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The Broncos Got Hosed


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On a different but related note, Matt Cassel looked pretty bad as well.

Since I've lived in Denver since 74, let me fill you in on a few details. Ever since the two Super Bowls, Denver fans would let Shanahan do and say anything, he walked on water. This is spite of all the bad free agent moves, drafts, mediorcre play, etc. In addition, fans thought Super Bowl every year. Bronco idiots. So then Shanahan gets fired and everyone says "Well, it was time for a change!" The whole Cutler saga started there though, because Cutler was Shanahans' boy. They even sounded the same in interviews. Take note of Shanahan (and Cutler) starting the answer to virtually every question with "Obviously...." So Cutler is already hacked off when McDaniels is hired, and they don't exactly hit it off. He skips mincamp and it gets worse. Then the Broncos talk about trading for Matt Cassell and Cutler goes through the roof. But when he didnt' return Pat Bowlen's phone calls, that was it. Say what you will, but if the owner of the Broncos calls you and you don't call back? End of story. See ya you punk.

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Since I've lived in Denver since 74, let me fill you in on a few details. Ever since the two Super Bowls, Denver fans would let Shanahan do and say anything, he walked on water. This is spite of all the bad free agent moves, drafts, mediorcre play, etc. In addition, fans thought Super Bowl every year. Bronco idiots. So then Shanahan gets fired and everyone says "Well, it was time for a change!" The whole Cutler saga started there though, because Cutler was Shanahans' boy. They even sounded the same in interviews. Take note of Shanahan (and Cutler) starting the answer to virtually every question with "Obviously...." So Cutler is already hacked off when McDaniels is hired, and they don't exactly hit it off. He skips mincamp and it gets worse. Then the Broncos talk about trading for Matt Cassell and Cutler goes through the roof. But when he didnt' return Pat Bowlen's phone calls, that was it. Say what you will, but if the owner of the Broncos calls you and you don't call back? End of story. See ya you punk.

Yeah, I understood the other stuff, but not calling back the owner is a dick move.

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The Broncos didn't "Get" hosed, if anything they Hosed themselves. They were the ones that decided to trade their franchise quarterback because he whined and bitched. They set a precedence and now they are dealing with Brandon Marshall who is trying to do the same thing. They only have themselves to blame for replacing one of the top 6 or 7 QBs in the NFL with one of the worst ever.

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The Broncos didn't "Get" hosed, if anything they Hosed themselves.

Good point. Although Cutler forced their hand. Not unlike Peters did with the Bills. And early returns suggest the Eagles "got hosed," but then again, they did it to themselves as well by trading for him.

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