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I honestly thought I had a better chance at banging Jessica Alba then.

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As soon as I saw that he had been signed, I proceeded to piss myself. Then I passed out, and while unconscious, dreamt of TO catching passes from Trent Edwards, doing his silly touchdown antics, and helping the Bills to their first playoff birth in 10 years....


then i woke up, made sure it was real...then pissed myself again.


GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!

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A Man using the word "hubby" is about as clear a Man-Law violation as you can get...


It's Husband...hubby is for Chicks...It's a Pet Name and a REAL bad one at that...


Just saying... B-)

it's also pretty much a man-law that guys think with their dick all the time...I don't and I'm a lot better off for it


translation: If you worry about what other guys think that much, you're not much of a man at all :thumbsup:

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