

That's pretty much all I got out of it.



You know.. there is so much truth in that...

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There you have it. I agree schools today believe they have the answers for raising kids, which we know they dont. Teachers are there to teach a subject, not life. Stick to the academics teach and youll see kids will respond in the same manner as the rest of society. It may not be what you want, but it is our soceity. Why would you expect kids to act differently than the rest of adults in this society. Unless off course your trying to enforce your own cult followings.




I would love to just teach the subject and not have to worry about teaching "life". Unfortunately, school is part of society and certain rules need to apply. I don't agree with the piercing thing but the parents should have realized the rule prior to enrolling in the school. Certain rules have to be applied because most minors CAN NOT think for themselves. Parents and people that are not in education forget what it is like to have a classroom full of children. These rules are necessary to maintain order so the kids that want to learn can. Like a normal society, school can not run on chaos.

Example....I caught a student cheating and copying another student's work. I called his parents and gave him a zero on the assignment. The mother agreed until later she found out that his overall grade was being pushed down to a B because of the zero. She called me and said that her son told her he was just looking at the other student's work to get good ideas from it. He told her so and "my son never lies". You would not be surprised how many times I hear that in one year. What is going to happen when this person gets to "society" and cheats at work? Is his Mommy going to call the boss and make excuses for him.


This is how sad it is getting. Parents believe their kids over a teacher. Like a 13 year old doesn't lie :D

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