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WrestleMania - the 25th Anniversary

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Taker/HBK was probably one of the 5 best wm matches ever. The only ones that I can put above it


Steve Austin/Bret Hart WM 13 Submission match- The Match that catapulted Steve Austin into wrestling superstardom


Bret Hart/Owen Hart Wm WM 10 Steel Cage Match- Bret Would lose this match and go on later that night to beat The late Yokozuna for the WWF Title,overshadowing a coming of age party for the late Owen Hart.


Austin/Rock wm 17- I didnt care for the weird ending, although I did love the Austin Heel turn just not the way it was done. Overall it was probably the best of the Austin/Rock matches.


Then I'll have to put HBK/Taker. I've always been a huge Undertaker fan, and this match delivered on all levels. I dont watch wrestling with nearly the same interest I had growing up late 80's- early 2000's but for a moment I was interested in watching wrestling again. It was a great story told in the ring. Exactly what a wrestling match should be.


As good as HBK/Taker was the world title matches were that awful. Orton/HHH looked lazy, and slow and drawn out. Big Show is a freak of stature, but he's not a guy you can have in a world title match at Mania.



other noteables for top wm matches: Wm 10- HBK/Razor Ramon Ladder match, Wm 3- Savage/Steamboat Wm 3 Hogan/Andre (not cause it was a great match, but because it's probably the moment that put wrestling on the map during that era) WM 12- HBK/Hart 60 minute Iron Man match. Wm 18- Hogan/Rock. (Legend vs Nostalgia. The crowd ate this sh-- up) WM 20- Triple Threat World title Match Chris Benoit/HBK/HHH(Yeah I know, but what Benoit did away from the ring as attrocious as that was, this was still a great match) and WM 17- Hardy Boyz vs Edge and Christian vs the Dudleys Tables,Ladders, and Chair match-(There may not be a bigger holy sh-- moment then Jeff Hardy Hanging on to the championship belt and edge spearing all the way to the ground.

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