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Should the Buffalo Niagara Partnership do more for Bills

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In my opinion it would be relatively inexpensive for the Buffalo Niagara Partnership to conduct a study to support the fact that the Buffalo region is more than capable of supporting a franchise. When the time comes Toronto bidders are going to make every effort to blow the lid off any Buffalo bidders. It will be up to the NFL to have all relevent information at its disposal if Buffalo bidders expect support from the other 16 or so small markets. It ultimately will in all liklihood be up to the NFL to decide if it will allow the move to Canada. It is imperative for the region to be proactive in dispelling the notion that it is the smallest market. This is purely a myth that repeated over time has become a truism. Buffalo and Rochester and population within a 100 miles in all directions should be as much Buffalo's marketing area as any other metro area is allowed to calculate. The Standard consolidated statistical counting mechanism has never allowed Buffalo to count its numbers in a manner that leaves a favorable impression. For the NFL, Toronto is Buffalo's secondary market not the other way around. Might as well start the fight early because it is sure to get ugly. In reality the demise of the Blue Jays and the uncertain success of the NFL experiment in Toronto should put these demons to rest. The reason that they will continue to fight is that the exposure of the NFL in Toronto is almost the equivalent of getting the olympics. START FIGHTING FOR WHAT IS YOURS NOW AND DO NOT FALL ASLEEP AT THE SWITCH!!!!!! Make this a national and international issue. Do not allow a natural resource to be stolen.

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I agree...However, I honestly believe there could be a deal already in place, which will have WNY & Canadian co-ownership ties, that will eventually own the Buffalo Bills when Wilson passes on...


It might not be in place yet, but it's a new trend in co-ownership in purchasing an NFL franchise...The Dolphins are owned by several investors now...


I was a huge supporter against the games in Toronto, until I read an article on ESPN, that if successful

the Bills would move dead last in market--to 5th--behind Chicago...By regionalizing this team with Rochester & Southern Ontario strengthens this team financially!


I could see The Rogers Family...former Bills Players...Labatt...Jim Balsillie...Tom Golisano...The Jacobs Family...etc...etc...all throw in money to invest and own stakes in the team...


It's the only solid conclusion I see, which would have this franchise remain in WNY for another 50 years!

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