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Just got home from Weird Al concert

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The chanting was cool and the videos kept me entertained as much as the music.


"Canadian Idiot" is a parody.


The donut section of "Alburquerque" is funny.


My favorite was "Trapped in the Drive-Thru". They did the middle section, where Al sang to the music track and the band broke out live during the "Black Dog" portion, where Al's trying to turn down the radio. As a Zeppelin fan it's always good to get a little Led out even for a few seconds.


The underlying theme was the crowd was large for the Illinois State Fair and a lot of the acts weren't drawing big pre-show ticket sales and possibly losing money for the fair. But Al's show should have made money for the Fair as they needed over 3,000 tickets sold to be in the black and I know they had more than that.

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