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So where is all the positive Press on TO?


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You're wasting your time scratching your head over this gropu, JW. GG is right--it is a dep seated sense of inferiority that prevents a lot of these guys from just dealing with reality and instead forces them to into a fantasy world where everyone is out to get them (and the Bills), the media hates them (and the Bills) and anyone who points out the obvious and the real is not a real fan.

That's funny, because when point out the real and call you a troll, you can't accept it. Inferiority complex much?

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Guest dog14787
Seems even Jerry Jones couldn't clearly state why he thought T.O. was disruptive to team chemistry( or locker room harmony) and wade Phillips practically sounds disappointed that T.O. is gone. Plus, both of them are still so fascinated with T.O. they are keeping up with all of his latest adventures.


My personal guess is T.O. may have a little dirt on the Dallas Cowboys (and or Jerry Jones), but Jerry Jones also has a little dirt on T.O. so he's watching T.O.'s comments closely, why else go out of your way to let the public and T.O. know he's listening to everything T.O. says.


Of course I'm always looking for underlying motives and hidden agenda's :rolleyes:



If you go nationally and tried comparing the positive posts or reports on T.O. over the last decade to the negative ones, its a small drop of positive in an endless river of negativity.



This is what I'm talking about, even though according to T.O. thousands of messages were tweeted in from folks welcoming T.O. right into their homes, and you would think they would report it. No, its allot better to leave that part of the story out.



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