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illicit trade special on PBS made by National Geographic


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I have seen it a few times this week. It is a great special that cements the fact that I will never buy anything knowingly counterfeit. Experts estimate that 10% of goods are illicit. I will not buy any generic medicine again either. There were a few specific examples. A Chinese company sent out poison and billed it as cough syrup to a Panama hospital. Patients started dying- the doctors thought there was some sort of infectious disease and quarantined the hospital. Then they finally realized it was the cough syrup. Well over 100 people died. They interviewed one of the Chinese sales people for the company- and he laughed and said it was all about making money. The Chinese American investigator stated that outside China the world was outraged- but in China they did care- because they were not Chinese. There were a few examples like this. It is only going to get worse. All governments need to work together to help curb this problem- but governments never seem to be able to work together. Anyways everyone should see this documentary-




here is the preview for it-


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