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Jay Cutler being shopped around the league...

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Wow ... all I can say is wow. he is arguably the best young QB in the league .... why would Denver give him up?

Or he's a guy with a great arm who played under an offensive genius in Mike Shanahan and had three excellent receivers in Brandon Marshall, Eddie Royal and Tony Scheffler to throw to.


I think he's a guy who could be great but needs to grow up and get serious. He seems to be on a serious ego trip and I would agree with the poster who said that at this point Phillip Rivers is a better quarterback than Cutler.


I thought it was a joke that Cutler was in the Pro Bowl and Rivers wasn't.

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Posted by Mike Florio: Saturday, February 28, 2009 4:22 PM

Adam Schefter of NFL Network and Vic Lombardi of CBS4 in Denver report that the Broncos have been shopping quarterback Jay Cutler.


Per both reports, the Bucs and Broncos were trying to swing a three-way deal pursuant to which Matt Cassel would have been traded from the Pats to the Broncos, Cutler would have gone from Denver to Tampa, and the Patriots would have been compensated presumably by the Buccaneers.


According to Schefter, the Lions also approached the Broncos about a trade for Cutler.


And here's where it gets interesting. Schefter's version creates the impression that the Broncos didn't initiate the talks, and merely responded to the offers presented. Vic Lombardi's version suggests that the Broncos were and are shopping the eleventh overall pick in the 2006 draft.


"I've heard the rumors," Cutler told Vic Lombardi. "I know what they're trying to do. Even though I love Denver and I'd love to remain a Bronco, I know how this business works. If they want me to play somewhere else, so be it."


Despite Cutler's generally P.C. comments, Schefter contends that Cutler was angered by the news.


There's a consensus in league circles that Cutler has plateaued after showing some improvement early in the 2008 season. He has been criticized in some circles for having a nonchalant demeanor.


The reality is that, whenever there's a new coach, there's a chance that he'll want to pick his own quarterback. Regardless of whether the Broncos initiated the trade talks, the fact that the Broncos said anything other than "hell no" suggests that new coach Josh McDaniels wants to go in a different direction.




If the Broncos were to trade Cutler, I think I'd find a new team to root for. I don't like what's going on there.



They get rid of a 2-time Superbowl winner as coach and then talk about getting rid of one of the best young QBs in the league.

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