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You cannot resurrect Drew


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Belichick & Weiss couldn't do it in his later years there. Greggo (and no matter how much you hate Gilbride, he knows QB's and the passing game)..couldn't do it. And now fine coaches in Mularkey, Clements and Wyche can't do it. Drafting a cocky, mobile QB was obviously a sign that the Bills braintrust (TD) knows it too. They aren't stupid. They were hoping that maybe MM and his staff could get the Bills through the 2004 season with Drew at the helm but it was a mistake. Even Mularkey admitted in training camp that a reasonably mobile QB who can make plays when the pocket breaks down is vitally important in today's NFL.



I just can't take it anymore. I've been spouting off for 2+ years already about how this guy doesn't inspire our team at all and he doesn't have the skills left to make plays. We are loyal fans and deserve better. I never root for the Bills to lose but the more our offense is inept, the quicker this painful chapter can end. I don't care if he throws for 300 yds against the Cards and Jets. I want him gone or I will not travel to another game like I've done the past 3 games (home & away). I know it's no big deal to you folks, but I'm one person out of thousands thinking the same way.

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