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[closed]I wouldn't worry about Miami being the Toronto game

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Now, if it was the Marino led Dolphins with something on the line, I'd be pissed. Also, don't get me wrong, it's always GREAT to squish the fish in Buffalo in December. But right now, the rivalry is basically on life support. If we have to play the Dolphins in Toronto, I am glad to get it over this year. Don't get me wrong, I would rather not play ANY game in Toronto, but hopefully no more division games will take place there.

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I agree to a certain extent, but how easy would it have been to do it for the 49ers or Seahawks rather than the Dolphins? I think that the Dolphins are still going to be 2 guaranteed wins, but I'd like to know why they chose that game rather than some of the others. Think there will be an explanation eventually?

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