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Why McCain will Lose!

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Did I say that? And really, if you want to make that statement post something that covers both sides. Easy enough.



I have. Many times. I've also said I'm not votng for either one of these putz's. But please, you and your ilk continue to regurgitate the same shiit everyday its really enjoyable. Enjoy the Kool aid. :nana:

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I have. Many times. I've also said I'm not votng for either one of these putz's. But please, you and your ilk continue to regurgitate the same shiit everyday its really enjoyable. Enjoy the Kool aid. :nana:




Me and my Ilk. I have said from day one that I am for Obama and now Obama/Biden. You disagree, your opinion. I just know which ticket will do more for the main issue I care about. Labor.


Ok. And really I have seen you post much more about Obama and Biden than the GOP. But hey if you want to be like Fox News - Fair and Balanced. That is your prerogative. And don't vote. I could care less.

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Me and my Ilk. I have said from day one that I am for Obama and now Obama/Biden. You disagree, your opinion. I just know which ticket will do more for the main issue I care about. Labor.


Ok. And really I have seen you post much more about Obama and Biden than the GOP. But hey if you want to be like Fox News - Fair and Balanced. That is your prerogative. And don't vote. I could care less.




Labor is your main issue? Oh my. :nana:


BTW, Where did I say I wasn't going to vote? Read much?

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Labor is your main issue? Oh my. :nana:


BTW, Where did I say I wasn't going to vote? Read much?




Ok, you are voting third party. Congrats. :doh: Way to make a point.



Yes, Labor and Unions is one of the biggest issues with me. Problem with that? Should I have worded it differently for you? American Worker. Middle-class.

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I am totally disgusted with McCain's campaign...it is reminescent of Bob Dole campaign against slick Willy! John has to go after the Ayers connection, Obama's acceptance of foreign money, Tony Rezko connections, etc...Time to push Obama's negatives up...Any pollster will tell you at this point - it's not that McCain's numbers have plummeted but Obama's negatives have done down...


Too bad he didn't go after the Ayers connection, he could have really won this thing!

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