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I'm concerned that some of the Bills players

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Let me give 2 examples:


1) Moulds convincing MM to replay that "catch" over the middle. How could he really think MM should have reviewed it, he clearly juggled the ball & never had possession. Doesn't he know he made no "football move"?


2) Izell Reese raising his hands in protest after faceguarding in the EZ. What is he thinking there? Of COURSE it was a penalty. Also, why didn't he look back for the ball - he knew he was running out of EZ?


Anyone else concerned?

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so izell should have stood there and let chambers catch the TD? not the greatest play, but giving up the TD would have been worst (especially since the D held up and force a FG). btw...i think izell knew the rule, he was face guarding chambers so that any back and forth moves he made could be seen rather than "felt"....




moulds on the other hand, cost the team a timeout and a challenge. in a closely contested game, that may have been the difference if we ran out of time at the end of the half to kick a FG. DO WE HAVE COACHES IN THE BOOTH GIVING MM ADVICE ON CHALLENGES? if we do, WHERE WERE THEY ON THAT ONE?

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Let me give 2 examples:


1)  Moulds convincing MM to replay that "catch" over the middle.  How could he really think MM should have reviewed it, he clearly juggled the ball & never had possession.  Doesn't he know he made no "football move"?


2) Izell Reese raising his hands in protest after faceguarding in the EZ.  What is he thinking there?  Of COURSE it was a penalty.  Also, why didn't he look back for the ball - he knew he was running out of EZ?


Anyone else concerned?



Hey...no negative posts today! You want to get flamed? Wait till next week.



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