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So WTF is up with the Sox batting helmets?

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Can tell there aren't many true baseball fans or players here. The pine tar isn't intentionally smeared on the helmets, you crybaby Yankee fans. Use your heads....... the pine tars is used on the bat handle, which comes in contact with their batting gloves, which then comes in contact with their helmets when they put them on, adjuct them at the plate, pick them up after walkoffs HRs beat the biggest bunch of greedy, miserable eunuchs.




Good thing they don't pick their nose or grab their crotch. :w00t:

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Can tell there aren't many true baseball fans or players here. The pine tar isn't intentionally smeared on the helmets, you crybaby Yankee fans. Use your heads....... the pine tars is used on the bat handle, which comes in contact with their batting gloves, which then comes in contact with their helmets when they put them on, adjuct them at the plate, pick them up after walkoffs HRs beat the biggest bunch of greedy, miserable eunuchs.





Wow, I am not worthy of conversing with such a "true baseball fan". I had never heard of the baseball phrase "adjuct them at the plate" before. Are you Tim McCarver in real life?

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