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Good laugh in the mail today


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Got the nflshop.com catalog in the mail today. Someone must have gotten their wires crossed.

It consists of 32 pages of team specific items with 16 pages of general stuff in the middle. The Team specifc stuff is ALL DOLPHINS! :)

Besides the irony of sending a flyer with all that dullfins stuff to a Bills fan, they are the worst team in the league.


Had a real good laugh when I saw it!

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Got the nflshop.com catalog in the mail today. Someone must have gotten their wires crossed.

It consists of 32 pages of team specific items with 16 pages of general stuff in the middle.  The Team specifc stuff is ALL DOLPHINS! :blush:

Besides the irony of sending a flyer with all that dullfins stuff to a Bills fan, they are the worst team in the league.


Had a real good laugh when I saw it!



I get some like that too even after I had sent several catalog requests for Bills gear every year!!! :)



Not only that but the stupid Patriots Shop sent me a catalog of their crap 2 months ago. !@#$, I never even asked for it. I guess that's what you get for registering on their message board to do a little trolling! Hehehe :blush:

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Got the nflshop.com catalog in the mail today. Someone must have gotten their wires crossed.

It consists of 32 pages of team specific items with 16 pages of general stuff in the middle.  The Team specifc stuff is ALL DOLPHINS! :devil:

Besides the irony of sending a flyer with all that dullfins stuff to a Bills fan, they are the worst team in the league.


Had a real good laugh when I saw it!


Is there something you'd like to tell us, Wacka?

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