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An Open Letter to Obama/Congress

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How long before Obama's Civilian National Defense Force takes Jim Robinson away to one of his FEMA re-education camps?




And now you want to takeover our health care industry. You want to control our health insurance industry to the point that government has a monopoly. Drive out all private insurance and private health care providers. You want government bureaucrats making our personal health care decisions for us. You want government bureaucrats to make life and death decisions for us, determine who is worthy to receive health care and who should be allowed or even encouraged to die.


Well, sirs. This is the end of the line. The free American people will not allow this tyranny to stand!


Vote yea on this bill, sign it, try to enforce it and you are signing a declaration of war on we the people of the United States of America.


Advise you dust off and study the Declaration of Independence dated In Congress, July 4, 1776 to learn your fate.


Fill your hands you sons of bitches!


Rebellion is brewing!




My name is Jim Robinson and I approve this message.

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